1st can we write structure in text file ? i have seen no good example .is it practically wrong to write it in text format ?
If, by structure, you mean binary data (eg. not ASCII), no you should not use text mode. Open the file as binary if you want to operate on bytes without the C runtime applying some rules (eg. "cooked" data) that effect carriage return, line feed, and - for some platforms - end of file marker.
2nd how these fread() & fwrite works().they operate on a block of data how they get the address of next block .i mean we do have the pointer but file doesnt have any address so how the pointer go to next block ?
The file system takes care of this. There's an implicit address or file offset where the data is stored. Each call to fwrite causes the offset to move so, by default, you are always appending data to the file. You can also change this offset by using fseek and examine the offset by using ftell. You do not need to worry about how disk sectors, blocks, or clusters are organized.