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AnswerRe: Animated GIF Pin
Joel Ivory Johnson18-Jun-09 5:10
professionalJoel Ivory Johnson18-Jun-09 5:10 
QuestionWifi disconnection problem in windosce application Pin
obalesu16-Jun-09 20:37
obalesu16-Jun-09 20:37 
QuestionWAP stats Pin
TanyaFox15-Jun-09 13:24
TanyaFox15-Jun-09 13:24 
Questiongetting the cell broadcast area information in a windows mobile using c# Pin
feras khiami15-Jun-09 12:06
feras khiami15-Jun-09 12:06 
AnswerRe: getting the cell broadcast area information in a windows mobile using c# Pin
Joel Ivory Johnson18-Jun-09 5:16
professionalJoel Ivory Johnson18-Jun-09 5:16 
AnswerRe: getting the cell broadcast area information in a windows mobile using c# Pin
Vivek Vijayan27-Jun-09 13:10
Vivek Vijayan27-Jun-09 13:10 
QuestionReading Card Identication (CID) Register from SD Card Pin
Maxou76915-Jun-09 3:28
Maxou76915-Jun-09 3:28 
AnswerRe: Reading Card Identication (CID) Register from SD Card Pin
suthdj30-Jun-10 7:02
suthdj30-Jun-10 7:02 
Here is what I found on the net. It works on my Moto Q WinMO 6.1. I know this post is a year old but I still have many issues finding anything that is easy involving SD cards.

Imports Microsoft.WindowsMobile
Imports System
Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices
Imports Microsoft.Win32
Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic
Imports System.Reflection

Public Class Form1

    '    <DllImport("coredll.dll")> _
    'Private Shared Function KernelIoControl(ByVal IoControlCode As Int32, ByVal InputBuffer As IntPtr, ByVal InputBufferSize As Int32, ByVal OutputBuffer As Byte(), ByVal OutputBufferSize As Int32, ByRef BytesReturned As Int32) As Boolean
    '    End Function

    '    Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
    '        Const IOCTL_DISK_GET_STORAGEID As UInt32 = &H71C24
    '        Dim OutputBuffer As Byte() = New Byte(255) {}
    '        Dim OutputBufferSize As UInteger = OutputBuffer.Length
    '        Dim BytesReturned As UInteger = 0
    '        KernelIoControl(IOCTL_DISK_GET_STORAGEID, IntPtr.Zero, 0, OutputBuffer, OutputBufferSize, BytesReturned)

    '    End Sub

    '    '    // 1. DECLARE NEEDED FUNCTION 

    '    '  [DllImport("coredll.dll")] 
    '    '  private static extern bool KernelIoControl(Int32 IoControlCode, IntPtr 
    '    '   InputBuffer, Int32 InputBufferSize, byte[] OutputBuffer, Int32 
    '    '   OutputBufferSize, ref Int32 BytesReturned); 

    '    '// 2.  SOMEWHERE, (e.g. ON BUTTON CLICK) DO THIS 

    '    '   byte[] OutputBuffer = new byte[256]; 
    '    '   uint OutputBufferSize = OutputBuffer.Length; 
    '    '   uint bre=0; 
    '    '   KernelIoControl(IOCTL_DISK_GET_STORAGEID,IntPtr.Zero,0,OutputBuffer,OutputB­ufferSize,ref 
    '    'BytesReturned); 

    '    '// 3.  DO SOMETHING WITH OutputBuffer 

    '    'funny part : I don't have evc++4.0, so if someone can send me/followup VALUE 
    '    'of IOCTL_DISK_GET_STORAGEID (or heder file containing same), thanks 
    '    ' 

    '    Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click

    '    End Sub

    Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
        ' drives bigger than 128MB

        For Each dsk As String In SDReader.GetDrives(128)


                Dim sdInfo As SDReader.SDInfo = SDReader.GetSerial(dsk)

                If sdInfo IsNot Nothing Then

                    Label1.Text &= (SDReader.GetSerial(dsk).ToString)

                    Label1.Text &= vbCrLf

                End If

            Catch ex As Exception

                Label1.Text = ex.Message

            End Try


    End Sub

End Class

Public Class SDReader

#Region " Constants "

    ' Getting the const is fun:


    ' CTL_CODE (devtype, function, method, access) calculates:

    ' ((DeviceType) << 16) or ((Access) << 14) or ((Function) << 2) or (Method)

    ' which works out as this value when you calculate it. 

