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GeneralRe: Program C64 In Your Browser Pin
Mike Hankey5-Sep-24 9:16
mveMike Hankey5-Sep-24 9:16 
GeneralRe: Program C64 In Your Browser Pin
raddevus5-Sep-24 9:43
mvaraddevus5-Sep-24 9:43 
GeneralRe: Program C64 In Your Browser Pin
Mike Hankey5-Sep-24 9:51
mveMike Hankey5-Sep-24 9:51 
GeneralRe: Program C64 In Your Browser Pin
honey the codewitch5-Sep-24 10:00
mvahoney the codewitch5-Sep-24 10:00 
GeneralRe: Program C64 In Your Browser Pin
Roger Wright5-Sep-24 18:26
professionalRoger Wright5-Sep-24 18:26 
GeneralRe: Program C64 In Your Browser Pin
dandy726-Sep-24 3:51
dandy726-Sep-24 3:51 
GeneralRe: Program C64 In Your Browser Pin
Nelek5-Sep-24 13:04
protectorNelek5-Sep-24 13:04 
GeneralThis is one of those things that ChatGPT is too stupid to understand Pin
dandy725-Sep-24 7:39
dandy725-Sep-24 7:39 

I'm looking for a USB-C hub that has nothing but USB-C ports. I have a crap-ton of old(er) USB hubs that have 4, 8, or even 10 USB (type A) ports, supporting up to USB 3.0, but I haven't yet encountered an equivalent that has USB-C only. No matter what I search for, I can only find hubs/docks that also offer HDMI, Ethernet, etc. I need something much simpler. I want wall-to-wall USB-C.

Assuming these things are out there - should they be suitable for monitors that (supposedly) only need a USB-C connection to a PC (plus maybe a wall wart, which I suppose is fine)...?

I have the room so I could line up 3 such 15" monitors above (or below) my main display, a 40" 4K TV hooked up to my PC via HDMI. I obviously don't have an infinite number of spare HDMI ports, so I'm wondering if multiples of those USB-C monitors (+ hub) might be a viable option. Do I have unrealistic expectations?

I'm getting tired of having some windows constantly getting buried by other windows and having to dig them out 100 times a day. I'd be perfectly happy if I could dedicate a (smallish) monitor for Teams, another for my email client, another for notes and such, and leave my other monitors free for "everything else".

GeneralRe: This is one of those things that ChatGPT is too stupid to understand Pin
RickZeeland5-Sep-24 8:20
mveRickZeeland5-Sep-24 8:20 
GeneralRe: This is one of those things that ChatGPT is too stupid to understand Pin
dandy725-Sep-24 8:29
dandy725-Sep-24 8:29 
GeneralRe: This is one of those things that ChatGPT is too stupid to understand Pin
RickZeeland5-Sep-24 8:32
mveRickZeeland5-Sep-24 8:32 
GeneralRe: This is one of those things that ChatGPT is too stupid to understand Pin
dandy725-Sep-24 9:04
dandy725-Sep-24 9:04 
GeneralRe: This is one of those things that ChatGPT is too stupid to understand Pin
obermd5-Sep-24 8:41
obermd5-Sep-24 8:41 
GeneralRe: This is one of those things that ChatGPT is too stupid to understand Pin
RedDk5-Sep-24 9:54
RedDk5-Sep-24 9:54 
GeneralRe: This is one of those things that ChatGPT is too stupid to understand Pin
dandy725-Sep-24 10:53
dandy725-Sep-24 10:53 
GeneralRe: This is one of those things that ChatGPT is too stupid to understand Pin
RedDk5-Sep-24 11:11
RedDk5-Sep-24 11:11 
QuestionAI And Travel Pin
Member 163595295-Sep-24 4:10
Member 163595295-Sep-24 4:10 
AnswerRe: AI And Travel Pin
Nelek5-Sep-24 4:30
protectorNelek5-Sep-24 4:30 
AnswerRe: AI And Travel Pin
Maximilien5-Sep-24 4:35
Maximilien5-Sep-24 4:35 
GeneralRe: AI And Travel Pin
Rage5-Sep-24 5:43
professionalRage5-Sep-24 5:43 
JokeRe: AI And Travel Pin
den2k885-Sep-24 21:45
professionalden2k885-Sep-24 21:45 
GeneralRe: AI And Travel Pin
jan larsen11-Sep-24 2:56
jan larsen11-Sep-24 2:56 
GeneralRe: AI And Travel Pin
den2k8811-Sep-24 3:00
professionalden2k8811-Sep-24 3:00 
AnswerRe: AI And Travel Pin
Amarnath S5-Sep-24 5:38
professionalAmarnath S5-Sep-24 5:38 
GeneralRe: AI And Travel Pin
snorkie6-Sep-24 4:16
professionalsnorkie6-Sep-24 4:16 

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