# Create an E-Commerce product search page clone (Part 1): List
## Problem Statement
Given a list of products create a basic HTML page that can render the products as a list of cards. Iterate over the given list to render the item card inside of a parent component identified by `id="root"`.
Some basic CSS classes & JavaScript function declarations are provided as a starting point for this assignment. You would have to implement the following functions:
## Implementation guidelines:
Try to start with the renderAllCards function and inside of it first find the element with `id="root"` using `document.querySelector`.
The `renderAllCards` function should take the list of items as an argument
(**NOTE**: referring to the global variable inside this function might cause your submission to fail).
Once you’ve selected the root element and the list of items as a parameter, now it’s time to iterate through the list to create the individual cards.
Call the `createProductCard` function to get back a DOM element which can be appended to the root element as a child.
The createProductCard function will accept a parameter of type object with the following structure:
"id": 1,
"name": "PlayStation 5",
"description": "....",
"image": "....",
"price": 400,
"memory": "8 GB",
"storage": "1 TB",
"colors": ['black', 'white', 'blue']
You’re expected to return a DOM element i.e. the card component for the given payload.
- The card component should be a `div` element having `class=‘product’` and a data attribute called `data-item-id` containing the id of that product item.
The card component should have the following:
- An IMG element with src attribute containing the image URL and class name as `‘product__image’`
- One `H3` element with class `‘product__name’` containing the product name
- One P tag containing the product description with class `‘product__description’`
- One H4 tag containing the price with class `‘product__price’`
Use span tags for other product tags like memory, storage, colors (each). Given as a reference implementation.
## Data Source
A global variable called `window.productList`
window.productList = [
id: 1,
name: 'Playstation 5',
image: '....',
description: 'Next gen Console gaming',
price: '400',
memory: '8 GB',
storage: '1 TB',
color: ['black', 'white', 'blue'],
id: 1,
name: 'Playstation 4',
image: '....',
description: 'Previous gen Console gaming',
price: '200',
memory: '4 GB',
storage: '1 TB',
color: ['red', 'white', 'blue'],
id: 1,
name: 'iPhone 12',
image: '....',
description: 'Smartphone',
price: '650',
memory: '4 GB',
storage: '256 GB',
color: ['black', 'white', 'blue', 'red'],
## Expected Output
Your submission should look like the following
What I have tried:
Clone code for this project by clicking this link[