by Sean Ewington
In this article, I will show you how to install Home Assistant Container on Windows, using Docker and Portainer, get it working with Agent DVR, and send an MQTT message from Agent DVR using CodeProject.AI Server to detect a person.
by Sean Ewington
In this article I show to use Agent DVR and CodeProject.AI Server to detect a delivery package, and take a recording when a package is detected.
by Sean Ewington
In this article, I set up facial recognition with Agent DVR and CodeProject.AI Server.
by Sean Ewington
In this article, we setup Agent DVR, get it running with CodeProject.AI Server, and setup Agent DVR to trigger an alert when a person is detected.
by Sean Ewington
In this article, I use CodeProject.AI Server, Agent DVR, and Home Assistant Container to detect when a person is in the camera's frame, start recording, then take a snapshot that gets sent to my phone with an alert.
by Sean Ewington
In this article, I will show you how to install Home Assistant Container on Windows, using Docker and Portainer, get it working with Agent DVR, and send an MQTT message from Agent DVR using CodeProject.AI Server to detect a person.
by Sean Ewington
In this article I show to use Agent DVR and CodeProject.AI Server to detect a delivery package, and take a recording when a package is detected.
by Sean Ewington
In this article, I set up facial recognition with Agent DVR and CodeProject.AI Server.