I make a download function to download pdf based on filename that has already inserted on database and this is my function:
function download($offset=0,$order_column='judul',$order_type='asc'){
if(empty($offset)) $offset=0;
if(empty($order_column)) $order_column='judul';
if(empty($order_type)) $order_type='asc';
foreach ($data as $row)
$name = 'download.pdf';
these are my models:
function semua($limit=10,$offset=0,$order_column='',$order_type='asc'){
if(empty($order_column) || empty($order_type))
return $this->db->get($this->table,$limit,$offset);
function jumlah(){
return $this->db->count_all($this->table);
the problem is the file that I downloaded is always the first pdf name from database
can you help me fix my code?