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I'm making a snake console game but I want to be able to save the state of the game (where the snake is, where the mice are, where the power-ups are, and where the mongoose is). I've looked at quite a few sites on Google but none of them have helped me much. This is so that I can load the file and then play on from where it was left.
If anyone knows it would be greatly appreciated, here is my code:

//include standard libraries
#include <iostream>		//for output and input: cout <<, cin >>
#include <iomanip> 		//for output manipulators
#include <conio.h> 		//for getch()
#include <string>		//for string
#include <vector>		// for vectors
#include <ctime>		// for random
#include <cstdlib>      // for rand_max
#include <fstream>		// for text files
using namespace std;

//include our own libraries
#include "ConsoleUtils.h"	//for Clrscr, Gotoxy, etc.

//----- define constants

//defining the size of the grid
const int  SIZEY(10);		//vertical dimension
const int  SIZEX(10);    	//horizontal dimension
//defining symbols used for display of the grid & content
const char SNAKE('O');   	//snake head
const char BODY('o');		//snake body
const char MOUSE('@');		//mouse
const char TUNNEL(' ');    	//tunnel
const char WALL('#');    	//border
const char PILL('+');		//power up pill
const char MONGOOSE('M');	//mongoose
//defining the command letters to move the snake on the maze
const int  UP(72);			//up arrow
const int  DOWN(80); 		//down arrow
const int  RIGHT(77);		//right arrow
const int  LEFT(75);		//left arrow
//defining the other command letters
const char QUIT('Q');		//to end the game
const char CHEAT('C');		//to do cheat
const char LOAD('L');		//to load
const char SAVE('S');		//to save

#define FPS 5

struct Item {
	int x, y;
	char symbol;

//----- run game

int main()

	//function declarations (prototypes)
	void initialiseGame(char g[][SIZEX + 1], char m[][SIZEX + 1], vector<Item>& snake, Item& mouse, Item& pill, int& score, bool& pillActive, int& moveCount, Item& mongoose);
	void paintGame(const char g[][SIZEX + 1], string& mess, bool isCheatOn, int& score, const int target, string name, int highScore, int pillScore, bool setInvincibility, int invCount);
	bool wantsToQuit(const int key);
	bool isArrowKey(const int k);
	int  getKeyPress();
	void moveSnake(char g[][SIZEX + 1], vector<Item>& snake, const int key, string& mess, Item& m, int& score, bool& isAlive, bool& hasWon,
		const int target, int& highScore, bool& isCheatOn, Item& pill, bool& pillActive, int& moveCount, int& pillScore, bool& setInvincibility, int& invCount, bool& mongooseActive, int& lastDirection);
	void updateGrid(char g[][SIZEX + 1], const char m[][SIZEX + 1], const vector<Item> snake, Item& mouse, Item& pill, int& score, bool& pillActive, int& moveCount, Item& mongoose, bool& mongooseActive, bool& isAlive);
	void getName(string& name);
	void endProgram();
	void invincibility(bool& setInvincibility, int& invCount);
	bool isCheatKey(const int k);
	bool wantsToLoad(const int k);
	bool wantsToSave(const int k);
	void cheatMode(const vector<Item>& snake, int& score);

	//local variable declarations 
	char grid[SIZEY + 1][SIZEX + 1];	//grid for display
	char maze[SIZEY + 1][SIZEX + 1];	//structure of the maze

	bool isCheatOn = false;
	bool isAlive = true;
	bool hasWon = false;
	bool pillActive = false;
	bool mongooseActive = false;
	bool setInvincibility = false;
	int lastDirection = UP;

	const int target = 10;
	int moveCount = 0;
	int invCount = 0;
	int score = 0;
	int pillScore = 0;
	int highScore = 0;

	std::string name;

