Hello I am working on a Social Media Page where Users can upload Images.
The uploaded Files are in my BLOG Folder, where also my Feed.html is placed where the Content is displayed.
But I want to show the uploaded Files to my Profile.hmtl as well, the File is on the USERS Folder.
For example:
<img class="image-style" src="{{ post.file.url }}">
this is the code that shows the Image Content, but when I use this on my /USERS/Profile.html it doesn't show the content, because the url is on the BLOG Folder, how can I adjust the code to get the information from the Blog Folder?
Thank you for every Answer.
What I have tried:
I tried something like:
<img class="image-style" src="{{ ../blog/post.file.url }}">
but that of course didn't work.
I tried to get the views.py and urls.py from USERS to BLOG but it just mixes up everything and doesn't work well.
I also got Comments by People saying that i should make the uploaded files Static, but that doesn't work because the Images are uploaded to a database.