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by Paul C Smith
A brute-force, cross-browser solution to percent-based CSS sizing

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by Paul C Smith
A brute-force, cross-browser solution to percent-based CSS sizing

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2 Jan 2013 by Paul C Smith
A brute-force, cross-browser solution to percent-based CSS sizing
14 Apr 2013 by db7uk
Generic handlers must implement the IReadOnlySessionState interface to access session variables. If you also need to write session variables, implement IRequiresSessionState.i.e. somthing like:public class MemberHandler:IHttpHandler,IRequiresSessionState
16 Mar 2017 by Richard Deeming
Your handler is expecting a multipart/formdata[^] request, but your code is simply sending the raw bytes of the file.You need to build a proper request to transmit the file:public static class Extensions{ public static void PrepareFileUpload(this WebRequest request, string...
9 Mar 2020 by Richard Deeming
In the calling page: myiframe.Attributes["src"] = ResolveUrl("~/FileCS.ashx?documentid=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(id) + "&username=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(username)); In the handler: string id = context.Request.QueryString["documentid"];...
17 Aug 2012 by leaderrobox
can I do popup on image(marked coordinates is specified).. but all controls and and marked image coordinates are in the ashx file. ı prefer javascript to do popup. but in ashx file , response.write is not accept to call javascript code. could you know any another solutions.please give some...
17 Aug 2012 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
leaderrobox wrote:I prefer JavaScript to do popupAnd the users would prefer no popups at all, majority of then. Many will block the popups anyway. So, there is no sense to do the popup.—SA
6 Dec 2012 by Member 7781963
This is my Form Tag from The Master Page:I have a TextBox in my Content Page:I want to access the TextBox value in the...
6 Dec 2012 by pradiprenushe
Try this window.onload = function() { document.FormName.onsubmit = submitForm;} function submitForm() { this.action = "http://Handler.ashx?textbox" + value;} Refer...
13 Feb 2013 by shajarian_lover
Hello All, i want to pass a parameter from .js file to ASHX Handler using jQuery.ajaxthis is my js functionfunction SendPath(input) { $.ajax({ 'type': 'POST', 'url': './Upload.ashx/PathMethod', 'data': { 'name': 'Programmer', }, ...
14 Feb 2013 by speriyannan
Please refer the link below[^]
20 Feb 2013 by shajarian_lover
Hello all, I'm used this code to pass parameter from jQuery to ASHX: function CallHandler() { $.ajax({ url: "PIU.ashx/MyMethod", contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8", dataType: "json", data: { 'Id': '10000' }, ...
11 Mar 2013 by playhomess
I set "cloud web site", "SQL DB", "BLOB"... onto azure.Here is the thing I want to do:Get image from BLOB(azure) through ashx file and show out the image in web page (element:image).It can't find any photo and show error:Error code>>>Failed to load resource: the server responded with...
14 Mar 2013 by playhomess
I've fixed this. Just use 'url' can solve it.Thanks.
14 Apr 2013 by Ali Reza Barkhordari
Hi allI have a chat room web site that use Ajax to update it's content.also I use a ASHX handler to handle resquests from Ajax.but in function ProcessRequest, the object context.session is null. why?I also tried with context.ApplicaionInstance.Session but no luckplease help me...
4 Jul 2013 by bobb024
Hey Guys,I have an web application and I am getting everything to fire with the newly added update panel except my ashx method. It will not fire or render, below is the code and any help would be great. It will work in Chrome and get called in chrome but not IEswitch (iProof)...
26 Aug 2013 by Brad Starbuck West
Here is what I am running into. I have a page and I attach an iframe to the page. The iframe calls a generic ashx. Then it should delete the iframe when it is done.function ExportExcel() { // Create an IFRAME. var iframe = document.createElement("iframe"); ...
26 Aug 2013 by Mahesh Bailwal
Try below. Make Content-Disposition as attachment. HttpContext.Current.Response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment;filename=" & strReportName & ".xls")Instead of using iframe use window.location.href.function ExportExcel() { window.location.href =...
4 Sep 2013 by Naga Sindhura
Hi developers,I tried and implemented jqGrid. After that ineeds to add edit and delete button on each row. I tried to some code its not working for me( my custom edit and delete buttons on each jqGrid row) and how i can i pass my row details to specific ".ashx" page.The code i tried...
19 Sep 2013 by Naga Sindhura
Hi Friends,I created edit button dynamically button dynamically with the following code. ed = "";and i am calling editSection(rowToBeEdited) function function...
20 Sep 2013 by Tadit Dash (ତଡିତ୍ କୁମାର ଦାଶ)
IssuesI can see some logical issues in the below function.function editSection(secIndex) { alert("edit row="+secIndex); var userid= $("#UserID").val(''); $("#UserName").val(''); var myGrid = $("#UsersGrid"); ...
1 Dec 2013 by WebDev222
I am using HTML5 Drag&Drop File Upload with c# . In all browsers everything work fine, but in IE10 I can't get the files in the server in order to save them. I've tried everything and nothing works. please is my code:javascript & HTML:function uploadFile(index) { ...