	//Snake and items setup
	Item snakehead = { (SIZEX / 2) + 1, (SIZEY / 2) + 1, SNAKE }; 	//snake's position and symbol
	Item body = { BODY };
	Item body1 = { (SIZEX / 2), (SIZEY / 2), BODY };
	Item body2 = { (SIZEX / 2) - 1, (SIZEY / 2) - 1, BODY };
	Item body3 = { (SIZEX / 2) - 2, (SIZEY / 2) - 2, BODY };
	Item mouse = { (SIZEX / 2) - 1, (SIZEY / 2) - 2, MOUSE };		// mouse symbol and position

	vector<Item> snake = { snakehead, body1, body2, body3 };
	vector<int> bestScores[6];

	Item pill = { 0, 0, PILL };
	Item mongoose = { 0, 0, MONGOOSE };

	string message("LET'S START...");		//current message to player

	//Input player's name before game is initialised

	initialiseGame(grid, maze, snake, mouse, pill, score, pillActive, moveCount, mongoose);								//initialise grid (incl. walls & snake)
	paintGame(grid, message, isCheatOn, score, target, name, highScore, pillScore, setInvincibility, invCount);			//display game info, modified grid & messages

	//creating a file using the player's name
	ofstream fout; + ".txt"), ios::out);
	ofstream bestScore;"bestScores.txt"), ios::out);

	int key(getKeyPress()); 								//read in  selected key: arrow or letter command
	while (!wantsToQuit(key) && isAlive&&!hasWon)			//while user does not want to quit
		if (isArrowKey(key))

			invincibility(setInvincibility, invCount);
			moveSnake(grid, snake, key, message, mouse, score, isAlive, hasWon, target, highScore, isCheatOn, pill, pillActive, moveCount, pillScore, setInvincibility, invCount, mongooseActive, lastDirection);	//move snake in that direction		
			updateGrid(grid, maze, snake, mouse, pill, score, pillActive, moveCount, mongoose, mongooseActive, isAlive);																			//update grid information

			if (isCheatKey(key)){							//if the cheat key C is pressed then it will trigger cheat mode
				if (!isCheatOn){
					int size = snake.size();
					cheatMode(snake, score);				//setting the score to zero
					message = "Cheat mode activated!";
					cout << '\a' << '\a' << '\a';
					isCheatOn = true;
					message = "Cheat mode deactivated!";
					cout << '\a' << '\a' << '\a';

					isCheatOn = false;
			if (wantsToLoad(key))
				//Code to load
			if (wantsToSave(key))
				//Code to save
				message = "INVALID KEY!";	//set 'Invalid key' message
		paintGame(grid, message, isCheatOn, score, target, name, highScore, pillScore, setInvincibility, invCount);		//display game info, modified grid & messages
		key = getKeyPress(); 				//display menu & read in next option
	if (hasWon)
		Gotoxy(40, 8);
		cout << '\a';
		cout << "You win!!" << endl;


	fout << highScore;					// write the highscore into the player's text file
	endProgram();						//display final message
	return 0;

//----- initialise game state

void initialiseGame(char grid[][SIZEX + 1], char maze[][SIZEX + 1], vector<Item>& snake, Item& mouse, Item& pill, int& score, bool& pillActive, int& moveCount, Item& mongoose)
{ //initialise grid & place snake in middle
	void setInitialMazeStructure(char g[][SIZEX + 1]);
	void setInitialSnakeCoordinates(vector<Item>& snake);
	void setMaze(char g[][SIZEX + 1], const char m[][SIZEX + 1]);
	void placeSnake(char g[][SIZEX + 1], const vector<Item> snake);
	void placeMouse(char g[][SIZEX + 1], Item& m);
	void positionMouse(char g[][SIZEX + 1], Item& m);
	void positionPill(char g[][SIZEX + 1], Item& p, int& score, bool& pillActive, int& moveCount);

	setInitialMazeStructure(maze);		//initialise maze
	setMaze(grid, maze);		//reset the empty maze configuration into grid
	setInitialSnakeCoordinates(snake);	//initialise snake's position
	placeSnake(grid, snake);	//set snake in grid
	positionMouse(grid, mouse);
	placeMouse(grid, mouse);
	positionPill(grid, pill, score, pillActive, moveCount);


