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GeneralRe: A DDoS attack triggered Azure outage - and Microsoft's defences finished the job Pin
Kris Lantz1-Aug-24 5:12
professionalKris Lantz1-Aug-24 5:12 
NewsThis creepy AI pendant wants to be your friend Pin
Kent Sharkey31-Jul-24 8:01
staffKent Sharkey31-Jul-24 8:01 
GeneralRe: This creepy AI pendant wants to be your friend Pin
jochance31-Jul-24 12:33
jochance31-Jul-24 12:33 
NewsShould today’s developers be more or less specialized? Pin
Kent Sharkey31-Jul-24 7:46
staffKent Sharkey31-Jul-24 7:46 
GeneralRe: Should today’s developers be more or less specialized? Pin
Greg Utas31-Jul-24 10:18
professionalGreg Utas31-Jul-24 10:18 
GeneralRe: Should today’s developers be more or less specialized? Pin
Kent Sharkey31-Jul-24 10:29
staffKent Sharkey31-Jul-24 10:29 
GeneralRe: Should today’s developers be more or less specialized? Pin
jochance31-Jul-24 11:02
jochance31-Jul-24 11:02 
GeneralRe: Should today’s developers be more or less specialized? Pin
trønderen31-Jul-24 11:59
trønderen31-Jul-24 11:59 
That's what we got interfaces for. 'Interfaces' is here used as a general term, not a programming language mechanism. You can make car tires without knowing how every gear inside the car engine works, and nobody needs to know both tire making and car engine making to 'view the big picture'. As a programmer, you do not need to understand how a physical level IP switch is implemented, even though you probably make use of a dozen of them every time you visit Internet. You may need to know SQL, but could care less about query optimization. And there is no need for any jack-of-all-trades knowing both how an accounting system is structured and how queries are optimized, even though they are both relevant to the same application.

What we rather need, are jacks-of-one-trade, frequently referred to as 'domain experts'. People who know all the different aspects of a give user problem to be solved, from terminology of the trade, established work pattern, established standards of the trade, priorities, responsibility and security patterns, ...

Far too often, the software developer doesn't have a clue about the real problem to be solved. Code modules, data structures, UI dialogs are made by guessing and often wrongful assumptions. It works for software development tools - they are great, and functional, because the software developer is a domain expert in that field. He rarely is in the field of document production systems, accounting systems, tools for music and sound editing, graphical work.

Whenever you see great software in a non-software development field, chances are very high that the software is not developed in a software development environment: Sound editing software are made in the software group of that house of sound publishers, musicians and studio people. Accounting software is made the software group of that big accounting house. Graphic software is made by the people of the graphic trade.

We should strive to make those domain experts as well qualified programmers as possible. Even if we are ourselves educated as 'software specialists', we should not be afraid of entering some (non-programming-specialist) domain to become one of the domain experts of that trade. (Well ... My impression is that the average age of the active Lounge members suggests that this is more a hint to your children and grandchildren rather than to yourself Smile | :) ) Truly great software is made by domain experts. Not by programming experts.
Religious freedom is the freedom to say that two plus two make five.

GeneralRe: Should today’s developers be more or less specialized? Pin
Nelek31-Jul-24 15:13
protectorNelek31-Jul-24 15:13 
GeneralRe: Should today’s developers be more or less specialized? Pin
MarkTJohnson31-Jul-24 15:53
professionalMarkTJohnson31-Jul-24 15:53 
News80% of developers are unhappy. The problem is not AI, nor is coding Pin
Kent Sharkey31-Jul-24 7:16
staffKent Sharkey31-Jul-24 7:16 
GeneralRe: 80% of developers are unhappy. The problem is not AI, nor is coding Pin
Nelek31-Jul-24 15:11
protectorNelek31-Jul-24 15:11 
GeneralRe: 80% of developers are unhappy. The problem is not AI, nor is coding Pin
den2k8831-Jul-24 21:43
professionalden2k8831-Jul-24 21:43 
GeneralRe: 80% of developers are unhappy. The problem is not AI, nor is coding Pin
maze31-Aug-24 0:56
professionalmaze31-Aug-24 0:56 
GeneralRe: 80% of developers are unhappy. The problem is not AI, nor is coding Pin
honey the codewitch1-Aug-24 4:39
mvahoney the codewitch1-Aug-24 4:39 
NewsLogitech has an idea for a “forever mouse” that requires a subscription Pin
Kent Sharkey31-Jul-24 7:01
staffKent Sharkey31-Jul-24 7:01 
GeneralRe: Logitech has an idea for a “forever mouse” that requires a subscription Pin
jeron131-Jul-24 7:14
jeron131-Jul-24 7:14 
GeneralRe: Logitech has an idea for a “forever mouse” that requires a subscription Pin
Clickok31-Jul-24 9:56
Clickok31-Jul-24 9:56 
GeneralRe: Logitech has an idea for a “forever mouse” that requires a subscription Pin
Greg Utas31-Jul-24 10:22
professionalGreg Utas31-Jul-24 10:22 
GeneralRe: Logitech has an idea for a “forever mouse” that requires a subscription Pin
jochance31-Jul-24 11:09
jochance31-Jul-24 11:09 
GeneralRe: Logitech has an idea for a “forever mouse” that requires a subscription Pin
MarkTJohnson31-Jul-24 15:55
professionalMarkTJohnson31-Jul-24 15:55 
GeneralRe: Logitech has an idea for a “forever mouse” that requires a subscription Pin
Kent Sharkey31-Jul-24 16:19
staffKent Sharkey31-Jul-24 16:19 
GeneralRe: Logitech has an idea for a “forever mouse” that requires a subscription Pin
Julian Ragan1-Aug-24 5:43
Julian Ragan1-Aug-24 5:43 
NewsMicrosoft is removing ads from Skype Pin
Kent Sharkey31-Jul-24 7:01
staffKent Sharkey31-Jul-24 7:01 
GeneralRe: Microsoft is removing ads from Skype Pin
den2k8831-Jul-24 21:45
professionalden2k8831-Jul-24 21:45 

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