    ' Why they can't just stick the values on the msdn I don't know. 8-)

    Private Const ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER As Integer = 122

    Private Const ERROR_INVALID_NAME As Integer = 123

    Private Const GenericRead As Integer = &H80000000

    Private Const GenericWrite As Integer = &H40000000

    Private Const FileAttributeNormal As Integer = &H80

    Private Const FileShareRead As Integer = 1

    Private Const FileShareWrite As Integer = 2

    'Private Const IOCTL_DISK_GETINFO As UInt32 = 

    Private Const IOCTL_DISK_GET_STORAGEID As UInt32 = &H71C24

    Private Const OpenExisting As Integer = 3

#End Region

#Region " P/Invoke "
    ' Send messages to devices.

    <DllImport("coredll", SetLastError:=True)> Private Shared Function DeviceIoControl(ByVal deviceHandle As IntPtr, ByVal controlCode As Int32, ByVal inBuffer() As Byte, ByVal inBufferSize As Int32, <[In](), Out()> ByVal outBuffer() As Byte, ByVal outBufferSize As Int32, ByRef bytesReturned As Int32, ByRef overlapped As IntPtr) As Int32

    End Function

    ' Used to get a handle on the drive.

    <DllImport("coredll", SetLastError:=True)> Private Shared Function CreateFile(ByVal FileName As String, ByVal DesiredAccess As Int32, ByVal ShareMode As Int32, ByVal SecurityAttributes As Int32, ByVal CreationDisposition As Int32, ByVal FlagsAndAttributes As Int32, ByVal hTemplateFile As Integer) As IntPtr

    End Function

    ' Close the handle.

    <DllImport("coredll", SetLastError:=True)> Private Shared Function CloseHandle(ByVal hObject As IntPtr) As Integer

    End Function

    <DllImport("coredll", SetLastError:=True)> Private Shared Function GetDiskFreeSpaceEx(ByVal lpDirectoryName As String, ByRef FreeBytesAvailableToCaller As UInt64, ByRef TotalNumberOfBytes As UInt64, ByRef lpTotalNumberOfFreeBytes As UInt64) As Int32

    End Function

#End Region

#Region " Structures "

    ' When deviceIOControl returns, 

    ' this is at the head of the buffer, and has layout information.

    Private Structure StorageID

        Public dwSize As Int32

        Public dwFlags As Int32

        Public dwManufactureIDOffset As Int32

        Public dwSerialNumOffset As Int32

        ' Read from the buffer and fill the fields

        Public Sub FillFromBytes(ByVal buffer() As Byte)

            ' read the header from the bytes

            dwSize = BitConverter.ToInt32(buffer, 0)

            dwFlags = BitConverter.ToInt32(buffer, 4)

            dwManufactureIDOffset = BitConverter.ToInt32(buffer, 8)

            dwSerialNumOffset = BitConverter.ToInt32(buffer, 12)

        End Sub

    End Structure

    Friend Class SDInfo

        Public Serial As String

        Public Manufacturer As String

        Public Overrides Function ToString() As String

            ' blimey no Environment.NewLine urgh.

            Return String.Format("Serial: {0}{1}Manufacturer: {2}", Serial, vbCrLf, Manufacturer)

        End Function

    End Class

#End Region

#Region " Private Methods "

    ' Get the handle

    Private Shared Function GetDriveHandle(ByRef driveRoot As String) As IntPtr

        If driveRoot.StartsWith("DSK") = False Then

            driveRoot = driveRoot & "\\Vol:"

        End If

        Dim driveHandle As IntPtr = CreateFile(driveRoot, GenericRead, 0, Nothing, OpenExisting, 0, Nothing)

        If driveHandle.ToInt32 = -1 Then

            Dim errorCode As Integer = Marshal.GetLastWin32Error

            If errorCode = ERROR_INVALID_NAME Then

                ' This happens with the built in memory in Dells.