void setInitialMazeStructure(char maze[][SIZEX + 1])
{ //set the position of the walls in the maze
	//initialise maze configuration
	char initialMaze[SIZEY + 1][SIZEX + 1] 	//local array to store the maze structure
		= { { 'X', 'X', 'X', 'X', 'X', 'X', 'X', 'X', 'X', 'X', 'X' },
		{ 'X', '#', '#', '#', '#', '#', '#', '#', '#', '#', '#' },
		{ 'X', '#', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', '#' },
		{ 'X', '#', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', '#' },
		{ 'X', '#', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', '#' },
		{ 'X', '#', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', '#' },
		{ 'X', '#', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', '#' },
		{ 'X', '#', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', '#' },
		{ 'X', '#', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', '#' },
		{ 'X', '#', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', '#' },
		{ 'X', '#', '#', '#', '#', '#', '#', '#', '#', '#', '#' } };
	// with '#' for wall, ' ' for tunnel and 'X' for unused part of array
	//copy into maze structure
	for (int row(1); row <= SIZEY; ++row)	//for each row (vertically)
		for (int col(1); col <= SIZEX; ++col)	//for each column (horizontally)
			maze[row][col] = initialMaze[row][col];

void setInitialSnakeCoordinates(vector<Item>& snake)
{ //calculate snake's coordinates at beginning of game
	snake[0].y = 3;   	//y-coordinate: vertically
	snake[0].x = 5; 	//x-coordinate: horizontally

	snake[1].y = 4;
	snake[1].x = 5;

	snake[2].y = 5;
	snake[2].x = 5;

	snake[3].y = 6;
	snake[3].x = 5;

//----- update grid state

void updateGrid(char grid[][SIZEX + 1], const char maze[][SIZEX + 1], const vector<Item> snake, Item& mouse, Item& pill, int& score, bool& pillActive, int& moveCount, Item& mongoose, bool& mongooseActive, bool& isAlive)
{ //update grid configuration after each move
	void setMaze(char g[][SIZEX + 1], const char m[][SIZEX + 1]);
	void placeSnake(char g[][SIZEX + 1], const vector<Item> snake);
	void placeMouse(char g[][SIZEX + 1], Item& m);
	void positionPill(char g[][SIZEX + 1], Item& p, int& score, bool& pillActive, int& moveCount);

	void placeMongoose(char g[][SIZEX + 1], Item& mn, int score, bool& mongooseActive, bool& isAlive);
	setMaze(grid, maze);		//reset the empty maze configuration into grid

	//Placing all of the items into the grid
	placeSnake(grid, snake);	//set snake in grid
	placeMouse(grid, mouse);
	positionPill(grid, pill, score, pillActive, moveCount);
	placeMongoose(grid, mongoose, score, mongooseActive, isAlive);


void setMaze(char grid[][SIZEX + 1], const char maze[][SIZEX + 1])
{ //reset the empty/fixed maze configuration into grid
	for (int row(1); row <= SIZEY; ++row)	//for each row (vertically)
		for (int col(1); col <= SIZEX; ++col)	//for each column (horizontally)
			grid[row][col] = maze[row][col];

void placeSnake(char g[][SIZEX + 1], const vector<Item> s)
{ //place snake at its new position in grid
	for (int i(0); i < s.size(); ++i)
		g[s[i].y][s[i].x] = s[i].symbol;

void positionMouse(char g[][SIZEX + 1], Item& m)

	int randMaxX = 7;
	int randMaxY = 6;
	int y = rand() % randMaxY;
	int x = rand() % randMaxX;
	m.y = y + 1;					//this creates a random value between 0 and 6 for the y axis of the mouse's placement
	m.x = x + 1;					//this then creates a random value between 0 and 7 for the x axis
	while (g[m.y][m.x] != TUNNEL)	//this loop is to make sure the mouse is placed on an empty space on the grid
		int randMaxX = 7;
		int randMaxY = 6;
		int y = rand() % randMaxY;
		int x = rand() % randMaxX;
		m.y = y + 1;
		m.x = x + 1;

