i have sqlserver data base and i want to store sounds in the database and reterive these sound how?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I want to protect my database from anyone other than i. How I can set a password to my single Database. This is in Intranet. I have sql server username and Password(ie Sa and some pwd).
Pls help me
does anyone know using SQL server 2000 a select statement or system table to look up the active connections to a database
Thanks in advance.
Some problems are so complex that you have to be highly intelligent and well informed just to be undecided about them.
- Laurence J. Peters
I tried out samples in MSDN regarding how to enable autoincrement of an ID through Stored Procedure, it works. Now I'm having doubts where I wanted to insert the ID which is auto-incremented in parent table when a new record is added, to be inserted in the child table.
I just make an illustration for example, StaffAccount Table (Parent Table)having StaffID as primary key, it is auto-incremented using stored procedures-succesfully completed, now the StaffID is the foreign key in Login Table(Child Table), I want the StaffID to be added automaticallly in child table once a new record has been inserted in parent table.
How is this possible?
Thanks in advance for helping in reading this.
best regards amygal
Your stored proc could look like this:
create procedure AddNewPerson
@Name varchar(50)
set nocount on
insert into StaffAccountTable ( StaffName ) values ( @Name )
insert into Login ( StaffID, ... ) values ( @@identity, ... )
Hope this helps.
Rainer Stropek
Visit my blog at http://www.cubido.at/rainers
Hi Rainer,
thanks for the reply
but it seemed having some prob:
I had tried the stored procedure u had specify, but is generate error says that no null value can be inserted into the Login Table. Alright, I had set the StaffID in child table of Login AS Not Allow Null, I guess tis is the prob, but yet if i changed the setting to Set as Allow Null, the result the same- IT does not insert the auto-generated StaffID in (Staff Record)Parent Record to the (Login)child table.
Here is my Procedure
Create PROCEDURE InsertStaffAccount
@StaffName varchar(20),
@Gender char(10),
@Address varchar(50),
@Position varchar(20),
@Identity int OUT
SET nocount On
INSERT INTO StaffAccount(StaffName,Gender,Address,Position) VALUES (@StaffName,@Gender,@Address,@Position)
INSERT INTO StaffLogin(StaffID,Password) VALUES (@@Identity,@Identity)
any Idea??
It looks to me like the @Identity output parameter is the problem. It is NULL at the time that you insert into StaffLogin.
Are you trying to put a password into the StaffLogin table?
What value do you want the password to be?
Some problems are so complex that you have to be highly intelligent and well informed just to be undecided about them.
- Laurence J. Peters
yes, the password is one of the field in staffLogin table.
My intention is Once a new Staff Record is added, StaffID will be autogenerated and saved the new record in Staff Table.
In the same time, I wish the StaffLogin Table will be populated with the new StaffID as autogenerated in Staff Table and together with the password. Of course, since it is a new staff record, the Stafflogin table does not have the value of staffID and the password yet, it is added as a new record only in the same time as New Staff Record is added in the Staff Account. How is this possible?
The value of the password for the initial add record purpose is similar as the staffID which is auto-generated in the Staff Table, then i will add code to allow user to change the vaue of password on their first login.How is this possible?
thanks again
best regard
@StaffName VARCHAR(20),
@Gender CHAR(10),
@Address VARCHAR(50),
@Position VARCHAR(20),
@Identity INT OUT
INSERT INTO StaffAccount(StaffName,Gender,Address,Position) VALUES (@StaffName,@Gender,@Address,@Position)
INSERT INTO StaffLogin(StaffID,Password) VALUES (@Identity ,str(@Identity))
Some problems are so complex that you have to be highly intelligent and well informed just to be undecided about them.
- Laurence J. Peters
Hie EricDV
Thanks alot for the help. It really workos. The auto-generated staffID does populate the Login Table. But there is one weird thing, why the paswword seemed to have extra space infront of the StaffID? Eg. *****10011 * represent the space why is it so?
how to eliminate the extra space in front of the password??
best regard
You're welcome. Isn't this fun?
