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GeneralEnglish help, please: Aster Pin
trønderen7-Aug-24 20:46
trønderen7-Aug-24 20:46 
GeneralRe: English help, please: Aster PinPopular
honey the codewitch7-Aug-24 20:51
mvahoney the codewitch7-Aug-24 20:51 
GeneralRe: English help, please: Aster Pin
Peter_in_27807-Aug-24 20:54
professionalPeter_in_27807-Aug-24 20:54 
GeneralRe: English help, please: Aster Pin
0x01AA7-Aug-24 20:56
mve0x01AA7-Aug-24 20:56 
GeneralRe: English help, please: Aster Pin
Amarnath S7-Aug-24 20:57
professionalAmarnath S7-Aug-24 20:57 
GeneralRe: English help, please: Aster Pin
dandy728-Aug-24 3:40
dandy728-Aug-24 3:40 
GeneralRe: English help, please: Aster Pin
Gary Wheeler8-Aug-24 5:43
Gary Wheeler8-Aug-24 5:43 
GeneralRe: English help, please: Aster Pin
Gary Stachelski 20218-Aug-24 3:50
Gary Stachelski 20218-Aug-24 3:50 
From Google AI (remember AI is not reliable):

The word "disaster" comes from the Latin words dis- and astro, which mean "away or without" and "star or planet" respectively. It literally translates to "without a star" and originally implied misfortune caused by astrological issues. For example, in Shakespeare's time, an astrologer might have warned Juliet of a disaster in her stars that indicated an unfortunate event was coming.

The word "disaster" entered the English language in the mid-16th century and comes to us through Middle French and the Old Italian word disastro. The earliest known use of the word as a noun is from the mid-1500s, and as an adjective it's recorded in Robert Greene's writing in 1584.

Today, "disaster" is more commonly used to mean upheaval or an adverse event that happens suddenly and unexpectedly.
GeneralRe: English help, please: Aster Pin
RedDk8-Aug-24 9:20
RedDk8-Aug-24 9:20 
GeneralRe: English help, please: Aster Pin
Mircea Neacsu8-Aug-24 9:40
Mircea Neacsu8-Aug-24 9:40 
GeneralRe: English help, please: Aster Pin
charlieg12-Aug-24 11:52
charlieg12-Aug-24 11:52 
GeneralWordle 1,146 Pin
StarNamer@work7-Aug-24 13:11
professionalStarNamer@work7-Aug-24 13:11 
GeneralRe: Wordle 1,146 Pin
Shane01037-Aug-24 17:43
Shane01037-Aug-24 17:43 
GeneralRe: Wordle 1,146 Pin
den2k887-Aug-24 22:41
professionalden2k887-Aug-24 22:41 
GeneralRe: Wordle 1,146 Pin
Shane01038-Aug-24 18:02
Shane01038-Aug-24 18:02 
GeneralRe: Wordle 1,146 Pin
GKP19927-Aug-24 18:16
professionalGKP19927-Aug-24 18:16 
GeneralRe: Wordle 1,146 Pin
OriginalGriff7-Aug-24 18:46
mveOriginalGriff7-Aug-24 18:46 
GeneralRe: Wordle 1,146 - 4 4 me Pin
pkfox7-Aug-24 20:20
professionalpkfox7-Aug-24 20:20 
GeneralRe: Wordle 1,146 Pin
PJ Arends7-Aug-24 21:26
professionalPJ Arends7-Aug-24 21:26 
GeneralRe: Wordle 1,146 - 4/6 Pin
ChandraRam7-Aug-24 21:59
ChandraRam7-Aug-24 21:59 
GeneralRe: Wordle 1,146 4/6 Pin
den2k887-Aug-24 22:40
professionalden2k887-Aug-24 22:40 
GeneralRe: Wordle 1,146 Pin
Sander Rossel7-Aug-24 23:29
professionalSander Rossel7-Aug-24 23:29 
GeneralRe: Wordle 1,146 Pin
Cp-Coder8-Aug-24 0:21
Cp-Coder8-Aug-24 0:21 
GeneralRe: Wordle 1,146 Pin
jmaida8-Aug-24 15:19
jmaida8-Aug-24 15:19 
GeneralBranching off... Pin
dandy727-Aug-24 10:33
dandy727-Aug-24 10:33 

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