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Hardware & Devices

AnswerRe: specifications on atomic memory operations Pin
Richard Andrew x6428-Aug-14 16:42
professionalRichard Andrew x6428-Aug-14 16:42 
AnswerRe: specifications on atomic memory operations Pin
Richard MacCutchan28-Aug-14 21:25
mveRichard MacCutchan28-Aug-14 21:25 
GeneralRe: specifications on atomic memory operations Pin
bkelly1329-Aug-14 14:19
bkelly1329-Aug-14 14:19 
AnswerRe: specifications on atomic memory operations Pin
harold aptroot28-Aug-14 22:24
harold aptroot28-Aug-14 22:24 
GeneralRe: specifications on atomic memory operations Pin
bkelly1329-Aug-14 14:24
bkelly1329-Aug-14 14:24 
AnswerRe: specifications on atomic memory operations Pin
Dave Kreskowiak29-Aug-14 2:52
mveDave Kreskowiak29-Aug-14 2:52 
AnswerRe: specifications on atomic memory operations Pin
Munchies_Matt28-Sep-14 14:16
Munchies_Matt28-Sep-14 14:16 
QuestionRTSP Using QuickTime Player Pin
AmbiguousName11-Aug-14 1:41
AmbiguousName11-Aug-14 1:41 
I am trying to access rtsp url using QuickTime player. Now if there is some authentication set, then it asks for it otherwise it just plays the stream. It is good till here. But if I add username and password in the url, then it shows message: Server Not Found. I am passing the url in the following manner.
How could I pass rtsp url in QuickTime player with the credentials?. Thanks for any input

This world is going to explode due to international politics, SOON.

QuestionDifference between NDIS 6.3 and 6.4 with respect to Mobile Broadband APIs Pin
Sharath C V30-Jul-14 19:27
professionalSharath C V30-Jul-14 19:27 
AnswerRe: Difference between NDIS 6.3 and 6.4 with respect to Mobile Broadband APIs Pin
Munchies_Matt4-Aug-14 5:36
Munchies_Matt4-Aug-14 5:36 
GeneralRe: Difference between NDIS 6.3 and 6.4 with respect to Mobile Broadband APIs Pin
Sharath C V4-Aug-14 18:33
professionalSharath C V4-Aug-14 18:33 
GeneralRe: Difference between NDIS 6.3 and 6.4 with respect to Mobile Broadband APIs Pin
Munchies_Matt4-Aug-14 22:02
Munchies_Matt4-Aug-14 22:02 
GeneralRe: Difference between NDIS 6.3 and 6.4 with respect to Mobile Broadband APIs Pin
Sharath C V4-Aug-14 23:15
professionalSharath C V4-Aug-14 23:15 
QuestionHow to get reset status from usb touch device in XP driver Pin
cedricvictor29-Jul-14 4:24
cedricvictor29-Jul-14 4:24 
Questionpen drive issue Pin
Abhijit Ghosh (Subho) 26-Jul-14 22:23
professionalAbhijit Ghosh (Subho) 26-Jul-14 22:23 
AnswerRe: pen drive issue Pin
Bernhard Hiller27-Jul-14 20:59
Bernhard Hiller27-Jul-14 20:59 
AnswerRe: pen drive issue Pin
Richard Andrew x6430-Aug-14 14:39
professionalRichard Andrew x6430-Aug-14 14:39 
Munchies_Matt23-Jun-14 14:36
Munchies_Matt23-Jun-14 14:36 
QuestionAdd A Third Monitor Pin
Kevin Marois27-May-14 14:19
professionalKevin Marois27-May-14 14:19 
AnswerRe: Add A Third Monitor Pin
Albert Holguin5-Jun-14 9:57
professionalAlbert Holguin5-Jun-14 9:57 
QuestionRTSP not supported on WMP 12 ? Pin
Django_Untaken13-Apr-14 20:08
Django_Untaken13-Apr-14 20:08 
AnswerRe: RTSP not supported on WMP 12 ? Pin
Richard MacCutchan13-Apr-14 22:07
mveRichard MacCutchan13-Apr-14 22:07 
GeneralRe: RTSP not supported on WMP 12 ? Pin
Django_Untaken13-Apr-14 22:47
Django_Untaken13-Apr-14 22:47 
QuestionBluetooth Pin
Member 1074293011-Apr-14 9:04
Member 1074293011-Apr-14 9:04 
AnswerRe: Bluetooth Pin
Dave Kreskowiak11-Apr-14 9:19
mveDave Kreskowiak11-Apr-14 9:19 

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