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GeneralRe: Chris leaving Pin
Rage26-Sep-24 3:19
professionalRage26-Sep-24 3:19 
GeneralRe: Chris leaving Pin
#realJSOP26-Sep-24 6:42
professional#realJSOP26-Sep-24 6:42 
GeneralWordle 1,186 Pin
Shane010316-Sep-24 17:46
Shane010316-Sep-24 17:46 
GeneralRe: Wordle 1,186 Pin
GKP199216-Sep-24 18:18
professionalGKP199216-Sep-24 18:18 
GeneralRe: Wordle 1,186 Pin
OriginalGriff16-Sep-24 20:21
mveOriginalGriff16-Sep-24 20:21 
GeneralRe: Wordle 1,186 - 4 4 me Pin
pkfox16-Sep-24 20:35
professionalpkfox16-Sep-24 20:35 
GeneralRe: Wordle 1,186 - 4 4 me Pin
GKP199216-Sep-24 21:12
professionalGKP199216-Sep-24 21:12 
GeneralRe: Wordle 1,186 - 4 4 me Pin
pkfox16-Sep-24 21:33
professionalpkfox16-Sep-24 21:33 
Same here I would've got it in 3 if I hadn't doubted my hunch
In a closed society where everybody's guilty, the only crime is getting caught. In a world of thieves, the only final sin is stupidity. - Hunter S Thompson - RIP

GeneralRe: Wordle 1,186 - 4 4 me Pin
ChandraRam16-Sep-24 23:47
ChandraRam16-Sep-24 23:47 
GeneralRe: Wordle 1,186 Pin
Sander Rossel16-Sep-24 21:33
professionalSander Rossel16-Sep-24 21:33 
GeneralRe: Wordle 1,186 Pin
StarNamer@work16-Sep-24 21:33
professionalStarNamer@work16-Sep-24 21:33 
GeneralRe: Wordle 1,186 6/6 Pin
den2k8816-Sep-24 22:21
professionalden2k8816-Sep-24 22:21 
GeneralWordle 1,186 - 5/6 Pin
ChandraRam16-Sep-24 23:46
ChandraRam16-Sep-24 23:46 
GeneralRe: Wordle 1,186 Pin
Cp-Coder17-Sep-24 2:51
Cp-Coder17-Sep-24 2:51 
GeneralBeyond Compare and WSL Pin
Jeremy Falcon16-Sep-24 15:18
professionalJeremy Falcon16-Sep-24 15:18 
GeneralComputer Nerds - Quirks and Habits Pin
Steve Raw16-Sep-24 15:05
professionalSteve Raw16-Sep-24 15:05 
GeneralRe: Computer Nerds - Quirks and Habits Pin
Jeremy Falcon16-Sep-24 15:21
professionalJeremy Falcon16-Sep-24 15:21 
GeneralRe: Computer Nerds - Quirks and Habits Pin
jmaida16-Sep-24 15:59
jmaida16-Sep-24 15:59 
GeneralRe: Computer Nerds - Quirks and Habits Pin
Steve Raw17-Sep-24 5:17
professionalSteve Raw17-Sep-24 5:17 
GeneralRe: Computer Nerds - Quirks and Habits Pin
Choroid17-Sep-24 10:33
Choroid17-Sep-24 10:33 
GeneralRe: Computer Nerds - Quirks and Habits Pin
PIEBALDconsult16-Sep-24 15:43
mvePIEBALDconsult16-Sep-24 15:43 
GeneralRe: Computer Nerds - Quirks and Habits Pin
Amarnath S16-Sep-24 17:23
professionalAmarnath S16-Sep-24 17:23 
GeneralRe: Computer Nerds - Quirks and Habits Pin
CPallini16-Sep-24 19:58
mveCPallini16-Sep-24 19:58 
GeneralRe: Computer Nerds - Quirks and Habits Pin
David Crow17-Sep-24 2:31
David Crow17-Sep-24 2:31 
GeneralRe: Computer Nerds - Quirks and Habits Pin
dandy7217-Sep-24 2:40
dandy7217-Sep-24 2:40 

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