void placeMouse(char g[][SIZEX + 1], Item& m)		//this is used to place the mouse once the position has been set
	g[m.y][m.x] = m.symbol;

void positionPill(char g[][SIZEX + 1], Item& p, int& score, bool& pillActive, int& moveCount)
	if ((score % 2 == 0) && (score != 0) && (!pillActive) && (moveCount <= 15))
		pillActive = true;
		int randMaxX = 7;
		int randMaxY = 6;
		int y = rand() % randMaxY;
		int x = rand() % randMaxX;
		p.y = y + 1;
		p.x = x + 1;
		while (g[p.y][p.x] != TUNNEL)
			int randMaxX = 7;
			int randMaxY = 6;
			int y = rand() % randMaxY;
			int x = rand() % randMaxX;
			p.y = y + 1;
			p.x = x + 1;

	if (moveCount > 5)
		p.x = 0;
		p.y = 0;
		moveCount = 0;

	g[p.y][p.x] = p.symbol;

void placePill(char g[][SIZEX + 1], Item& p)
	g[p.y][p.x] = p.symbol;

//----- move the snake
void moveSnake(char grid[][SIZEX + 1], vector<Item>& s, const int key, string& mess, Item& m, int& score, bool& isAlive, bool& hasWon, const int target,
	int& highScore, bool& isCheatOn, Item& pill, bool& pillActive, int& moveCount, int& pillScore, bool& setInvinciblity, int& invCount, bool& mongooseActive, int& lastDirection)
{ //move snake in required direction
	void setKeyDirection(int k, int& dx, int& dy, int& lastDirection);	//calculate direction of movement required by key - if any
	void moveSnakeBody(vector<Item>& s, int& dx, int& dy);
	void positionMouse(char g[][SIZEX + 1], Item& m);
	void endProgram();

	int dx(0), dy(0);
	setKeyDirection(key, dx, dy, lastDirection); 	//find direction indicated by key
	//check new target position in grid & update snake coordinates if move is possible
	bool stopGrowCheat = false;
	switch (grid[s[0].y + dy][s[0].x + dx])
	{			//...depending on what's on the target position in grid...
	case TUNNEL:		//can move
		moveSnakeBody(s, dx, dy);
		if (pillActive)
	case WALL:  		//hit a wall & stay there
		if (setInvinciblity == false){
			cout << '\a';	//beep the alarm
			mess = "You Lose!";
			isAlive = false;


			if (dx == 1){
				cout << '\a';
				s[0].y += dy;		//go in that Y direction
				s[0].x += (dx - (SIZEX - 2));		//go in that X direction
				if (dx == -1){
					cout << '\a';
					s[0].y += dy;		//go in that Y direction
					s[0].x += (dx + (SIZEX - 2));		//go in that X direction
					if (dy == -1){
						cout << '\a';
						s[0].y += (dy + (SIZEY - 2));		//go in that Y direction
						s[0].x += dx; //go in that X direction
						if (dy == 1){
							cout << '\a';
							s[0].y += (dy - (SIZEY - 2));		//go in that Y direction
							s[0].x += dx; //go in that X direction


			//vector<Item>& s, int& dx, int& dy

			//s[0].y += dx;		//go in that Y direction
			//s[0].x += dy;

			//use dx,dy to find the wall that's being collided with
			//use nested ifs

	case BODY:
		if (setInvinciblity == false){
			cout << '\a';	//beep the alarm
			mess = "You Lose!";
			isAlive = false;
			cout << '\a';
	case MOUSE:
		if (isCheatOn == false){
			s.push_back(s[s.size() - 1]);
			s.push_back(s[s.size() - 1]);

		moveSnakeBody(s, dx, dy);
		positionMouse(grid, m);
		if (score == target){
			hasWon = true;
		if (score >= highScore){
			highScore = score;
			moveCount = 0;
			pillActive = false;

	case PILL:
		moveSnakeBody(s, dx, dy);
		pill.x = 0;
		pill.y = 0;
		pillActive = false;
		setInvinciblity = true;
		invCount = 20;
		if (setInvinciblity == false){
			cout << '\a';	//beep the alarm
			mess = "Killed by mongoose, you Lose!";
			isAlive = false;

void moveSnakeBody(vector<Item>& s, int& dx, int& dy)
	int snakeSize = s.size();
	for (int i(snakeSize - 1); i > 0; --i)
		s[i].x = s[i - 1].x;
		s[i].y = s[i - 1].y;
	s[0].y += dy;		//go in that Y direction
	s[0].x += dx;		//go in that X direction


