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I'm creating a text-based adventure game but I've come up with an error.
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <cmath>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <random>
#include <ctime>
#include <cctype>
#include <ctype.h>
#include "bits/stdc++.h"
#include <list>

using namespace std;

// Variables

// Abilites
string Darkvision = "Darkvision: The ability to see far within the shadows";
string Giantfoe = "Giantfoe: The skill to bring down colossal beasts";
vector<string> abilites;

// Lists
list<string> raceChoiceList = {};
list<string>::iterator it = raceChoiceList.begin();
list<string> yesList = {"Y","Y.","YES","YES."}; // All words that would count as yes. Make sure all letters are uppercase. ex. "YES", "YES."
list<string>::iterator yes = yesList.begin();
list<string> noList = {"N","N.","NO","NO."};  // All words that would count as no. Make sure all letters are uppercase. ex. "NO", "NO."
list<string>::iterator no = noList.begin();

// Booleans
bool raceChoiceHuman = false;
bool raceChoiceDwarf = false;
bool raceChoiceElf = false;

// Strings / String Streams
string yesNoInput;

// Integers
int bugFixer1 = 0; // Used to fix the bug that would say "Invalid Command." immediately.
int yesNoOut;

// End of Variables

int Die(int sides, int minVal) {
    srand((unsigned int) time(NULL));
    int roll = (rand() % sides) + minVal;
    return roll;

string printVector(auto vectorName) {
    for (int i = 0; i < vectorName.size(); i++) {
        cout << vectorName[i] << "\n";

string findElement(auto vectorName, string Element) {
    string element;
    auto itr = find(Element.begin(), Element.end(), element);
    if (itr != Element.end()) {
        cout << "You have the ability of " << element << "\n";
    } else {
        cout << "You do not have the ability of " << element << "\n";
// Classes
class Player {

        int d6_1;
        int d6_2;
        int d6_3;
        int d6_4;
        int d6_5;
        int d6_6;
        double pi = 2 * acos(0.0);
        string playerClass;
        string name;
        string race;
        string size;
        int strength = Die(18, 3);
        int dexterity = Die(18, 3);
        int constituion = Die(18, 3);
        int intelligence = Die(18, 3);
        int wisdom = Die(18, 3);
        int charisma = Die(18, 3);
        //Abilites Mods'
        int strMod;
        int dexMod;
        int conMod;
        int wisMod;
        int intMod;
        int chaMod;
        string meleeWeapon = "fists";
        string rangedWeapon;
        string magic;

        void statMods() {
            strMod = floor((strength - 10) / 2);
            dexMod = floor((dexterity - 10) / 2);
            conMod = floor((constituion - 10) / 2);
            wisMod = floor((wisdom - 10) / 2);
            intMod = floor((intelligence - 10) / 2);
            chaMod = floor((charisma - 10) / 2);

class Item {
        string effect;

class Weapon: public Item {

        string material;
        string enchantment;

class Sword: public Weapon {

        int dmg;
        string dmgType;

class Dice {

        int sides;

        int Roll(int times){
            int rolls;
            srand(time(NULL)); //initialise random num generator using time
            for (int i = 0; i < times; i++){
                int roll_; //declare a variable to keep store the random number
                roll_ = rand() % sides + 1; // generate a random number between 1 and 6
                rolls += roll_;
            return rolls;

// Functions

//void menu() {

//Takes string and makes It capitalized
void toupper(std::string &stri) {
    if (stri.length() == 0) {
    transform(begin(stri), end(stri), begin(stri), [](char const &c) {
                    return tolower(c);
    int counter = 0;
    for (char letter : stri){
        stri[counter] = toupper(stri[counter]);
        counter += 1;

int yesNo(){ // Work in progress
    string yesNoChoice = "aaa";
    getline(cin, yesNoChoice);
    getline(cin, yesNoChoice);
    // Marker (for control + h)
    stringstream s(yesNoChoice);  
    string word;
    while (s >> word){
        for (string option : yesList){
            if (word == option){
                cout << "Press enter to continue. \n>";
                return 1;
        for (string option : noList){
            if (word == option){
                return 0;
    return 2;

int main() {

    Dice D6;
    D6.sides = 6;
    Player player1;
    Weapon Torch;
    Torch.effect = "light";
    Torch.material =  "wood";
    Item inventory[10] = {Torch};

