dandy72 wrote: You and me and probably a few more out of the nearly 16M registered members. 16M registered members is not the same thing as the unique members, active members, and the amount of people that frequent the lounge. Don't fall into the trap of not knowing what a number really means. We all know who the regulars are here, and it's not too hard to tell when we have a rogue trouble maker actively exploiting people.
dandy72 wrote: The one steadily enforced rule is "no programming question", not "use the obscure forum that was created for that one time someone had a question on that topic and nobody even knows exists, which now includes the guy who created it in the first place". For a software developer site, "Programming vs everything else" seems pretty straightforward to me. I eluded to the solution to this in the original post when I mentioned even I'll do it at times if I know the person and there's no appropriate forum I'm aware of at the time of my reply. Thus, the solution would be to see if it matches an existing forum. Also, it's easy to tell when someone is exploiting the system or not. This is very, very easy to tell.
dandy72 wrote: When you have too many subgroups, the end result is that nobody will see the post, and the poster will never get a response. True, but then trim the sub groups as a solution... don't poison and dilute the lounge as the answer.
dandy72 wrote: I'm 100% okay with the current arrangement. Without any categorization, you're just as bad off. None of us want to be honest here and are stuck in the past it seems. Things could be improved.
dandy72 wrote: But I sure wouldn't want that job. It's not that hard. I used to moderate message boards as a teenager for AOL under the computing channel. I dunno why we make so many excuses though.
Jeremy Falcon
modified 10-Jun-24 15:34pm.
Jeremy Falcon wrote: Don't fall into the trap of not knowing what a number really means. We all know who the regulars are here,
Clearly. I don't know if Chris would share that number or not, but I suspect the active community is but a tiny fraction of the whole.
Jeremy Falcon wrote: Also, it's easy to tell when someone is exploiting the system or not. This is very, very easy to tell.
This is the crux of your original post, isn't it? The repeat offenders. They know they can get away with it, and after a while, it gets annoying for everyone. I can't disagree there. OTOH, you have to pick your battles, so I try not to let these get to me and just move on. Otherwise I'd only be contributing to threads that shouldn't even exist in the first place, making matters worse.
Jeremy Falcon wrote: Without any categorization, you're just as bad off. None of us want to be honest here and are stuck in the past it seems. Things could be improved.
Things can always be improved, but I'm also keeping in mind the rule of good intentions and unintended consequences. I was saying it's okay now, but could easily be turned into something worse--much worse. So, go ahead and make the investment now, then try to roll things back after everybody gives up? Is it worth the time and effort?
Jeremy Falcon wrote: It's not that hard. I used to moderate message boards as a teenager for AOL under the computing channel. I dunno why we make so many excuses though.
Hard, no, time-consuming, exceedingly. If you'll pardon the meme, the excuse is "ain't nobody got time fo' dat". You did it as a teenager. I probably did something similar. Teenagers have tons of free time on their hands to do things no adult would bother with. Real life settles in, other things take priority, and suddenly curating an online discussion board doesn't seem like much of a worthy cause.
Maybe AI will help. [snicker]
Just a heads up, I'm the one that upvoted your post. One of the things I enjoy about chatting with you, is even when we may not always agree (nobody ever does all the time) we still find a way to keep things civil. It's a totally rare thing.
dandy72 wrote: I can't disagree there. OTOH, you have to pick your battles, so I try not to let these get to me and just move on. Where's the fun in that? (I'm kidding... well maybe. )
dandy72 wrote: Is it worth the time and effort? Time is the number one excuse not to do something. It's usually always a matter of priority, and to that I would say yes it's worth updating a site that is your bread and butter. Also gotta mention, people can hire out other devs to help with the time factor. Imagine if everyone said "hey let's stop improving" just because they got older, I seriously doubt humanity would even have computers if that were the case for everyone.
If you had a family that depended on you and you financially depending on a website, that's all the more reason to keep improving on it. Unless, they're just bored of the site now.
dandy72 wrote: Real life settles in, other things take priority, and suddenly curating an online discussion board doesn't seem like much of a worthy cause. Totally agree 100%, but that also means the site is on a decline. Nothing stays the same forever and its evident by a lot of the old timers having moved on. This is just the life of being in business, you cannot stop improving or you'll eventually die out.
dandy72 wrote: Maybe AI will help. [snicker]
Jeremy Falcon
Jeremy Falcon wrote: even when we may not always agree (nobody ever does all the time) we still find a way to keep things civil. It's a totally rare thing.
Respect, bro. One has to develop the ability to identify those who will only waste your time, vs those who have valuable opinions that you just have to bring yourself to respect. Next thing you know, you learn people have different perspectives, and they're not wrong. Imagine that.
When it comes to CP's rules, the primary reason I'm okay with the status quo, and I kinda alluded to that (maybe indirectly), is that some sites find a good formula, with some flaws, which someone then tries to address and ends up making things worse - and then it's too late and those with valuable input have moved on, and you just can't go back to how things were no matter what you try.
I've been on CP for over 20 years, and there's a good reason for that. Try to tweak the rules just a bit too much and there might be a big exodus, and we'd lose what made this site so unique. Personally I'd call it being risk-averse.
Wordle 1,087 5/6*
Wordle 1,087 4/6
Wordle 1,087 4/6
Wordle 1,087 4/6*
"I have no idea what I did, but I'm taking full credit for it." - ThisOldTony
"Common sense is so rare these days, it should be classified as a super power" - Random T-shirt
AntiTwitter: @DalekDave is now a follower!
had to look it up.
