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GeneralRe: Scientists find ‘tunnel’ on the Moon Pin
Richard Andrew x6415-Jul-24 12:35
professionalRichard Andrew x6415-Jul-24 12:35 
NewsGoogle and Microsoft consume more power than some countries Pin
Kent Sharkey15-Jul-24 8:16
staffKent Sharkey15-Jul-24 8:16 
GeneralRe: Google and Microsoft consume more power than some countries Pin
maze315-Jul-24 23:59
professionalmaze315-Jul-24 23:59 
GeneralRe: Google and Microsoft consume more power than some countries Pin
Nitin S16-Jul-24 0:02
Nitin S16-Jul-24 0:02 
NewsDevs say many of their hours are wasted, disagree with managers on how to fix the issue Pin
Kent Sharkey15-Jul-24 7:46
staffKent Sharkey15-Jul-24 7:46 
GeneralRe: Devs say many of their hours are wasted, disagree with managers on how to fix the issue Pin
Marc Clifton15-Jul-24 8:48
mvaMarc Clifton15-Jul-24 8:48 
GeneralRe: Devs say many of their hours are wasted, disagree with managers on how to fix the issue Pin
Nelek15-Jul-24 10:43
protectorNelek15-Jul-24 10:43 
GeneralRe: Devs say many of their hours are wasted, disagree with managers on how to fix the issue Pin
charlieg16-Jul-24 7:42
charlieg16-Jul-24 7:42 
I'm not even going to read the article.

Over my 40+ years in the industry, the single biggest issue I have seen is management wanting to control. When you are hiring, you want smart people, yes? So you hire smart people, and guess what? They might just know more than you. Embrace this.

Example: I built up two development teams. I only had one rule - you will use version control. They all stared at me. I said, "What?" They said, "which one?" I said, "we're paying you a $hit ton of money to develop. If you people cannot figure it out, I want your resignations. I clearly hired the wrong people."

Deer in head lights look.

Just before I went into a passionate profanity laced tirade, my chief a$$hole - Ray, I hope you are well - said "we'll let you know." And it was solved. I had people with masters degrees and others so stupefied by management as to be almost non functional.

Managers don't need to MANAGE if they hired the right people. Your job is to give your developers the tools and the freedom to get the job done. So many people who become managers think they need to be in control. Fail. Oh, another thought. If their is a bad player on the team, get rid of them. No mercy. The remaining team will bless you.

Band of Brothers - Speirs Takes Command - YouTube[^]

is the best example of management in a crisis situation. Delegate, depend on your people, demand that they perform and reward them accordingly. In my 4 years of management, I only stepped into the role because I wanted more money and a different challenge. I was completely unprepared for what I would encounter. But, this is systemic in the tech industry. I was promoted because people thought I was smart and "able to get things done." Sheer BS. If a company wants to develop true leadership, follow the armed services...
Charlie Gilley

“They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.” BF, 1759

Has never been more appropriate.

NewsA new spacesuit design can recycle astronauts’ urine into purified, drinkable water Pin
Kent Sharkey15-Jul-24 7:31
staffKent Sharkey15-Jul-24 7:31 
GeneralRe: A new spacesuit design can recycle astronauts’ urine into purified, drinkable water Pin
obermd15-Jul-24 7:50
obermd15-Jul-24 7:50 
GeneralRe: A new spacesuit design can recycle astronauts’ urine into purified, drinkable water Pin
Marc Clifton15-Jul-24 8:44
mvaMarc Clifton15-Jul-24 8:44 
GeneralRe: A new spacesuit design can recycle astronauts’ urine into purified, drinkable water Pin
Nelek15-Jul-24 10:41
protectorNelek15-Jul-24 10:41 
GeneralRe: A new spacesuit design can recycle astronauts’ urine into purified, drinkable water Pin
Nelek15-Jul-24 10:40
protectorNelek15-Jul-24 10:40 
GeneralRe: A new spacesuit design can recycle astronauts’ urine into purified, drinkable water Pin
den2k8816-Jul-24 0:03
professionalden2k8816-Jul-24 0:03 
NewsMicrosoft shares temp fix for Windows 11 Photos not launching Pin
Kent Sharkey15-Jul-24 7:31
staffKent Sharkey15-Jul-24 7:31 
GeneralRe: Microsoft shares temp fix for Windows 11 Photos not launching Pin
obermd15-Jul-24 7:51
obermd15-Jul-24 7:51 
GeneralRe: Microsoft shares temp fix for Windows 11 Photos not launching Pin
Nelek15-Jul-24 10:39
protectorNelek15-Jul-24 10:39 
NewsWe need visual programming. No, not like that. Pin
Kent Sharkey15-Jul-24 7:16
staffKent Sharkey15-Jul-24 7:16 
GeneralRe: We need visual programming. No, not like that. Pin
jochance15-Jul-24 13:00
jochance15-Jul-24 13:00 
GeneralRe: We need visual programming. No, not like that. Pin
den2k8816-Jul-24 0:04
professionalden2k8816-Jul-24 0:04 
NewsModel rocket nails vertical landing after three-year effort PinPopular
Kent Sharkey14-Jul-24 5:31
staffKent Sharkey14-Jul-24 5:31 
GeneralRe: Model rocket nails vertical landing after three-year effort Pin
Richard Andrew x6414-Jul-24 14:27
professionalRichard Andrew x6414-Jul-24 14:27 
GeneralRe: Model rocket nails vertical landing after three-year effort Pin
obermd15-Jul-24 3:56
obermd15-Jul-24 3:56 
GeneralRe: Model rocket nails vertical landing after three-year effort Pin
jochance15-Jul-24 5:55
jochance15-Jul-24 5:55 
NewsAfter initially rejecting it, Apple has approved the first PC emulator for iOS Pin
Kent Sharkey14-Jul-24 5:16
staffKent Sharkey14-Jul-24 5:16 

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