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GeneralRe: My sister has a big stupid German Shepherd Pin
Sander Rossel17-Sep-24 5:58
professionalSander Rossel17-Sep-24 5:58 
GeneralRe: My sister has a big stupid German Shepherd Pin
Daniel Pfeffer17-Sep-24 17:05
professionalDaniel Pfeffer17-Sep-24 17:05 
GeneralRe: My sister has a big stupid German Shepherd Pin
Sander Rossel17-Sep-24 22:37
professionalSander Rossel17-Sep-24 22:37 
GeneralRe: My sister has a big stupid German Shepherd Pin
Daniel Pfeffer18-Sep-24 0:00
professionalDaniel Pfeffer18-Sep-24 0:00 
GeneralRe: My sister has a big stupid German Shepherd Pin
honey the codewitch18-Sep-24 3:30
mvahoney the codewitch18-Sep-24 3:30 
GeneralRe: My sister has a big stupid German Shepherd Pin
dandy7218-Sep-24 4:22
dandy7218-Sep-24 4:22 
GeneralRe: My sister has a big stupid German Shepherd Pin
Sander Rossel18-Sep-24 5:24
professionalSander Rossel18-Sep-24 5:24 
GeneralRe: My sister has a big stupid German Shepherd Pin
0x01AA17-Sep-24 6:46
mve0x01AA17-Sep-24 6:46 
I have to take a stand for the dogs.

We have two Landseer, Landseer dog - Wikipedia[^] and also two cats, they are living without a problem together (the two little cats enjoy the two big dogs;)). They are both very intelligent herding dogs (protectors) and make their own decisions in an emergency. I experienced this myself when one of them saw a drowning person in the lake and he went into the water on his own initiative and 'saved' the person.

OK, but I also have to admit: The person was a well-trained swimmer and was not in danger. The dog misinterpreted this a little bit.

Better to save once too often than once too little Wink | ;)

My lesson from this incident is: Always take care of your animals, dog or cat. Have them under control.

modified 17-Sep-24 12:58pm.

GeneralRe: My sister has a big stupid German Shepherd Pin
jeron117-Sep-24 7:11
jeron117-Sep-24 7:11 
GeneralRe: My sister has a big stupid German Shepherd Pin
0x01AA17-Sep-24 7:13
mve0x01AA17-Sep-24 7:13 
GeneralRe: My sister has a big stupid German Shepherd Pin
jeron117-Sep-24 7:42
jeron117-Sep-24 7:42 
GeneralRe: My sister has a big stupid German Shepherd Pin
0x01AA17-Sep-24 8:11
mve0x01AA17-Sep-24 8:11 
GeneralRe: My sister has a big stupid German Shepherd Pin
jeron117-Sep-24 8:22
jeron117-Sep-24 8:22 
GeneralRe: My sister has a big stupid German Shepherd Pin
MarkTJohnson17-Sep-24 8:11
professionalMarkTJohnson17-Sep-24 8:11 
GeneralRe: My sister has a big stupid German Shepherd Pin
Alister Morton17-Sep-24 23:14
Alister Morton17-Sep-24 23:14 
PraiseRe: My sister has a big stupid German Shepherd Pin
0x01AA19-Sep-24 7:40
mve0x01AA19-Sep-24 7:40 
GeneralRe: My sister has a big stupid German Shepherd Pin
Jalapeno Bob17-Sep-24 9:43
professionalJalapeno Bob17-Sep-24 9:43 
GeneralRe: My sister has a big stupid German Shepherd Pin
0x01AA17-Sep-24 9:49
mve0x01AA17-Sep-24 9:49 
GeneralRe: My sister has a big stupid German Shepherd Pin
Choroid17-Sep-24 10:17
Choroid17-Sep-24 10:17 
GeneralRe: My sister has a big stupid German Shepherd Pin
Mycroft Holmes17-Sep-24 12:29
professionalMycroft Holmes17-Sep-24 12:29 
GeneralRe: My sister has a big stupid German Shepherd Pin
Christian Graus17-Sep-24 12:56
protectorChristian Graus17-Sep-24 12:56 
GeneralRe: My sister has a big stupid German Shepherd Pin
GKP199217-Sep-24 18:45
professionalGKP199217-Sep-24 18:45 
GeneralRe: My sister has a big stupid German Shepherd Pin
Steve Raw17-Sep-24 19:02
professionalSteve Raw17-Sep-24 19:02 
GeneralRe: My sister has a big stupid German Shepherd Pin
GKP199217-Sep-24 19:17
professionalGKP199217-Sep-24 19:17 
GeneralRe: My sister has a big stupid German Shepherd Pin
Steve Raw17-Sep-24 19:35
professionalSteve Raw17-Sep-24 19:35 

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