24 Feb 2014 by Member 10058282
Dear all, could u help me how can this happen? I am newbie by the wayI want use java-script get data from SQL by ASHX Handler, but nothing come outIn ashx code :*******************using System;using System.Web;using System.Web.SessionState;using Newtonsoft.Json;using...
7 Mar 2014 by Am Gayathri
Am facing one issue, I have one tree view.Inside that i have 3 child nodes. problem here is, data coming properly but the expansion\collapse symbol of last node is not coming (showing red into mark)also am unable to click and collapse that (showing error 'undefined data').If i add a...
7 Mar 2014 by Dr Drastic
How do you add nodes to the tree view?What I done is created a new form and added a new tree view.after that I went to the tree view properties @ node and clicked on the right at opens the tree Node Editor and from there I added the nodes and child nodes.I tried...
23 Jun 2014 by Sina asefi
Hello dear.i need to play a stream a MP4 type with or ASHX that user can tracking it video.i found this code :private void RangeDownload(string fullpath,HttpContext context) { long size,start,end,length,fp=0; using (StreamReader reader = new...
24 Jun 2014 by Sina asefi
Hi Everyone.I found this code for make a MP4 streamer and i want user can seek position in it./****************************** Module Header ******************************\* Module Name: Downloader.cs* Project: CSASPNETResumeDownload* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation** This...
25 Jun 2014 by Sina asefi
Hi i Make this ASHX class : private void RangeDownload(string fullpath,HttpContext context) { long size,start,end,length,fp=0; using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(fullpath)) { size = reader.BaseStream.Length; ...
31 Jul 2014 by SatishChandraKV
We have a Phonegap application (HTML5 front UI) running for iOS. This uses a ASP.Net Handler set for the business logic. I am stuck with a wierd issue from past few days. The user is complaining that he gets a "Internal Error 500" when trying to navigate through various screens. Not...
19 Apr 2015 by Member 10544199
Hello!I am using jQuery AJAX to submit a form and to make client-side validation.Is it possible (and how) to use ASP.NET Validation Controls when AJAX request is handled by the generic handler (.ashx) instead of web form (.aspx)?
4 Jun 2015 by Mohamed El khames Bakir
try this article JqGrid Inline Editing by K K Kodoth
6 Sep 2015 by Gaurav Dixit
i have created a generic handler for searching through textbox . which is working fine on local but not working after deployment on live . my code is ...using System;using System.Collections.Generic;using System.Linq;using System.Web;using System.Data;using System.Text;using...
27 Apr 2016 by Eric Tan Choa Hong
Based on your code above, your ashx is actually transmitting file rather than a output stream so that your image control can convert the output stream into an image.Someone has posted a similar solution - C# - Loading remote image and sending to browser using .ashx file -...
16 Mar 2017 by Member 12759885
I have 2 servers, there is no connection between them, one (A) has data input forms and I have to move this data to the second Server (B).I am sending data from (A) as csv file to the handler in server(b). I used the following code to send data, but file is not receiving at the handler....
9 Mar 2020 by Member 14192879
I want to 2 value from mypage.aspx.cs to filecs.ashx. What I have tried: int index = Convert.ToInt32(e.CommandArgument); GridViewRow row = GridView1.Rows[index]; // int id = int.Parse((sender as...
10 Dec 2021 by Herman<T>.Instance
Hello gents, In an project I have a table to set parameters for a report. After clicking button Generate the linkbutton Export to Excel will show up if the reports have records. Generate will fill a GridView and that is showing fine....
10 Dec 2021 by Herman<T>.Instance
Don't use asp:LinkButton but use asp:Hyperlink. That is solving this issue
5 May 2016 by Member 11116644
I have image upload functionality in which the uploaded image should be saved into a system folder. The uploaded image should also get displayed in the page, to get the image from the system folder I have used the help of an ashx and the image is getting loaded correctly at the time of page...
21 Feb 2013 by kishanthakar
I am trying to implement one auto suggest textbox for my Website which is DNN(DotnetNuke)7.00 CMS based.I have implemented my Jquery auto suggest in normal aspx using ascx and test it , it works fine, now i am trying to implement it in my website but confuse with one thing that where should i...
14 Jun 2013 by Idle_Force
I am working on a file uploader for my Silverlight app In-Browser, but maybe Out-Of-Browser as well. I am not getting any errors, and I can debug the code from WCF RIA and silverlight which seem to be doing the right steps. I am wondering what I am missing in this process. Is there anything else...
8 Jul 2013 by sid2x
Try adding a reference to System.IO, and then add this lineImports System.IO If you still getting the error then read the comment that I posted...
6 Mar 2014 by Dr Drastic
I had a problem similar to that,What I did is I went into the form designer and remove the code for my child nodes, and afterwards I added the child nodes from solved my issue hopefully it will work for you!.
4 Jun 2015 by Shahid Salam Khan
how can i Insert,Update,delete data in jqgrid through json and generic handler