While we are more than willing to help those that are stuck, that doesn't mean that we are here to do it all for you! We can't do all the work, you are either getting paid for this, or it's part of your grades and it wouldn't be at all fair for us to do it all for you.
So we need you to do the work, and we will help you when you get stuck. That doesn't mean we will give you a step by step solution you can hand in!
Start by explaining where you are at the moment, and what the next step in the process is. Then tell us what you have tried to get that next step working, and what happened when you did.
If you are having problems getting started at all, then this may help:
How to Write Code to Solve a Problem, A Beginner's Guide[
And do you have any idea how much work explaining code line by line is?
Every single line needs a paragraph of explanation! For example:
int next = r.Next();
Create a new variable called "next" which can hold a integer value. From the previously declared Random instance "r", call the "Next" method to get a new random number, and assign it to the "next" variable.
Can you imagine how long it would take us to explain even a very short code fragment like your example, line by line?
No. It is not going to happen. If you have a specific problem, then ask a question about it. But think first - would you want to sit down for 45 minutes and type up a line-by-line description for no good reason?