                Return IntPtr.Zero

            End If

            Throw New Exception(String.Format("Couldn't CreateFile on {0}, recieved error: {1} &H{2}", driveRoot, errorCode, Convert.ToString(errorCode, 16)))

        End If

        Return driveHandle

    End Function

    Private Shared Function DecodeBuffer(ByVal buffer() As Byte) As SDInfo

        Dim header As New StorageID


        Dim dskInfo As New SDInfo

        Dim sb As New System.Text.StringBuilder

        ' urgh some sort of endian madness:

        For i As Integer = (header.dwManufactureIDOffset + 1) To (header.dwSerialNumOffset - 1) Step 2

            If buffer(i) > 0 Then sb.Append(Chr(buffer(i)))

            If buffer(i - 1) > 0 Then sb.Append(Chr(buffer(i - 1)))


        dskInfo.Manufacturer = sb.ToString

        sb = New System.Text.StringBuilder

        For i As Integer = (header.dwSerialNumOffset + 1) To (header.dwSize - 1) Step 2

            If buffer(i) > 0 Then sb.Append(Chr(buffer(i)))

            If buffer(i - 1) > 0 Then sb.Append(Chr(buffer(i - 1)))


        dskInfo.Serial = sb.ToString

        Return dskInfo

    End Function

    Private Shared Sub CloseFileHandle(ByVal driveHandle As IntPtr)

        Dim result As Int32 = CloseHandle(driveHandle)

    End Sub

    ' Fill the buffer. 

    ' If the buffer is too small then return the errorcode!

    Private Shared Function RequestStorageID(ByVal handle As IntPtr, ByRef buffer() As Byte) As Integer

        ' Send the buffer off to the device...

        Dim bufferSize As Int32 = buffer.Length

        Dim bytesReturned As Int32 = 0

        Dim result As Int32 = DeviceIoControl(handle, IOCTL_DISK_GET_STORAGEID, buffer, bufferSize, buffer, bufferSize, bytesReturned, Nothing)

        ' We need to know when the buffer was not big enough.

        ' when this happens, result = 0 and marshal.GetLastWin32Error = ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER

        If result = 0 Then

            Return Marshal.GetLastWin32Error

        End If

        Return result

    End Function

#End Region

#Region " Friend Methods "

    Friend Shared Function GetSerial(ByVal dsk As String) As SDInfo

        Dim handle As IntPtr


            handle = GetDriveHandle(dsk)


            Return Nothing

        End Try

        ' This happens if the dsk string didn't work with CreateFile.

        If handle = IntPtr.Zero Then Return Nothing


            ' What size is the buffer?

            ' Well send off and get just the header, and read the size from that.

            Dim buffer() As Byte = New Byte(Marshal.SizeOf(GetType(StorageID)) - 1) {}

            If RequestStorageID(handle, buffer) = ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER Then

                ' Ok, this is expected. We only filled in the header.

                ' Read the header and determine the correct size.

                Dim header As New StorageID


                ' Reset the buffer

                buffer = New Byte(header.dwSize - 1) {}

                ' And ask for it again.

                Dim result As Integer = RequestStorageID(handle, buffer)

                If result = 0 Then

                    ' It didn't work

                    Throw New Exception("DeviceIOControl returned " & Convert.ToString(result, 16))

                End If

            End If

            If buffer.Length = 16 Then

                ' we only got the buffer. device has no info

                Return Nothing

            End If

            ' If we get here, then we have a buffer.

            Return DecodeBuffer(buffer)



        End Try

    End Function

    Friend Shared Function GetDrives() As List(Of String)

        Dim lmDriversActive As RegistryKey = Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey("Drivers\Active")

        Dim dsks As New List(Of String)

        Dim subKeyNames() As String = lmDriversActive.GetSubKeyNames

        For subKeyIndex As Integer = 0 To lmDriversActive.SubKeyCount - 1

            Dim name As String = DirectCast(lmDriversActive.OpenSubKey(subKeyNames(subKeyIndex)).GetValue("Name"), String)

            If name IsNot Nothing AndAlso name.StartsWith("DSK") Then


            End If


        Return dsks

    End Function

    Friend Shared Function GetDrives(ByVal minimumSizeMegabytes As UInt32) As List(Of String)

        Dim cards As New List(Of String)

        For Each di As System.IO.DirectoryInfo In (New System.IO.DirectoryInfo("\")).GetDirectories

            If (di.Attributes And System.IO.FileAttributes.Directory) = System.IO.FileAttributes.Directory Then

                If (di.Attributes And System.IO.FileAttributes.Temporary) = System.IO.FileAttributes.Temporary Then

                    ' OpenNetCf technique.                    