//----- process key
void setKeyDirection(const int key, int& dx, int& dy, int& lastDirection)
{ //

	switch (key)		//...depending on the selected key...
	case LEFT:  	//when LEFT arrow pressed...
		lastDirection = LEFT;
		dx = -1;	//decrease the X coordinate
		dy = 0;
	case RIGHT: 	//when RIGHT arrow pressed...
		lastDirection = RIGHT;
		dx = +1;	//increase the X coordinate
		dy = 0;
	case UP: 		//when UP arrow pressed...
		lastDirection = UP;
		dx = 0;
		dy = -1;	//decrease the Y coordinate
	case DOWN: 		//when DOWN arrow pressed...
		lastDirection = DOWN;
		dx = 0;
		dy = +1;	//increase the Y coordinate

int getKeyPress()
{ //get key or command selected by user
	int keyPressed;
	keyPressed = _getch();			//read in the selected arrow key or command letter
	while (keyPressed == 224) 		//ignore symbol following cursor key
		keyPressed = _getch();
	return toupper(keyPressed);	//return it in uppercase 

bool isArrowKey(const int key)
{	//check if the key pressed is an arrow key (also accept 'K', 'M', 'H' and 'P')
	return (key == LEFT) || (key == RIGHT) || (key == UP) || (key == DOWN);
bool wantsToQuit(const int key)
{	//check if the user wants to quit (when key is 'Q' or 'q')
	return toupper(key) == QUIT;

bool isCheatKey(const int key)
	return toupper(key) == CHEAT;

bool wantsToLoad(const int key)
	return toupper(key) == LOAD;

bool wantsToSave(const int key)
	return toupper(key) == SAVE;
//----- display info on screen
void paintGame(const char gd[][SIZEX + 1], string& mess, bool isCheatOn, int& score, const int target, string name, int highScore, int pillScore, bool setInvincibility, int invCount)
{ //display game title, messages, maze, snake & apples on screen
	void paintGrid(const char g[][SIZEX + 1]);

	//clear screen

	//display game title
	Gotoxy(0, 0);
	cout << "___SNAKE GAME___\n" << endl;
	Gotoxy(40, 0);
	cout << "FoP Group Z3 - Connor Newton,";
	Gotoxy(40, 1);
	cout << "Kieran Cousens, Jordan Rhodes";  //PUT YOUR GROUP NUMBER AND NAMES HERE

	// display grid contents

	//display menu options available
	Gotoxy(40, 3);
	Gotoxy(40, 4);
	cout << "TO QUIT ENTER 'Q'           ";
	Gotoxy(40, 5);
	if (isCheatOn){
		Gotoxy(40, 6);
		cout << "Cheat mode on";
		Gotoxy(40, 6);
		cout << "Cheat mode off";
	Gotoxy(40, 10);
	cout << "Score : " << score << " out of " << target;

	Gotoxy(40, 11);
	cout << "Pills eaten : " << pillScore;  //show how many pills have been eaten

	Gotoxy(40, 9);
	cout << "Player's name: " << name; // show player's name

	Gotoxy(40, 12);
	if (setInvincibility == true){
		cout << "Invinciblity ON";
	Gotoxy(40, 12);
	if (setInvincibility == false){
		cout << "Invincibility OFF";
	Gotoxy(40, 13);
		cout << "To save - S, To load - L";
	//	Gotoxy(40, 13);
	//	cout << invCount;

