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GeneralRe: I switched to MS Edge (Linux, MacOS, iPad) Pin
obermd6-May-24 3:42
obermd6-May-24 3:42 
GeneralRe: I switched to MS Edge (Linux, MacOS, iPad) Pin
Nelek6-May-24 4:59
protectorNelek6-May-24 4:59 
GeneralRe: I switched to MS Edge (Linux, MacOS, iPad) Pin
Amarnath S5-May-24 14:48
professionalAmarnath S5-May-24 14:48 
GeneralRe: I switched to MS Edge (Linux, MacOS, iPad) Pin
raddevus6-May-24 1:55
mvaraddevus6-May-24 1:55 
GeneralRe: I switched to MS Edge (Linux, MacOS, iPad) Pin
Amarnath S6-May-24 4:26
professionalAmarnath S6-May-24 4:26 
GeneralRe: I switched to MS Edge (Linux, MacOS, iPad) Pin
fatman456-May-24 5:56
professionalfatman456-May-24 5:56 
GeneralRe: I switched to MS Edge (Linux, MacOS, iPad) Pin
Amarnath S6-May-24 7:03
professionalAmarnath S6-May-24 7:03 
GeneralRe: I switched to MS Edge (Linux, MacOS, iPad) Pin
Richard Deeming6-May-24 21:51
mveRichard Deeming6-May-24 21:51 
Settings ⇒ Cookies and site permissions ⇒ Camera

Do you have anything in the "Allow" list? If so, those sites will be able to use your camera without asking.

You can also turn off the "Ask before accessing" option, which will allegedly block any sites not already in the "allow" list from accessing, or asking to access, the camera.

"These people looked deep within my soul and assigned me a number based on the order in which I joined."
- Homer

GeneralRe: I switched to MS Edge (Linux, MacOS, iPad) Pin
Amarnath S7-May-24 0:12
professionalAmarnath S7-May-24 0:12 
GeneralRe: I switched to MS Edge (Linux, MacOS, iPad) Pin
Member 157333907-May-24 4:55
Member 157333907-May-24 4:55 
GeneralRe: I switched to MS Edge (Linux, MacOS, iPad) Pin
englebart5-May-24 15:13
professionalenglebart5-May-24 15:13 
GeneralRe: I switched to MS Edge (Linux, MacOS, iPad) Pin
Franc Morales5-May-24 17:34
Franc Morales5-May-24 17:34 
GeneralRe: I switched to MS Edge (Linux, MacOS, iPad) Pin
raddevus6-May-24 1:58
mvaraddevus6-May-24 1:58 
GeneralRe: I switched to MS Edge (Linux, MacOS, iPad) Pin
obermd6-May-24 3:43
obermd6-May-24 3:43 
GeneralRe: I switched to MS Edge (Linux, MacOS, iPad) Pin
Franc Morales6-May-24 10:19
Franc Morales6-May-24 10:19 
GeneralRe: I switched to MS Edge (Linux, MacOS, iPad) Pin
Peter Adam5-May-24 23:17
professionalPeter Adam5-May-24 23:17 
GeneralRe: I switched to MS Edge (Linux, MacOS, iPad) Pin
obermd6-May-24 3:44
obermd6-May-24 3:44 
GeneralRe: I switched to MS Edge (Linux, MacOS, iPad) Pin
BryanFazekas6-May-24 1:31
BryanFazekas6-May-24 1:31 
GeneralRe: I switched to MS Edge (Linux, MacOS, iPad) Pin
raddevus6-May-24 2:01
mvaraddevus6-May-24 2:01 
GeneralRe: I switched to MS Edge (Linux, MacOS, iPad) Pin
BryanFazekas6-May-24 2:16
BryanFazekas6-May-24 2:16 
GeneralRe: I switched to MS Edge (Linux, MacOS, iPad) Pin
Maximilien6-May-24 2:29
Maximilien6-May-24 2:29 
GeneralRe: I switched to MS Edge (Linux, MacOS, iPad) Pin
dandy726-May-24 3:32
dandy726-May-24 3:32 
GeneralRe: I switched to MS Edge (Linux, MacOS, iPad) Pin
Bruce Patin6-May-24 4:06
Bruce Patin6-May-24 4:06 
GeneralRe: I switched to MS Edge (Linux, MacOS, iPad) Pin
Br.Bill8-May-24 6:47
Br.Bill8-May-24 6:47 
GeneralThat day again Pin
theoldfool5-May-24 0:11
professionaltheoldfool5-May-24 0:11 

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