Some problems are so complex that you have to be highly intelligent and well informed just to be undecided about them.
- Laurence J. Peters
hey EricDV
It's really cool, =) juz a simple line of code. very bravo of u
Everything working fine now exept there is still some small msg box pop up.
A msgbox pop up with " Procedure or function 'InsertStaffAccount expect parameter '@staffName' which was not supplied. Is that a bug?
how to make it dissapear as evryhign seemed to work fine now
thanks again
very kind and helpful of u
best regards
@myg@l wrote: A msgbox pop up with " Procedure or function 'InsertStaffAccount expect parameter '@staffName' which was not supplied. Is that a bug?
Yes. a few posts back, you defined your stored proc with these parameters:
@StaffName varchar(20),
@Gender char(10),
@Address varchar(50),
@Position varchar(20),
@Identity int OUT
You need to supply them when you call the procedure.
Some problems are so complex that you have to be highly intelligent and well informed just to be undecided about them.
- Laurence J. Peters
hie again
yea i had added the stored procedure with the parameters above, but i cant get u bout to supply them when i call the procedure
any example??
It depends on where you are executing it from. If you call it from the SQL Query Analyzer, then:
declare @iIdentity int<br />
<br />
exec InsertStaffAccount 'John Smith','Male','123 5th Street','CEO',@iIdentity out<br />
<br />
print @iIdentity
Are you trying to call it from C++,C#,VB.Net,ASP.NET???
Some problems are so complex that you have to be highly intelligent and well informed just to be undecided about them.
- Laurence J. Peters
yeah, I'm trying to call it from VB.NET is there any difference?
@myg@l wrote: yeah, I'm trying to call it from VB.NET is there any difference?
Not much...
Dim conn As New SqlConnection
conn.ConnectionString = "Data Source=(local);" & _
"Initial Catalog=mytestdb;" & _
"Integrated Security=SSPI"
Dim cmd As New SqlCommand
cmd.Connection = conn
cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure
cmd.CommandText = "InsertStaffAccount"
Dim prm1 As New SqlParameter("@StaffName", SqlDbType.VarChar, 20)
prm1.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input
prm1.Value = "MyStaffName"
Dim prm2 As New SqlParameter("@Gender", SqlDbType.Char, 10)
prm2.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input
prm2.Value = "MyGender"
Dim prm3 As New SqlParameter("@Address", SqlDbType.VarChar, 50)
prm3.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input
prm3.Value = "MyAddress"
Dim prm4 As New SqlParameter("@Position", SqlDbType.VarChar, 20)
prm4.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input
prm4.Value = "MyPosition"
Dim prm5 As New SqlParameter("@Identity", SqlDbType.VarChar, 20)
prm5.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output
MsgBox("Returned ID=" + prm5.Value)
--EricDV Sig---------
Some problems are so complex that you have to be highly intelligent and well informed just to be undecided about them.
- Laurence J. Peters
Hey Eric, I thankss alot. It works perfectly.....Thanks for the hessle all the way. It is rather fun to try out !!
tc and hav a nice day
see ya around
best regards
sir i want to learn xml i am familier with ado.net and sql server please guide me with starting stage i am totaly known with xml please help me
If you just want a general introduction into XML and it's related technologies check out W3Schools.com[^]
i use this code to store image in my database
Dim DR As DataRow
DR = Ds_products1.employees_dir_sp.NewRow
SqlInsertCommand1.Parameters("@emp_fname").Value = txtfname.Text
SqlInsertCommand1.Parameters("@emp_mname").Value = txtmname.Text
SqlInsertCommand1.Parameters("@emp_photo").Value = PictureBox1.Image
DR("emp_fname") = SqlInsertCommand1.Parameters("@emp_fname").Value
DR("emp_mname") = SqlInsertCommand1.Parameters("@emp_mname").Value
DR("emp_photo") = SqlInsertCommand1.Parameters("@emp_photo").Value
so when i click the save button that message apeear
"object must implement iconvertible"