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What's new at CodeProject

Source: CodeProject     Posted by Chris Maunder    Tuesday, May 14, 2002 6:00pm    
Ton's of new stuff to make life a little easier for you

Over the past few weeks we've tidied up a lot of the rough edges and added some handy features to CodeProject.


We've added the ability to choose which categories of articles you wish to hear about in the newsletter, as well as extras such as poll results and the most popular articles. Hopefully this will keep the size of the newsletter manageable for those who don't have time to browse through a list 50 articles long each week.

Articles and Authors

Due to the fact that articles have been posted at CodeProject longer than we've had members it's always been the case that the link-up between member accounts and the articles written by member has been a little loose. We've rewritten the old legacy systems to tighten this up considerably. This means:
  • You no longer have to remember passwords when editing articles you submit using the Wizard. Click the 'Modify Article' link and you're set.
  • The system knows when you are viewing an article you wrote and will provide you with a 'Get Article's HTML' link at the top of the article. This will allow you to grab the HTML that we have on the site, modify it and send it in to us for reposting. This saves you the trouble of stripping our header, and preserves the initial editing and formatting work we did when posting.
  • You can change your display name to whatever you wish and your articles will remain indelibly tied to your account
  • Having joint authors for an article is now easier than ever.


The bookmark system has been rewritten to ensure that when articles are moved or updated you'll know about it. Bookmark listings are now split into sections with the articles update status and score now displayed.

Product Showcase

We've launched a new section for sponsors of CodeProject to show off their goods. These reviews are intended to provide you with information on products and services that we consider useful and of value to developers. They also allow you to discuss a product and interact with the manufacture or provider on a one-to-one basis.

Article Ratings

The rating system has been tweaked a little in preparation for a major overhaul. You can now vote for each article once a week at most. You can vote on as many articles as you like, but multiple votes for the same article are limited.

Message Boards

We've brought the Lounge into the main Discussion board listings to make it easier to keep an eye on what's happening while you get your fill of programming Q&A. Those wondering where 'Rant and Rave' has gone to need look no further than the Soapbox

New Subeditors

Brian Delahunty, Cameron Grant, James Johnson and James Spibey have donated their time to take care of some of the article backlog.

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