0 down vote favorite I'm newbie in Pascal and using Lazarus, I m trying to install gooleapis package on Lazarus 1.6. When I compile the lazgoogleapis.lpf. I get this error: Compile package lazgoogleapis 1.0: Exit code 1, Errors: 1 reggoogleapi.pp(15,3) Fatal: Cannot find googleservice used by reggoogleapi of package lazgoogleapis. I have paste the getsources.bat scri<a href=""></a>pt in the 2_6_4 folder to update folder ../lazarus/components/googgleapis/2_6_4 But still get the error. Anyone who have come across such please help. What I have tried: I have tried to follow this steps: http://lazarus.lazarus.freepascal.narkive.com/IdJB5kP4/google-apis But still get the same error.
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