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i have tried some several way of updating specific array at specific depth in multidimensional array. Although i am able to update but it is not modifying the original array. Even though i tried the referencing technique of php but it seems odds are not in my favour.

What I have tried:

    // Multidimensional array would be as tree 
    // lets call this array = $tree[$i]['child']
    [0] => Array
            [name] => hasan 
            [clientCode] => 06442
            [somekey] => 707
            [individualCommission] => 10
            [child] => Array
                    [0] => Array
                            [name] => Aslan
                            [clientCode] => 06447
                            [somekey] => 712
                            [individualCommission] => 10

                    [1] => Array
                            [name] => Kudret
                            [clientCode] => 06448
                            [somekey] => 713
                            [individualCommission] => 10

                    [2] => Array
                            [name] => Emir
                            [clientCode] => 06446
                            [somekey] => 711
                            [individualCommission] => 10



    [1] => Array
            [name] => emine
            [clientCode] => 06443
            [somekey] => 708
            [individualCommission] => 10
            [child] => Array
                    [0] => Array
                            [name] => Kaan
                            [clientCode] => 06449
                            [somekey] => 714
                            [individualCommission] => 10

                    [1] => Array
                            [name] => Duygu
                            [clientCode] => 06450
                            [somekey] => 715
                            [individualCommission] => 10

                    [2] => Array
                            [name] => Hakan
                            [clientCode] => 06451
                            [somekey] => 716
                            [individualCommission] => 10

                    [3] => Array
                            [name] => Yesim
                            [clientCode] => 06452
                            [somekey] => 717
                            [individualCommission] => 10



    [2] => Array
            [name] => Aysel
            [clientCode] => 06444
            [somekey] => 709
            [individualCommission] => 10
            [child] => Array
                    [0] => Array
                            [name] => Ismet
                            [clientCode] => 06453
                            [somekey] => 718
                            [individualCommission] => 10

                    [1] => Array
                            [name] => Suna
                            [clientCode] => 06454
                            [somekey] => 719
                            [individualCommission] => 10

                    [2] => Array
                            [name] => Kudriya
                            [clientCode] => 06455
                            [somekey] => 720
                            [individualCommission] => 10



    [3] => Array
            [name] => Ali
            [clientCode] => 06445
            [somekey] => 710
            [individualCommission] => 10
            [child] => Array
                    [0] => Array
                            [name] => Gulen
                            [clientCode] => 06456
                            [somekey] => 721
                            [individualCommission] => 10

                    [1] => Array
                            [name] => Halit
                            [clientCode] => 06457
                            [somekey] => 722
                            [individualCommission] => 10
                            [child] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [name] => Seniz
                                            [clientCode] => 06458
                                            [somekey] => 723
                                            [individualCommission] => 10

                                    [1] => Array
                                            [name] => Güzin
                                            [clientCode] => 06459
                                            [somekey] => 724
                                            [individualCommission] => 10
                                            [child] => Array
                                                    [0] => Array
                                                            [name] => test client
                                                            [clientCode] => 06460
                                                            [somekey] => 725
                                                            [individualCommission] => 10

                                                    [1] => Array
                                                            [name] => test client 2
                                                            [clientCode] => 06461
                                                            [somekey] => 726
                                                            [individualCommission] => 10








let's say, the above array is in function A and i passed that above array, which lets say is $tree[$i]['child'], like below:
function A($tree) {
   $i = 5;
   $childArr = &$tree[$i]['child'];
   $childArr = findandReplace($childArr);
   dump($childArr); // still same nothing changed at that specific index of array 

I was successfully able to find Specific array using

function findandReplace($array) {

        // Loops through each element. If element again is array, function is recalled. If not, result is echoed.
        foreach($array as $key=>$value)
                if ($key == 'clientCode' && $value == '06459') {
                    // echo $key." = ".$value."<br />\n";
                    $array['individualCommission'] = '10000000000000';                    

        return $array;

so above example i was targeting the array with clientCode = 06459 and if found i was updating its individualCommission key to some value. if i do dump after updating with $array['individualCommission'] = '10000000000000';, it seems, i was able to successfully update it. but unfortunately original array is still same hence unmodified.

Another try i did, it updated that specific array and return that specific array only and i lost all other arrays of multidimensional array.

function findandReplace($array) {    
        $parent = &$array;
        $iterator = new \RecursiveIteratorIterator( new \RecursiveArrayIterator($array), \RecursiveIteratorIterator::SELF_FIRST );
        // $result = array();
        foreach ($iterator as $key => $item) {
            if ( $key === 'clientCode' && $item == '06459') {

                $parent = (array)$iterator->getInnerIterator();
                $parent['individualCommission'] = '1000000000000000';
                // $array[3]['child'][1]['child'][1]['individualCommission'] = $parentCommission;
        return $array;


so i will appreciate if anyone would spare some time and find any solution for this simple problem.

Updated 11-Mar-18 22:28pm

You need to pass the array by reference. This is done in the definition of findandReplace.
You need
function findandReplace(&$array) { 
See PHP: Passing by Reference - Manual[^]
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Member 13720669 12-Mar-18 4:16am    
Hi, thanks for comment but if you see function A, i am already passing array variable as reference! see this

$childArr = &$tree[$i]['child'];
$childArr = findandReplace($childArr);

although i did put additional & sign in findandReplace function but it didn't effect anything. :(
Peter_in_2780 12-Mar-18 5:52am    
No you are not passing it by reference until you specify it in the definition of findandReplace. Read the manual I referenced.
YAY! finally after 1 day fight with references finally it working. I found the solution to this trickish problem. Although i was passing array in my findandReplace function as reference but i was doing recursion as well. It was losing reference(i believe) while finding particular array in recursion. answer is to put 2 additional references one in the foreach to
and otherone to

so final function would be look like this

function findandReplace(&$array) {
        foreach($array as $key => &$value)
                if ($key == 'clientCode' && $value == '06456') {
                    // echo $key." = ".$value."<br />\n";

                    $array['individualCommission'] = '10000000000000';

        return $array;

I hope this will help someone. couldn't find any solution on whole internet!
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