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QuestionProject_1.exe.config and Project_2.dll.config Pin
AndieDu30-Sep-09 16:44
AndieDu30-Sep-09 16:44 
AnswerRe: Project_1.exe.config and Project_2.dll.config Pin
Calla30-Sep-09 21:01
Calla30-Sep-09 21:01 
GeneralRe: Project_1.exe.config and Project_2.dll.config Pin
AndieDu1-Oct-09 13:43
AndieDu1-Oct-09 13:43 
AnswerRe: Project_1.exe.config and Project_2.dll.config Pin
AndieDu1-Oct-09 16:38
AndieDu1-Oct-09 16:38 
GeneralRe: Project_1.exe.config and Project_2.dll.config Pin
Calla1-Oct-09 20:14
Calla1-Oct-09 20:14 
Questionhow to display a string on website through windows form Pin
Barkha Shreri30-Sep-09 11:23
Barkha Shreri30-Sep-09 11:23 
AnswerRe: how to display a string on website through windows form Pin
Abhishek Sur30-Sep-09 12:06
professionalAbhishek Sur30-Sep-09 12:06 
AnswerRe: how to display a string on website through windows form Pin
Tamer Oz30-Sep-09 19:23
Tamer Oz30-Sep-09 19:23 
Use the web browser control comes with .net. Here is a sample code to give you some idea.

webBrowser1.Document.GetElementById("fieldname").SetAttribute("value", "foo");
GeneralRe: how to display a string on website through windows form Pin
Barkha Shreri1-Oct-09 1:38
Barkha Shreri1-Oct-09 1:38 
GeneralRe: how to display a string on website through windows form Pin
Barkha Shreri1-Oct-09 3:15
Barkha Shreri1-Oct-09 3:15 
QuestionC#: Need help deleting new button instances that i've create in my program! Please Help! Pin
jyjt_code30-Sep-09 10:14
jyjt_code30-Sep-09 10:14 
AnswerRe: C#: Need help deleting new button instances that i've create in my program! Please Help! Pin
Christian Graus30-Sep-09 11:13
protectorChristian Graus30-Sep-09 11:13 
GeneralRe: C#: Need help deleting new button instances that i've create in my program! Please Help! Pin
jyjt_code30-Sep-09 16:35
jyjt_code30-Sep-09 16:35 
GeneralRe: C#: Need help deleting new button instances that i've create in my program! Please Help! Pin
Christian Graus30-Sep-09 16:39
protectorChristian Graus30-Sep-09 16:39 
QuestionButton navigate Pin
Texas38930-Sep-09 9:10
Texas38930-Sep-09 9:10 
AnswerRe: Button navigate [modified] Pin
Ian Shlasko30-Sep-09 9:23
Ian Shlasko30-Sep-09 9:23 
GeneralRe: Button navigate Pin
Texas38930-Sep-09 11:10
Texas38930-Sep-09 11:10 
QuestionProblem executing a named pipe service Pin
AndyASPVB30-Sep-09 8:55
AndyASPVB30-Sep-09 8:55 
AnswerRe: Problem executing a named pipe service Pin
Ian Shlasko30-Sep-09 9:26
Ian Shlasko30-Sep-09 9:26 
GeneralRe: Problem executing a named pipe service Pin
AndyASPVB30-Sep-09 9:51
AndyASPVB30-Sep-09 9:51 
GeneralRe: Problem executing a named pipe service Pin
saber.softs30-Sep-09 11:02
saber.softs30-Sep-09 11:02 
GeneralRe: Problem executing a named pipe service Pin
AndyASPVB1-Oct-09 10:43
AndyASPVB1-Oct-09 10:43 
QuestionLoadLibrary gets stuck when calling it from a thread that is not the main thread Pin
Alexeirob30-Sep-09 7:50
Alexeirob30-Sep-09 7:50 
QuestionMultiple log4net files. Pin
Albu Marius30-Sep-09 5:00
Albu Marius30-Sep-09 5:00 
AnswerRe: Multiple log4net files. Pin
Albu Marius1-Oct-09 0:28
Albu Marius1-Oct-09 0:28 

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