    //cout << "Type everything in lowercase" << "\n"; // You can type with any order of capital or lowercase thanks to toupper()
    // Ok thanks man
    cout << "What is your name, traveler?" << "\n";
    bool nameRestart = true;
    while (nameRestart) {
        cout << "> ";
        cin >>;
        cout << << "? Are you sure that's your true name?" << "\n";
        cout << "> ";
        yesNoOut = yesNo();
        if (yesNoOut == 1) {
            nameRestart = false;
    bool raceRestart = true;
    while (raceRestart/* == true <--- Redundant*/) {
        raceRestart = false;
        if (bugFixer1 == 1){
        cout << "Where do you hail from " << << "?" << "\n";
        cout << "The Human Cities? Perhapes the Elven Forests? or the Mightly Dwarven Kingdoms?" << "\n";
        cout << "> ";
        string raceChoice;
        getline (cin, raceChoice);
        // Marker (for control + h)
        stringstream ss(raceChoice);  
        string word;
        // What was this supposed to be????????
        // Something that decided ear shape. And you don't need to include the ones with periods.
        // Actually, I did.
        while (ss >> word) { 
            if (word == "ELF" || word == "ELF." || word == "FOREST" || word == "FOREST."|| word == "FORESTS" || word == "FORESTS." || word == "ELVEN" || word == "ELVEN."){
                raceChoiceElf = true;
            } else if (word == "DWARF" || word == "DWARF." || word == "KINGDOM" || word == "KINGDOM."|| word == "KINGDOMS" || word == "KINGDOMS." || word == "DWARVEN" || word == "DWARVEN."){
                raceChoiceDwarf = true;
            } else if (word == "HUMAN" || word == "HUMAN." || word == "CITY" || word == "CITY."|| word == "CITIES" || word == "CITIES."){
                raceChoiceHuman = true;
            if (raceChoiceHuman) {
                player1.race = "Human";
                player1.size = "M";
            } else if (raceChoiceElf) {
                player1.race = "Elf";
                player1.size = "M";
            } else if (raceChoiceDwarf) {
                player1.race = "Dwarf";
                player1.size = "M";
            } else {
                if (bugFixer1 == 0){
                    bugFixer1 = 1;
                    raceRestart = true;
                } else {
                cout << "Invalid command" << "\n";
                raceRestart = true;
    cout << "Hmm, so you are a " << player1.race << "?" << "\n";
    string raceCheck;
    cin >> raceCheck;
    if (raceCheck == "No") {
        raceRestart = true;
    } else {
        cout << "Race:" << player1.race << "\n" << "Strength: " << player1.strength << "\n" << "Dexterity: "  << player1.dexterity << "\n" << "Constitution: " << player1.constituion << "\n" << "Wisdom: " << player1.wisdom << "\n" << "Intelligence: " << player1.intelligence << "\n" << "Charisma: " << player1.charisma << "\n" << "Size: " << player1.size << "\n" << player1.strMod << "\n" << player1.dexMod << "\n" << player1.conMod << "\n" << printVector(abilites);


Everytime I run it I get this:

main.cpp:49:20: warning: use of ‘auto’ in parameter declaration only available with ‘-fconcepts’
   49 | string printVector(auto vectorName) {
      |                    ^~~~
main.cpp: In function ‘std::string printVector(auto:1)’:
main.cpp:53:1: warning: no return statement in function returning non-void [-Wreturn-type]
   53 | }
      | ^
main.cpp: At global scope:
main.cpp:55:20: warning: use of ‘auto’ in parameter declaration only available with ‘-fconcepts’
   55 | string findElement(auto vectorName, string Element) {
      |                    ^~~~
main.cpp: In function ‘std::string findElement(auto:2, std::string)’:
main.cpp:63:1: warning: no return statement in function returning non-void [-Wreturn-type]
   63 | }
      | ^
What is your name, traveler?
> ph 
ph? Are you sure that's your true name?
> yes
Press enter to continue. 
Where do you hail from ph?
The Human Cities? Perhapes the Elven Forests? or the Mightly Dwarven Kingdoms?
> elf
Hmm, so you are a Elf?
Strength: 13
Dexterity: 17
Constitution: 14
Wisdom: 16
Intelligence: 15
Charisma: 15
Size: M
Darkvision: The ability to see far within the shadows
free(): invalid size
Aborted (core dumped)

If anyone could help me It would be much appreciated.
Note: I'm new to C++ so I'm attempting to inform myself on the language and various concepts in the field. I apologize in advance for the most likely horrendous code.

What I have tried:

Spending the last 3 hours of my life trying to figure this out.
Updated 12-Aug-23 6:31am

The messages are basically telling you not to use auto in function definitions, as the compiler cannot guess what actual type the function expects. For example in the following:
string printVector(auto vectorName) {
    for (int i = 0; i < vectorName.size(); i++) {
        cout << vectorName[i] << "\n";

How does the compiler decide what type of items are contained in vectorName?

Note also, why have you defined that function as returning a string, when it does not return anything?
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As the error message says, auto is not for use in parameter declarations. A template is more appropriate for those. Also, your findElement function isn't right. The parameter vectorName is not accessed anywhere so it is not needed. The parameter Element should probably be a vector of strings because one does not call find on a single string. The find call is passed the parameter element but that is not set to anything. Also, the function is supposed to return a string but it does not have a return statement.

That needs some help.
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Brennon Nevels 12-Aug-23 12:57pm    
Do you have any recommendations for documentation for templates?

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