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GeneralRe: doubel buffering with GDI problem Pin
Mark Salsbery4-Jan-07 8:47
Mark Salsbery4-Jan-07 8:47 
GeneralRe: doubel buffering with GDI problem Pin
ceejeeb4-Jan-07 8:56
ceejeeb4-Jan-07 8:56 
Questiondynamic CImageList icons - possible? [modified] Pin
neilsolent4-Jan-07 8:13
neilsolent4-Jan-07 8:13 
AnswerRe: dynamic CImageList icons - possible? Pin
Mark Salsbery4-Jan-07 8:26
Mark Salsbery4-Jan-07 8:26 
AnswerRe: dynamic CImageList icons - possible? Pin
James R. Twine4-Jan-07 8:29
James R. Twine4-Jan-07 8:29 
AnswerRe: dynamic CImageList icons - possible? Pin
CPallini4-Jan-07 8:38
mveCPallini4-Jan-07 8:38 
AnswerRe: dynamic CImageList icons - possible? Pin
Hamid_RT4-Jan-07 18:11
Hamid_RT4-Jan-07 18:11 
GeneralRe: dynamic CImageList icons - possible? Pin
neilsolent6-Jan-07 0:09
neilsolent6-Jan-07 0:09 
Thanks to everyone for the posts.

I know these functions, but they don't realy explain how to load icons from files or "external" data sources - this is what I meant by dynamic (the icons aren't already hardcoded as resources in the executables). I found the functions I was looking for, which are:

ExtractIcon() - load icon from disk
CreateIconFromResourceEx() - load icon from memory

Sorry, I think I should have explained what I was after a bit better..


GeneralRe: dynamic CImageList icons - possible? Pin
Hamid_RT6-Jan-07 19:13
Hamid_RT6-Jan-07 19:13 
QuestionRestricting access to Windows Pin
pcfilho4-Jan-07 7:26
pcfilho4-Jan-07 7:26 
AnswerRe: Restricting access to Windows Pin
Mark Salsbery4-Jan-07 7:57
Mark Salsbery4-Jan-07 7:57 
GeneralRe: Restricting access to Windows Pin
David Crow4-Jan-07 8:03
David Crow4-Jan-07 8:03 
GeneralRe: Restricting access to Windows Pin
Mark Salsbery4-Jan-07 8:08
Mark Salsbery4-Jan-07 8:08 
GeneralRe: Restricting access to Windows Pin
James R. Twine4-Jan-07 8:16
James R. Twine4-Jan-07 8:16 
GeneralRe: Restricting access to Windows Pin
Mark Salsbery4-Jan-07 8:18
Mark Salsbery4-Jan-07 8:18 
GeneralRe: Restricting access to Windows Pin
David Crow4-Jan-07 8:23
David Crow4-Jan-07 8:23 
GeneralRe: Restricting access to Windows Pin
Mark Salsbery4-Jan-07 8:28
Mark Salsbery4-Jan-07 8:28 
GeneralRe: Restricting access to Windows Pin
pcfilho4-Jan-07 8:12
pcfilho4-Jan-07 8:12 
GeneralRe: Restricting access to Windows Pin
Mark Salsbery4-Jan-07 8:19
Mark Salsbery4-Jan-07 8:19 
QuestionRe: Restricting access to Windows Pin
pcfilho5-Jan-07 10:07
pcfilho5-Jan-07 10:07 
AnswerRe: Restricting access to Windows Pin
Mark Salsbery5-Jan-07 11:26
Mark Salsbery5-Jan-07 11:26 
GeneralRe: Restricting access to Windows Pin
pcfilho8-Jan-07 8:49
pcfilho8-Jan-07 8:49 
QuestionRuntime problems in VC++ Express 2005 Pin
fyrebyrd4-Jan-07 7:14
fyrebyrd4-Jan-07 7:14 
QuestionCan I convert HWND to CWnd object Pin
Max++4-Jan-07 7:12
Max++4-Jan-07 7:12 
AnswerRe: Can I convert HWND to CWnd object Pin
David Crow4-Jan-07 7:59
David Crow4-Jan-07 7:59 

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