	//display date and time
	Gotoxy(40, 2);
	time_t now = time(0);

	tm *ltm = localtime(&now);
	cout << setfill('0') << setw(2);
	cout << ltm->tm_mday << "/";				//day
	cout << setfill('0') << setw(2);
	cout << 1 + ltm->tm_mon << "/";				//month
	cout << 1900 + ltm->tm_year << "     ";		//year

	cout << setfill('0') << setw(2);
	cout << 1 + ltm->tm_hour << ":";			//hours
	cout << setfill('0') << setw(2);
	cout << 1 + ltm->tm_min << ":";				//minutes
	cout << setfill('0') << setw(2);
	cout << 1 + ltm->tm_sec;					//seconds

	//char* dateAndtime = ctime(&now);
	//cout << dateAndtime;

	//print auxiliary messages if any
	Gotoxy(40, 8);
	cout << mess;	//display current message
	mess = "";		//reset message to blank

void paintGrid(const char g[][SIZEX + 1])
{ //display grid content on screen
	Gotoxy(0, 2);
	for (int row(1); row <= SIZEY; ++row)	//for each row (vertically)
		for (int col(1); col <= SIZEX; ++col)	//for each column (horizontally)
			cout << g[row][col];	//output cell content
		cout << endl;

void endProgram()
	Gotoxy(40, 15);
	cout << "\n";

void cheatMode(const vector<Item>& snake, int& score)
	score = 0;

void getName(string& name){
	Gotoxy(20, 10);
	cout << "Enter Player Name:";
	cin >> name;
	while (name.length() > 20)
		Gotoxy(20, 11);
		cout << "Invalid length, try again! (20 characters max)";
		Gotoxy(20, 10);
		cout << "Enter Player Name:";
		cin >> name;


void invincibility(bool& setInvincibility, int& invCount){
	if (setInvincibility == true)

	if (invCount == 0)
		setInvincibility = false;

void placeMongoose(char g[][SIZEX + 1], Item& mn, int score, bool& mongooseActive, bool& isAlive)


	//this is for when the mongoose has already been placed and need to move 1(or 0) space in a random direction
	if (mongooseActive == true){

		int tempx;
		int tempy;
		tempx = mn.x;
		tempy = mn.y;

		int randMaxX = 3;
		int randMaxY = 3;
		int ym = rand() % randMaxY - 1;
		int xm = rand() % randMaxX - 1;
		mn.y += ym;
		mn.x += xm;
		int i = 0;
		while (g[mn.y][mn.x] != TUNNEL)

			mn.x = tempx;
			mn.y = tempy;

			int randMaxX = 3;
			int randMaxY = 3;
			int ym = rand() % randMaxY - 1;
			int xm = rand() % randMaxX - 1;
			mn.y += ym;
			mn.x += xm;

		g[mn.y][mn.x] = mn.symbol;


	//this is to place the mongoose randomly across the grid once the player has eaten 3 mice
	if ((score >= 3) && (mongooseActive == false))
		int randMaxX = 7;
		int randMaxY = 6;
		int y = rand() % randMaxY;
		int x = rand() % randMaxX;
		mn.y = y + 1;
		mn.x = x + 1;
		while (g[mn.y][mn.x] != TUNNEL)
			int randMaxX = 7;
			int randMaxY = 6;
			int y = rand() % randMaxY;
			int x = rand() % randMaxX;
			mn.y = y + 1;
			mn.x = x + 1;
		g[mn.y][mn.x] = mn.symbol;
		mongooseActive = true;


What I have tried:

I've tried looking on cplusplus and stackoverflow
Updated 24-Apr-16 16:15pm
Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov 24-Apr-16 20:43pm    
Why are you showing so much of unrelated code? Did you try anything (your "What I have tried" says nothing)?
Do you even have some Store/Load function you could at least try to implement? What is the problem?

1 solution

There is no single answer. Why? Because this is your code and your game. That means you need to decide what you want saved. We don't know what you want saved. So, write code that saves "where the snake is, where the mice are, where the power-ups are, and where the mongoose is" and anything else you want to save. There is no magic code that will save anything. You have to write the code. Save it in a file, in a database or however you want, but decide that first.
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