your questions become more asinine by the day.
J4amieC wrote: your questions become more asinine by the day.
LOL, she is going backward day by day
Anagram of her name
A Gusto Pain
"More functions should disregard input values and just return 12. It would make life easier." - comment posted on WTF
"This time yesterday, I still had 24 hours to meet the deadline I've just missed today."
hello ... tell me how can i check my voting point in this site..
thanks 2 all..
Points for post or Article ?
Sun Rays
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i want 2 know both ..but most is post..
thanks 2 all..
You can see that just at right bottom corner of your post. Just below to Modify/Delete links.
Sun Rays
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I have a web form with an asp.net FileUpload control. This is the same as a html tag.
Every time I try to upload an .mdf file (sql server database file) the page is reset by iis and there is no upload. iis seems to be blocking .mdf files, since many other file types are uploading.
I don't even know a good forum to ask this in. What do you think would be the workaround for this? I can't think of an easy way to rename the extension before uploading it, or if that would even work. The user browses to the .mdf file and selects it, there is no chance to rename the extension.
Hai to all,
In my web aplication,
I have set the session time out in web.config and also in IIS(in my application).
The problem is,once i start the data entry of my application and in between if i leave the system for 15-20 minutes then from the current point i can not enter the data bcz session is expiring.
How to solve this problem??maximum time 60minutes i have given still same problem is coming.
If i want to display a message that "session haas been expired" with which condition on each form i have to show??
Give me some idea
just set session expire in web.config. Not anywhere else in application or not anywhere else. Just check it.
Now in Goabal.asax there is Session_End event. In that you can redirect to session end message page.
Hope it will solve your problem.
Sun Rays
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Thanks for ur reply, i will remove as u suggested in the IIS .
I will give you the status after some time.
So in the global.asax i am redirecting to the message page.
thanks once again
Kissy16 wrote: I have set the session time out in web.config and also in IIS(in my application).
This is a commonly discussed issue. I suggest you to set the session timeout either in web.config or in the other place. May be that is causing the problem.
Thanks for ur reply,
I have removed in the IIS.
But still i am facing the same problem.
As sussgested by sun ray,in global.asax i have given the code for displaying message on session _end event.
My problem was not solved yet.
Please give me some solution.
I have done the changes as u suggested.
Post your OnSessionEnd code from Global.Asax
"More functions should disregard input values and just return 12. It would make life easier." - comment posted on WTF
"This time yesterday, I still had 24 hours to meet the deadline I've just missed today."
Just i am displaying a message on that form.Anything else i need to write ???
When the session expires,nothing is happend.I just want to display a message.
If you have any idea for not expiring the session state
please give me a solution,
Thanks for the response.
Here is my code
Sub Session_End(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
' Fires when the session ends
End Sub
Try Server.Transfer(page) instead of Response.Redirect(page)
"More functions should disregard input values and just return 12. It would make life easier." - comment posted on WTF
"This time yesterday, I still had 24 hours to meet the deadline I've just missed today."
I couldn't able to display the message also.
It is not displaying anything.Server.transfer(page) is also not working.
Wherever i am entering data am i need to write some code while session expires to display the message???
It shd not give any error,so that i can display a message.
Please help me out with this.
Only on global.asax i have given server.transfer(page).
And wat more i need to write??
I have a ASP.NET Web Application that calls WebMethods from Web Service.
Any error occuring in WebMethod is caught in the Web App and displayed in a Label as:- lblErrorMsg.Text = ex.Message
In development environment, above line shows the Message of the error;
"Value is Incorrect"
But, after I published & deployed the Web Application at Server,any error returned by the WebMethod is displayed with FULL Stack Information:
"System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException: Value is Incorrect at EasyPurl.CampaignCreationProcessLIDnotRequired( Int32 iTemplateId)"
Why this difference in the DEPLOYED/Published Site & Development environment??
PL. HELP ..This is a little urgent..
after deploying your webservice on IIS plz check it. Browse the webservice and on page input the value as desired. After that submit it. If you are getting error then there must be any porblem with input of function in webservice.
So just cross check it.
Sun Rays
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I am using temprory gridview. how will save records temprory gridview to database.
Gagan Deep Garg wrote: temprory gridview
what do you mean by that?
- Regards - JON Life is not measured by the amount of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.
means you want to save records from gridview to database ?
Sun Rays
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yes, I want to save records gridview to database
Gagan Deep Garg wrote: yes, I want to save records gridview to database
Iterate through each record in gridview and update database.
I want to save temporary gridview to database.