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AnswerRe: FIREBASE Filter Data from Date to Date Pin
OriginalGriff18-Sep-23 4:05
mveOriginalGriff18-Sep-23 4:05 
AnswerRe: FIREBASE Filter Data from Date to Date Pin
Richard Deeming18-Sep-23 4:55
mveRichard Deeming18-Sep-23 4:55 
AnswerRe: FIREBASE Filter Data from Date to Date Pin
jschell18-Sep-23 5:38
jschell18-Sep-23 5:38 
GeneralRe: FIREBASE Filter Data from Date to Date Pin
Gerry Schmitz18-Sep-23 6:32
mveGerry Schmitz18-Sep-23 6:32 
GeneralRe: FIREBASE Filter Data from Date to Date Pin
jschell19-Sep-23 5:34
jschell19-Sep-23 5:34 
Suggestion"New" Pattern Pin
Gerry Schmitz15-Sep-23 9:08
mveGerry Schmitz15-Sep-23 9:08 
GeneralRe: "New" Pattern Pin
trønderen15-Sep-23 10:16
trønderen15-Sep-23 10:16 
GeneralRe: "New" Pattern Pin
Gerry Schmitz15-Sep-23 12:27
mveGerry Schmitz15-Sep-23 12:27 
What is an "interface"? I "tell" you a "valid" (Enum) "name" is the "interface" to the .exe / dll. And who tells who what to use? (I also happen to be serializing and deserializing)

The enum happens to be a handy implementation in this case.

The alternative is: a "standard" dll with "every" enum that anybody could possible need: creating one big dependency.

It also implies, I have to rewrite every exe / dll to "migrate out" every reference to this "master" enum into it's own dll.

(You had musing about a "universal language": this pattern can give different "names" based on context that "translate" to different enum values)

The whole "point" was to not have to muck with, etc.

(If you don't code in C#, this is probably meaningless)

"Before entering on an understanding, I have meditated for a long time, and have foreseen what might happen. It is not genius which reveals to me suddenly, secretly, what I have to say or to do in a circumstance unexpected by other people; it is reflection, it is meditation." - Napoleon I

GeneralRe: "New" Pattern Pin
trønderen15-Sep-23 13:07
trønderen15-Sep-23 13:07 
GeneralRe: "New" Pattern Pin
Gerry Schmitz15-Sep-23 13:23
mveGerry Schmitz15-Sep-23 13:23 
GeneralRe: "New" Pattern Pin
trønderen15-Sep-23 14:19
trønderen15-Sep-23 14:19 
GeneralRe: "New" Pattern Pin
jschell15-Sep-23 12:24
jschell15-Sep-23 12:24 
GeneralRe: "New" Pattern Pin
Gerry Schmitz15-Sep-23 12:40
mveGerry Schmitz15-Sep-23 12:40 
QuestionHow to .sql scripts during application installation Pin
Member 1128773113-Sep-23 1:07
Member 1128773113-Sep-23 1:07 
AnswerRe: How to .sql scripts during application installation Pin
Richard Andrew x6413-Sep-23 3:32
professionalRichard Andrew x6413-Sep-23 3:32 
AnswerRe: How to .sql scripts during application installation Pin
RedDk13-Sep-23 8:56
RedDk13-Sep-23 8:56 
AnswerRe: How to .sql scripts during application installation Pin
Eddy Vluggen14-Sep-23 14:32
professionalEddy Vluggen14-Sep-23 14:32 
QuestionData Export to Excel using HSSFWorkbook Works Locally but Not on Test Pin
Fokwa Divine5-Sep-23 4:10
Fokwa Divine5-Sep-23 4:10 
AnswerRe: Data Export to Excel using HSSFWorkbook Works Locally but Not on Test Pin
Ron Nicholson5-Sep-23 4:43
professionalRon Nicholson5-Sep-23 4:43 
AnswerRe: Data Export to Excel using HSSFWorkbook Works Locally but Not on Test Pin
Richard Deeming5-Sep-23 4:48
mveRichard Deeming5-Sep-23 4:48 
AnswerRe: Data Export to Excel using HSSFWorkbook Works Locally but Not on Test Pin
Fokwa Divine5-Sep-23 7:12
Fokwa Divine5-Sep-23 7:12 
GeneralRe: Data Export to Excel using HSSFWorkbook Works Locally but Not on Test Pin
jschell6-Sep-23 6:28
jschell6-Sep-23 6:28 
QuestionBluetooth set as com port in c# Pin
Jan 19472-Sep-23 13:54
Jan 19472-Sep-23 13:54 
AnswerRe: Bluetooth set as com port in c# Pin
Richard MacCutchan2-Sep-23 21:04
mveRichard MacCutchan2-Sep-23 21:04 
GeneralRe: Bluetooth set as com port in c# Pin
Jan 19472-Sep-23 21:47
Jan 19472-Sep-23 21:47 

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