I have made a program, which calculates the area of Circle, Square and Triangle. The code is working if i press "run" command in Pychram. But when i upload it to git i get an email, that shows, the code is completely incorrect.
The code:
"""Ask user a shape and a radius or a side length and calculate the shape area."""
from math import pi, sqrt
Kujund = input("Please insert geometric shape:")
if Kujund == "Circle":
geomtry_ask_radius_circle = input("Please insert radius in cm:")
r_float = float(geomtry_ask_radius_circle)
Pindala1 = pi * r_float ** 2
Vastus = round(Pindala1, 2)
print(Vastus, "cm^2")
elif Kujund == "Square":
geomtry_ask_side_length_square = input("Please insert side length in cm:")
k_int = int(geomtry_ask_side_length_square)
Pindala2 = k_int**2
print(Pindala2, "cm^2")
elif Kujund == "Triangle":
geomtry_ask_side_length_triangle = input("Please insert side length in cm:")
t_float = float(geomtry_ask_side_length_triangle)
Pindala3 = sqrt(3) / 4
Vastus1 = round(Pindala3, 2)
print(Vastus1, "cm^2")
print("Shape is not supported.")
The email i get:
Style conventions checker results:
PEP8 stylecheck:
geometry.py:6:4: E111 indentation is not a multiple of four
geometry.py:7:4: E111 indentation is not a multiple of four
geometry.py:8:4: E111 indentation is not a multiple of four
geometry.py:9:4: E111 indentation is not a multiple of four
geometry.py:10:4: E111 indentation is not a multiple of four
geometry.py:13:4: E111 indentation is not a multiple of four
geometry.py:14:4: E111 indentation is not a multiple of four
geometry.py:15:4: E111 indentation is not a multiple of four
geometry.py:16:4: E111 indentation is not a multiple of four
geometry.py:18:4: E111 indentation is not a multiple of four
geometry.py:19:4: E111 indentation is not a multiple of four
geometry.py:20:4: E111 indentation is not a multiple of four
geometry.py:21:4: E111 indentation is not a multiple of four
geometry.py:22:4: E111 indentation is not a multiple of four
geometry.py:24:4: E111 indentation is not a multiple of four
15 E111 indentation is not a multiple of four
PEP257 stylecheck:
Code conforms to PEP257 (docstring conventions) guidelines! Great work!
Style percentage: 0%
Test: test_ex01_geometry.py
test_geometry_ask_shape[subprocess]: passed (42.78 ms)
test_geomtry_ask_radius_circle[subprocess]: FAILED (21.13 ms)
test_geomtry_ask_side_length_square[subprocess]: FAILED (23.63 ms)
test_geomtry_ask_side_length_triangle[subprocess]: FAILED (21.23 ms)
test_geometry_triangle_example_output[subprocess]: FAILED (21.74 ms)
test_geometry_circle_example_output[subprocess]: FAILED (51.09 ms)
test_geometry_square_random_output[subprocess]: FAILED (27.18 ms)
test_geometry_triangle_random_output[subprocess]: FAILED (21.5 ms)
test_geometry_else_output[subprocess]: passed (41.63 ms)
Total number of tests: 9
Passed tests: 2
Failed tests: 7
What I have tried:
I have changed the name of variables, wrote big and small letters, but still incorrect.