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GeneralRe: make your own backups! Pin
trønderen29-Nov-23 7:00
trønderen29-Nov-23 7:00 
GeneralRe: make your own backups! Pin
Ron Anders28-Nov-23 5:55
Ron Anders28-Nov-23 5:55 
GeneralRe: make your own backups! Pin
Gerry Schmitz28-Nov-23 6:43
mveGerry Schmitz28-Nov-23 6:43 
GeneralRe: make your own backups! Pin
DerekT-P29-Nov-23 11:08
professionalDerekT-P29-Nov-23 11:08 
GeneralRe: make your own backups! Pin
trønderen28-Nov-23 8:16
trønderen28-Nov-23 8:16 
GeneralRe: make your own backups! Pin
theoldfool28-Nov-23 23:38
professionaltheoldfool28-Nov-23 23:38 
GeneralRe: make your own backups! Pin
jschell29-Nov-23 5:38
jschell29-Nov-23 5:38 
GeneralRe: make your own backups! Pin
trønderen29-Nov-23 7:09
trønderen29-Nov-23 7:09 
When digital cameras arrived, I was not first in line to get one. Two of my co-workers were, long before me. We had a social mountain cabin weekend at work, and Monday morning, one of those digital guys put his 700 photos from the weekend on the company file server. The other digital one followed up, publishing his 500 photos on the company server.

When I had my 36 slides developed a couple of days later, I didn't care to try compete with the 1200 photos already on the server (actually more: Several other co-workers had added their 100, 150 or 200 photos.)

On the other hand: The silver photos I made are still among those I use to show what kind of pictures I am proud to make.
GeneralRe: make your own backups! Pin
jschell30-Nov-23 5:48
jschell30-Nov-23 5:48 
GeneralRe: make your own backups! Pin
theoldfool28-Nov-23 23:43
professionaltheoldfool28-Nov-23 23:43 
GeneralRe: make your own backups! Pin
Paul Sanders (the other one)29-Nov-23 0:08
Paul Sanders (the other one)29-Nov-23 0:08 
GeneralRe: make your own backups! Pin
jschell29-Nov-23 5:41
jschell29-Nov-23 5:41 
GeneralRe: make your own backups! Pin
Paul Sanders (the other one)29-Nov-23 6:20
Paul Sanders (the other one)29-Nov-23 6:20 
GeneralRe: make your own backups! Pin
WPerkins29-Nov-23 3:12
WPerkins29-Nov-23 3:12 
GeneralHow does one idiot find another? Pin
Cp-Coder27-Nov-23 23:45
Cp-Coder27-Nov-23 23:45 
GeneralRe: How does one idiot find another? Pin
dandy7228-Nov-23 3:23
dandy7228-Nov-23 3:23 
AnswerRe: How does one idiot find another? Pin
megaadam28-Nov-23 3:27
professionalmegaadam28-Nov-23 3:27 
GeneralRe: How does one idiot find another? Pin
obermd28-Nov-23 3:49
obermd28-Nov-23 3:49 
GeneralRe: How does one idiot find another? Pin
PIEBALDconsult28-Nov-23 4:23
mvePIEBALDconsult28-Nov-23 4:23 
GeneralRe: How does one idiot find another? Pin
Rick York28-Nov-23 6:07
mveRick York28-Nov-23 6:07 
GeneralRe: How does one idiot find another? Pin
Gary R. Wheeler29-Nov-23 9:42
Gary R. Wheeler29-Nov-23 9:42 
GeneralRe: How does one idiot find another? Pin
PIEBALDconsult29-Nov-23 10:06
mvePIEBALDconsult29-Nov-23 10:06 
GeneralRe: How does one idiot find another? Pin
Daniel Pfeffer30-Nov-23 9:58
professionalDaniel Pfeffer30-Nov-23 9:58 
GeneralRe: How does one idiot find another? Pin
Gary R. Wheeler30-Nov-23 11:44
Gary R. Wheeler30-Nov-23 11:44 
GeneralWordle 892 Pin
StarNamer@work27-Nov-23 13:03
professionalStarNamer@work27-Nov-23 13:03 

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