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.NET Core3.1


Great Reads

by Marc Clifton
The middle ground between monolithic applications and an explosion of microservices
by Marc Clifton
Your one-stop guide for API and web-client Form, XHR, Blob, and Drag & Drop File/Data Uploading
by Marc Clifton
Reduces number of per-table controllers, models, services, and other code you end up writing or having auto-generated!
by Marc Clifton
Adding relationships and relationship instance management - record hierarches

Latest Articles

by Marc Clifton
Reduces number of per-table controllers, models, services, and other code you end up writing or having auto-generated!
by Marc Clifton
Manage your database migrations with web API endpoints
by Marc Clifton
The middle ground between monolithic applications and an explosion of microservices
by scott_liu
Entity Framework Core client evaluation was disabled by default since version 3.0 because of performance.

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.NET Core3.1 

25 Dec 2021 by scott_liu
Entity Framework Core client evaluation was disabled by default since version 3.0 because of performance.
23 May 2021 by Duc Axenn
Get elements of known folder with the most recent API