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AnswerRe: cannot resolve Pin
Richard MacCutchan30-Mar-20 3:50
mveRichard MacCutchan30-Mar-20 3:50 
GeneralRe: cannot resolve Pin
MallardsReach30-Mar-20 6:29
MallardsReach30-Mar-20 6:29 
GeneralRe: cannot resolve Pin
Richard MacCutchan30-Mar-20 6:45
mveRichard MacCutchan30-Mar-20 6:45 
GeneralRe: cannot resolve Pin
MallardsReach30-Mar-20 10:32
MallardsReach30-Mar-20 10:32 
GeneralRe: cannot resolve Pin
Richard MacCutchan30-Mar-20 21:34
mveRichard MacCutchan30-Mar-20 21:34 
GeneralRe: cannot resolve Pin
Richard MacCutchan30-Mar-20 22:52
mveRichard MacCutchan30-Mar-20 22:52 
GeneralRe: cannot resolve Pin
MallardsReach30-Mar-20 23:22
MallardsReach30-Mar-20 23:22 
QuestionRadio Button Selected Pin
MallardsReach25-Mar-20 9:50
MallardsReach25-Mar-20 9:50 
Below is the code for 12 radiobuttons it compiles and runs but when I test out the first 2 buttons nothing happens. I have setActionCommand in the loop for each button so What is it I've not done?
ButtonGroup bgTableButtons = new ButtonGroup();

    JRadioButton[] rbTable = new JRadioButton[13];

        int y = 20;
        for (int i = 1; i < rbTable.length; i++)
                rbTable[i] = new JRadioButton(Integer.toString(i) + " Times");
                rbTable[i].setBounds(320, y, 80, 20);
                y = y + 20;
            } //End of for loop

   userText.setText("Button 1");
else if(rbTable[2].isSelected())
    userText.setText("Button 2");
} // End of if

QuestionRe: Radio Button Selected Pin
ZurdoDev25-Mar-20 10:10
professionalZurdoDev25-Mar-20 10:10 
AnswerRe: Radio Button Selected Pin
MallardsReach25-Mar-20 10:33
MallardsReach25-Mar-20 10:33 
QuestionRe: Radio Button Selected Pin
ZurdoDev25-Mar-20 10:39
professionalZurdoDev25-Mar-20 10:39 
AnswerRe: Radio Button Selected Pin
MallardsReach25-Mar-20 11:11
MallardsReach25-Mar-20 11:11 
QuestionRe: Radio Button Selected Pin
ZurdoDev25-Mar-20 12:19
professionalZurdoDev25-Mar-20 12:19 
AnswerRe: Radio Button Selected Pin
Richard MacCutchan26-Mar-20 0:16
mveRichard MacCutchan26-Mar-20 0:16 
GeneralRe: Radio Button Selected Pin
MallardsReach26-Mar-20 0:28
MallardsReach26-Mar-20 0:28 
GeneralRe: Radio Button Selected Pin
Richard MacCutchan26-Mar-20 0:36
mveRichard MacCutchan26-Mar-20 0:36 
GeneralRe: Radio Button Selected Pin
MallardsReach26-Mar-20 2:55
MallardsReach26-Mar-20 2:55 
GeneralRe: Radio Button Selected Pin
MallardsReach26-Mar-20 4:15
MallardsReach26-Mar-20 4:15 
QuestionUser defined Method Pin
MallardsReach24-Mar-20 2:56
MallardsReach24-Mar-20 2:56 
AnswerRe: User defined Method Pin
Richard MacCutchan24-Mar-20 4:18
mveRichard MacCutchan24-Mar-20 4:18 
GeneralRe: User defined Method Pin
MallardsReach24-Mar-20 7:39
MallardsReach24-Mar-20 7:39 
GeneralRe: User defined Method Pin
Richard MacCutchan24-Mar-20 7:44
mveRichard MacCutchan24-Mar-20 7:44 
GeneralRe: User defined Method Pin
MallardsReach24-Mar-20 8:29
MallardsReach24-Mar-20 8:29 
GeneralRe: User defined Method Pin
Richard MacCutchan24-Mar-20 10:16
mveRichard MacCutchan24-Mar-20 10:16 
GeneralRe: User defined Method Pin
MallardsReach24-Mar-20 22:17
MallardsReach24-Mar-20 22:17 

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