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GeneralRe: GIT Time again - what am I missing? Pin
den2k8813-Feb-24 3:28
professionalden2k8813-Feb-24 3:28 
GeneralRe: GIT Time again - what am I missing? Pin
Jeremy Falcon13-Feb-24 3:36
professionalJeremy Falcon13-Feb-24 3:36 
GeneralRe: GIT Time again - what am I missing? Pin
jochance13-Feb-24 5:06
jochance13-Feb-24 5:06 
AnswerRe: GIT Time again - what am I missing? Pin
PIEBALDconsult13-Feb-24 2:16
mvePIEBALDconsult13-Feb-24 2:16 
GeneralRe: GIT Time again - what am I missing? Pin
Maximilien13-Feb-24 2:36
Maximilien13-Feb-24 2:36 
AnswerRe: GIT Time again - what am I missing? Pin
Maximilien13-Feb-24 2:33
Maximilien13-Feb-24 2:33 
GeneralRe: GIT Time again - what am I missing? Pin
charlieg14-Feb-24 11:56
charlieg14-Feb-24 11:56 
AnswerRe: GIT Time again - what am I missing? Pin
Jeremy Falcon13-Feb-24 2:58
professionalJeremy Falcon13-Feb-24 2:58 
charlieg wrote:
Exactly what am I missing? I simply do not see anything significant git brings to the table that svn does not. I nod to preferences, but can anyone provide real world examples of how git solved a version control problem better than svn? The most common "feature" articles say about git is some mumbling about not needing a central repo which makes no sense to me.
I say this as a dude who used SVN for years...
  1. Git is awesome.
  2. Old crusty people refuse change and to continue learning.
  3. People need to embrace distributed concepts if they want to belong to the future.
Now, as far as why you care today, as in right now. This is really a conversation between centralized vs distributed. You can replace SVN with anything centralized.
  1. Unlike with SVN, you can be 100% offline and still commit code you work on. Yeah sure, you can set up a local SVN server on your home network, but let's be real. This mean, if you commute to work on a train, you can code away and make commits. Then push them to a remote later on. If you never go outside, less of an issue I guess.
  2. Run queries and searches against your entire repo's history, locally and quickly.
  3. Run hooks to gate/guard your code before it ever hits the real repository. Yeah sure, you can have staging/feature branches in both Git and SVN, but with SVN it's still in the remote repo.
  4. Under the hood, git diffs commits more efficiently. I don't have evidence for this so it's anecdotal. But, from years of using it, it just feels quicker.
  5. I haven't used SVN in a while, so maybe this is moot, but with Git you have Git LFS. Google it.
  6. You should be making frequent commits to code. SVN is too slow for this. Large commits are terrible for maintenance. Anyone working in a large team knows this.
  7. Git is profoundly better at handling branches and deltas than SVN. Granted, I haven't used SVN in years... maybe it's better at it now... maybe. I don't know.
Anyone on CP saying keep with SVN, I can promise you still uses jQuery or VB, sans a few. And there are people (except for one, shout out to Ravi) who will argue all day long about how they think they are experts in their choice of version control, but they can't read a post or explain anything simply. Point is, don't trust CP to give you the best info always.

Oh, and sorry, if I sound jaded. It's not you or your post, I promise. Laugh | :laugh: I'm just old and cranky and really tired of having to deal with certain types of peeps, that's all. Blush | :O
Jeremy Falcon

modified 13-Feb-24 9:09am.

GeneralRe: GIT Time again - what am I missing? Pin
charlieg13-Feb-24 3:50
charlieg13-Feb-24 3:50 
GeneralRe: GIT Time again - what am I missing? Pin
Jeremy Falcon13-Feb-24 5:02
professionalJeremy Falcon13-Feb-24 5:02 
GeneralRe: GIT Time again - what am I missing? Pin
charlieg13-Feb-24 5:24
charlieg13-Feb-24 5:24 
AnswerRe: GIT Time again - what am I missing? Pin
TNCaver13-Feb-24 3:05
TNCaver13-Feb-24 3:05 
AnswerRe: GIT Time again - what am I missing? Pin
HobbyProggy13-Feb-24 3:16
professionalHobbyProggy13-Feb-24 3:16 
AnswerRe: GIT Time again - what am I missing? Pin
den2k8813-Feb-24 3:26
professionalden2k8813-Feb-24 3:26 
GeneralRe: GIT Time again - what am I missing? Pin
charlieg13-Feb-24 3:55
charlieg13-Feb-24 3:55 
AnswerRe: GIT Time again - what am I missing? Pin
charlieg13-Feb-24 3:59
charlieg13-Feb-24 3:59 
GeneralRe: GIT Time again - what am I missing? Pin
Jeremy Falcon13-Feb-24 6:02
professionalJeremy Falcon13-Feb-24 6:02 
GeneralRe: GIT Time again - what am I missing? Pin
Jeremy Falcon13-Feb-24 6:07
professionalJeremy Falcon13-Feb-24 6:07 
GeneralRe: GIT Time again - what am I missing? Pin
Gerry Schmitz13-Feb-24 13:58
mveGerry Schmitz13-Feb-24 13:58 
GeneralRe: GIT Time again - what am I missing? Pin
S.B.13-Feb-24 19:44
S.B.13-Feb-24 19:44 
GeneralRe: GIT Time again - what am I missing? Pin
charlieg14-Feb-24 11:17
charlieg14-Feb-24 11:17 
AnswerRe: GIT Time again - what am I missing? Pin
Rick York13-Feb-24 4:39
mveRick York13-Feb-24 4:39 
GeneralRe: GIT Time again - what am I missing? Pin
charlieg13-Feb-24 5:30
charlieg13-Feb-24 5:30 
GeneralRe: GIT Time again - what am I missing? Pin
Jeremy Falcon13-Feb-24 6:23
professionalJeremy Falcon13-Feb-24 6:23 
GeneralRe: GIT Time again - what am I missing? Pin
Maximilien13-Feb-24 7:41
Maximilien13-Feb-24 7:41 

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