In a closed society where everybody's guilty, the only crime is getting caught. In a world of thieves, the only final sin is stupidity. - Hunter S Thompson - RIP
Wordle 1,087 5/6*
Happiness will never come to those who fail to appreciate what they already have. -Anon
And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music. -Frederick Nietzsche
Wordle 1,087 5/6
Ok, I have had my coffee, so you can all come out now!
I thought, "that's a pretty weird way to start a conversation"
Check out my IoT graphics library here:
And my IoT UI/User Experience library here:
I don't know what I'm doing wrong. I try to make friends
but I just can't get the DNA sequencing right.
"A little time, a little trouble, your better day"
Me to hubby: "Maybe you were just pondering in your mind, about how to articulate your thoughts to speech. Therefore I couldn't listen".
James Bond did it better. (Against Goldfinger, if I recall correctly.)
Over a year ago Espressif - the maker of the ESP32 MCUs broke SPI "SDA reads" under their Arduino framework implementation. An SDA read takes a normally write only data line, and reverses it, to read off it. It's a hack, but it's hack that nearly every 3-wire SPI LCD controller uses in order to report the contents of its framebuffer memory/read back from the display. You'd use this feature for example, to alpha-blend or anti-alias your draws. Without it, you're up a creek, unless you just draw everything to bitmaps first, and then send those bitmaps to the display.
So I did that.
Enter UIX. UIX is a user interface library I didn't want to have to write. It complements GFX, my graphics library, and the primary reason I wrote it is I can no longer reliably do SDA reads on at least on major IoT platform. UIX is a draw on demand framework that .. you guessed it, draws bitmaps and sends them to a display. It's built more to be a stateful, demand draw graphics engine than a UI framework, but you can't have the former without the latter really.
I'm not happy about it. That's an extra leg of my website, an extra codebase to maintain, extra docs, extra learning curve for my code's users, etc.
All for want of an SDA read.
Well, now they've done it again.
The ESP32 Arduino 2.0.16 bits are fundamentally slower than previous versions of the framework. I mean my fire demo gets 77 frames per second on a TTGO T1 under Arduino on 2.0.15 and just *29* under 2.0.16
That's not acceptable. Worse, Espressif has officially said they're not supporting PlatformIO packages anymore, so I can't even really submit issue over this and expect anything.
Now my solution? Give my library users the option of forgoing Arduino altogether. That means making any ESP32 libraries compatible with both Arduino and the ESP-IDF so users can use the ESP-IDF and not hamstring themselves.
I've got I don't know, 20 libs to upgrade? And then several projects to upgrade to be dual platform.
I posted a brief example of the sausage being made at the end of the post.
This stuff makes me angrier than it really should. Why? I'm not in control of my own code. I feel like a damned marionette just dancing on my strings to the music Espressif decides to play today.
All of this is just one more thing pushing me away from the ESP32s altogether. That and their lack of 5GHz WiFi support. Now that the Nordic nrf7002 the ESP32 is quite a bit less appealing.
#pragma once
#if __has_include(<Arduino.h>)
#include <Arduino.h>
namespace arduino {
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <esp_wifi.h>
namespace esp_idf {
enum struct wifi_manager_state {
error = -1,
disconnected = 0,
connecting = 1,
connected = 2
class wifi_manager {
void connect(const char* ssid, const char* pass);
void disconnect(bool radio_off = false);
wifi_manager_state state() const;
#error "This library requires an ESP32 line MCU"
Check out my IoT graphics library here:
And my IoT UI/User Experience library here:
Very interesting and a great post about SPI under espressif.
Quote: the maker of the ESP32 MCUs broke SPI "SDA reads" under their Arduino framework implementation
Was it a bug or a conscious decision by espressif?
If a decision, what was the reasoning behind that change? I understand you may not even know that answer.
Quote: Worse, Espressif has officially said they're not supporting PlatformIO packages anymore
Why have they done that? Are they just saying they don’t care and don’t want to support?
raddevus wrote: Was it a bug or a conscious decision by espressif?
I'm not sure. If I had to guess it's a bug but since it's a "hacky" feature they can't be bothered to make it work again.
raddevus wrote: Why have they done that?
The scuttlebutt I've heard is one of two things (or maybe both)
A) the third party that was building the packages was getting paid by Espressif, and there was disagreement over compensation. I can't verify this.
B) (What I found out since making this post) Espressif never officially supported it, but they had it in their docs until it became a nightmare for them because they were getting issue reports for stuff they didn't make. I think this is more likely.
Check out my IoT graphics library here:
And my IoT UI/User Experience library here:
Wordle 1,086 2/6*
"I have no idea what I did, but I'm taking full credit for it." - ThisOldTony
"Common sense is so rare these days, it should be classified as a super power" - Random T-shirt
AntiTwitter: @DalekDave is now a follower!
In a closed society where everybody's guilty, the only crime is getting caught. In a world of thieves, the only final sin is stupidity. - Hunter S Thompson - RIP
You do get up very early Paul
In a closed society where everybody's guilty, the only crime is getting caught. In a world of thieves, the only final sin is stupidity. - Hunter S Thompson - RIP
I'd noticed ...
I'm still finding it impossible to sleep past the time I found Michelle and there is no point in lying in bed in the dark so I may as well get up. It's a nice time of day (if I wasn't so tired all the time) - the phone doesn't ring, no one knocks the door, the electricity is cheaper ...
The cat kinda likes it - he gets breakfast earlier.
"I have no idea what I did, but I'm taking full credit for it." - ThisOldTony
"Common sense is so rare these days, it should be classified as a super power" - Random T-shirt
AntiTwitter: @DalekDave is now a follower!
Ok - you must be exhausted - have you tried sleeping tablets ?
In a closed society where everybody's guilty, the only crime is getting caught. In a world of thieves, the only final sin is stupidity. - Hunter S Thompson - RIP