                    ' This is a directory and it is temporary.

                    ' Dells have an irritating internal flash that is a false positive

                    Dim freeBytesAvailable As UInt64 = 0

                    Dim totalNumberOfBytes As UInt64 = 0

                    Dim totalNumberOfFreeBytes As UInt64 = 0

                    Dim result As Int32 = GetDiskFreeSpaceEx(di.FullName, freeBytesAvailable, totalNumberOfBytes, totalNumberOfFreeBytes)

                    If totalNumberOfBytes > (minimumSizeMegabytes * 1024 * 1024) Then

                        ' more than 32 MB so prolly not the internal thing


                    End If

                End If

            End If


        Return cards

    End Function

#End Region

End Class

QuestionNavigating the DataGrid Pin
Paulo Mitchell15-Jun-09 2:41
Paulo Mitchell15-Jun-09 2:41 
QuestionHelp me fpr Pocket PC? Pin
Le@rner15-Jun-09 2:05
Le@rner15-Jun-09 2:05 
Questionink sdk application Pin
radhikasharma14-Jun-09 9:40
radhikasharma14-Jun-09 9:40 
QuestionCall app in windows ce - newbie here (sorry) Pin
huffhuff10-Jun-09 8:12
huffhuff10-Jun-09 8:12 
AnswerRe: Call app in windows ce Pin
Nirmit Kavaiya17-Jun-09 2:14
professionalNirmit Kavaiya17-Jun-09 2:14 
QuestionApplications list in Windows mobile Pin
hemlat9-Jun-09 20:06
hemlat9-Jun-09 20:06 
QuestionWindows mobile application development Pin
hemlat9-Jun-09 19:57
hemlat9-Jun-09 19:57 
QuestionHow to move toolbar to the top of window(vc2005+mobile5.0)? Pin
keyu217-Jun-09 22:22
keyu217-Jun-09 22:22 
AnswerRe: How to move toolbar to the top of window(vc2005+mobile5.0)? Pin
Anu Koshy2-Jun-10 19:34
Anu Koshy2-Jun-10 19:34 
QuestionDataGrid SelectedIndexChanged method not avaiolable in Compact Framework Pin
Paulo Mitchell6-Jun-09 5:00
Paulo Mitchell6-Jun-09 5:00 
AnswerRe: DataGrid SelectedIndexChanged method not avaiolable in Compact Framework Pin
Rajendra Padhiyar22-Jun-09 23:30
Rajendra Padhiyar22-Jun-09 23:30 
NewsToolkit for Windows Mobile 6.5 and Windows Marketplace for Mobile Released Pin
brucedkyle4-Jun-09 14:28
brucedkyle4-Jun-09 14:28 
QuestionDateTime value incorrect by 100 years Pin
dlarkin774-Jun-09 4:13
dlarkin774-Jun-09 4:13 
QuestionHow to Repeat execution of AT commands to read SMS from Mobile? Pin
Md. Ali Naser Khan2-Jun-09 23:27
Md. Ali Naser Khan2-Jun-09 23:27 
Questionhow can i capture the mouseup event everytime in VC# based on WinCE platform and arm9 hardware? Pin
zh.again1-Jun-09 3:09
zh.again1-Jun-09 3:09 
QuestionHow to receiving an incoming SMS message? in C# Pin
Md. Ali Naser Khan31-May-09 23:42
Md. Ali Naser Khan31-May-09 23:42 
QuestionA problem when I open file help with html format Pin
nvphap29-May-09 5:18
nvphap29-May-09 5:18 

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