When you drag'n'drop from explorer into an app, the receiver neds to do a couple of things:
1) Handle the DragEnter Event Set the e.Effect to DragDropEffect.Copy, or DragDropEffects.Move
2) Handle the DragDrop Event and fetch the list of files by calling e.Data.GetData and passing it the DataFormts.FileDrop value. This returns an Object which if there are files will be an array of strings - one string per file and containing the full path to the file.
So to drag out of your app in a format the other system can process is pretty simple: build an array of paths and call the DoDragDrop method for your Form (or another control) passing the array and DragDropEffects.Copy Ored with DragDropEffects.Move as the second parameter.
You may also want to look at the
Control.QueryContinueDrag Event (System.Windows.Forms) | Microsoft Learn[
^] but if you are dropping on "any application" then you shouldn't need it.