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GeneralRe: If you could run all your apps (games too) on Linux? Pin
Jeremy Falcon9-Aug-24 13:00
professionalJeremy Falcon9-Aug-24 13:00 
JokeRe: If you could run all your apps (games too) on Linux? Pin
Richard MacCutchan9-Aug-24 22:39
mveRichard MacCutchan9-Aug-24 22:39 
GeneralRe: If you could run all your apps (games too) on Linux? Pin
charlieg10-Aug-24 1:04
charlieg10-Aug-24 1:04 
GeneralRe: If you could run all your apps (games too) on Linux? Pin
Richard MacCutchan10-Aug-24 2:55
mveRichard MacCutchan10-Aug-24 2:55 
GeneralRe: If you could run all your apps (games too) on Linux? Pin
gaujaai21-Aug-24 23:41
gaujaai21-Aug-24 23:41 
GeneralRe: If you could run all your apps (games too) on Linux? Pin
Richard MacCutchan22-Aug-24 1:45
mveRichard MacCutchan22-Aug-24 1:45 
GeneralRe: If you could run all your apps (games too) on Linux? Pin
raddevus10-Aug-24 3:35
mvaraddevus10-Aug-24 3:35 
GeneralRe: If you could run all your apps (games too) on Linux? Pin
EDV RZ Schröter12-Aug-24 3:22
EDV RZ Schröter12-Aug-24 3:22 
> Mircea Neacsu wrote:
> In one word (or maybe two) - VisualStudio.

Close but no cigar. Ditched that clunker the very second I found JetBrains Rider (but our relationship had already been toxic for a decade or so). Now I start Visual Studio only once or twice a year, to build/publish some legacy stuff - after having done all the development in Rider.

What keeps me firmly rooted on Windows boxen is LINQPad. There's nothing even remotely comparable in the Linux world, and there probably won't be since JPad unfortunately seems to have died in its infancy.

My LINQPad script tree currently comprises 3464 files in 709 directories; it is basically a knowledge dump where each piece of knowledge is packaged as a LINQPad script, opened with a single click and then executed with a single keystroke. This goes from how to call a certain API (one line, or a handful) up to POC implementations with many hundreds of lines and maybe dozens of includes and referenced assemblies or NuGet packages. Basically, I don't start coding tricky stuff in a C# project until I have it working perfectly in LINQPad. Also, I often write LINQPad scripts (read 'C# programs') where I formerly would have done battle with batch files or Power$hell scripts, because it is so much more convenient and so much more powerful. Plus, I get to use a language with palatable/sane syntax (C#), as opposed to all the shell languages that I've ever seen.

Also, having programmed the Windows API since Windows 2.18 and the Win32 API since NT 3.51 I tend take certain amenities - e.g. threads, reliable file locking, interprocess synchronisation primitives, clipboard - for granted. That's why my mind really boggles when I find that Linux does not have interprocess mutexes, for example, and that people recommend farting around with disk files instead. That's not really a desktop/UI issue but it keeps me away from Linux and Mac for everyday work, because I cannot make them jump like a can even the newest, sh*ttiest iteration of Windows yet. And there's always the WSL if need arises ...
GeneralRe: If you could run all your apps (games too) on Linux? Pin
dandy7212-Aug-24 3:34
dandy7212-Aug-24 3:34 
GeneralRe: If you could run all your apps (games too) on Linux? Pin
sasadler12-Aug-24 6:09
sasadler12-Aug-24 6:09 
GeneralRe: If you could run all your apps (games too) on Linux? Pin
Mircea Neacsu12-Aug-24 6:51
Mircea Neacsu12-Aug-24 6:51 
GeneralRe: If you could run all your apps (games too) on Linux? Pin
Paul Mauriks12-Aug-24 20:53
Paul Mauriks12-Aug-24 20:53 
AnswerRe: If you could run all your apps (games too) on Linux? Pin
Jeremy Falcon9-Aug-24 12:40
professionalJeremy Falcon9-Aug-24 12:40 
GeneralRe: If you could run all your apps (games too) on Linux? Pin
FreedMalloc9-Aug-24 13:45
FreedMalloc9-Aug-24 13:45 
GeneralRe: If you could run all your apps (games too) on Linux? Pin
raddevus10-Aug-24 3:40
mvaraddevus10-Aug-24 3:40 
GeneralRe: If you could run all your apps (games too) on Linux? Pin
dandy7212-Aug-24 3:52
dandy7212-Aug-24 3:52 
GeneralRe: If you could run all your apps (games too) on Linux? Pin
raddevus12-Aug-24 10:54
mvaraddevus12-Aug-24 10:54 
GeneralRe: If you could run all your apps (games too) on Linux? Pin
Paul Mauriks12-Aug-24 23:08
Paul Mauriks12-Aug-24 23:08 
AnswerRe: If you could run all your apps (games too) on Linux? Pin
Jeremy Falcon9-Aug-24 12:42
professionalJeremy Falcon9-Aug-24 12:42 
GeneralRe: If you could run all your apps (games too) on Linux? Pin
raddevus10-Aug-24 3:42
mvaraddevus10-Aug-24 3:42 
GeneralRe: If you could run all your apps (games too) on Linux? Pin
Jeremy Falcon10-Aug-24 7:49
professionalJeremy Falcon10-Aug-24 7:49 
AnswerRe: If you could run all your apps (games too) on Linux? Pin
FreedMalloc9-Aug-24 13:38
FreedMalloc9-Aug-24 13:38 
GeneralRe: If you could run all your apps (games too) on Linux? Pin
honey the codewitch9-Aug-24 23:08
mvahoney the codewitch9-Aug-24 23:08 
GeneralRe: If you could run all your apps (games too) on Linux? Pin
dandy7212-Aug-24 4:00
dandy7212-Aug-24 4:00 
GeneralRe: If you could run all your apps (games too) on Linux? Pin
raddevus10-Aug-24 4:01
mvaraddevus10-Aug-24 4:01 

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