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AnswerRe: Connect Dababase from Windows7 to windows 2008. Pin
Jörgen Andersson20-Mar-11 22:37
professionalJörgen Andersson20-Mar-11 22:37 
QuestionFail to access to my SQL file ( mdf ) Pin
Yanshof20-Mar-11 1:41
Yanshof20-Mar-11 1:41 
AnswerRe: Fail to access to my SQL file ( mdf ) Pin
Wendelius20-Mar-11 2:36
mentorWendelius20-Mar-11 2:36 
QuestionUsing System.Data.SQLite from the new site Pin
Pascal Ganaye20-Mar-11 1:07
Pascal Ganaye20-Mar-11 1:07 
AnswerRe: Using System.Data.SQLite from the new site Pin
Wendelius20-Mar-11 2:58
mentorWendelius20-Mar-11 2:58 
GeneralRe: Using System.Data.SQLite from the new site Pin
Pascal Ganaye20-Mar-11 5:05
Pascal Ganaye20-Mar-11 5:05 
GeneralRe: Using System.Data.SQLite from the new site Pin
Wendelius20-Mar-11 6:24
mentorWendelius20-Mar-11 6:24 
GeneralRe: Using System.Data.SQLite from the new site Pin
Paul Shaffer24-Mar-11 15:05
Paul Shaffer24-Mar-11 15:05 
I have had to give up on the broken official version and I have my own version here:
It has most of the code changes from the official version, but will still build. (There are almost no changes.) Their version has missing files, and won't build an install. It's really about the same as 1.0.66, but compiles with sqlite 3.7.5.
When the official version is working again I would probably go with that.
QuestionPrivileges required for reading available databases (MS SQL Server) Pin
Eduard Keilholz18-Mar-11 4:31
Eduard Keilholz18-Mar-11 4:31 
AnswerRe: Privileges required for reading available databases (MS SQL Server) Pin
Mycroft Holmes18-Mar-11 14:10
professionalMycroft Holmes18-Mar-11 14:10 
AnswerRe: Privileges required for reading available databases (MS SQL Server) Pin
Wendelius20-Mar-11 0:14
mentorWendelius20-Mar-11 0:14 
QuestionOracle vs. SQL Server Pin
Paladin200017-Mar-11 9:41
Paladin200017-Mar-11 9:41 
AnswerRe: Oracle vs. SQL Server PinPopular
Mycroft Holmes17-Mar-11 12:54
professionalMycroft Holmes17-Mar-11 12:54 
AnswerRe: Oracle vs. SQL Server Pin
PIEBALDconsult17-Mar-11 18:02
mvePIEBALDconsult17-Mar-11 18:02 
JokeRe: Oracle vs. SQL Server Pin
Bernhard Hiller20-Mar-11 21:45
Bernhard Hiller20-Mar-11 21:45 
GeneralRe: Oracle vs. SQL Server Pin
PIEBALDconsult21-Mar-11 3:17
mvePIEBALDconsult21-Mar-11 3:17 
AnswerRe: Oracle vs. SQL Server Pin
Prasanta_Prince13-Apr-11 1:53
Prasanta_Prince13-Apr-11 1:53 
AnswerRe: Oracle vs. SQL Server Pin
S Douglas14-Apr-11 4:41
professionalS Douglas14-Apr-11 4:41 
QuestionTrouble with LEFT JOIN SQL Statement Pin
Dominick Marciano17-Mar-11 6:31
professionalDominick Marciano17-Mar-11 6:31 
AnswerRe: Trouble with LEFT JOIN SQL Statement Pin
Chris Meech17-Mar-11 6:46
Chris Meech17-Mar-11 6:46 
GeneralRe: Trouble with LEFT JOIN SQL Statement Pin
Dominick Marciano17-Mar-11 6:53
professionalDominick Marciano17-Mar-11 6:53 
GeneralRe: Trouble with LEFT JOIN SQL Statement Pin
Chris Meech17-Mar-11 7:01
Chris Meech17-Mar-11 7:01 
GeneralRe: Trouble with LEFT JOIN SQL Statement Pin
suddip19-Mar-11 22:02
suddip19-Mar-11 22:02 
GeneralRe: Trouble with LEFT JOIN SQL Statement Pin
Dominick Marciano17-Mar-11 6:58
professionalDominick Marciano17-Mar-11 6:58 
GeneralRe: Trouble with LEFT JOIN SQL Statement Pin
Chris Meech17-Mar-11 7:02
Chris Meech17-Mar-11 7:02 

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