Docker's 2024 State of Application Development Report highlights industry shifts toward AI and microservices. I'm guessing they found that everyone is now using Docker?
People find it difficult to distinguish between the GPT-4 model and a human agent when interacting with them as part of a 2-person conversation. Hint: ChatGPT is the one that seems reasonable
I've definitely interacted with an LLM driven helper chat bot, maybe a few of them, just in the last month or two.
Amongst other stuff... I've had to talk to Amazon about subscriptions and refunds, ISPs about new service provision, and an insurer about benefits/coverage details and in/out of network providers.
The biggest indicators for me were near-perfect spelling and grammar along with not being able to help without transferring me to a person. I don't think 80% of people would have noticed. In one instance I'm pretty sure the service provider was aiding the subterfuge by giving the chatbot an Indian name. I found that a little bit humorous. "No you are not talking to a robot! You're talking to a support agent in another country to whom we've outsourced our support staff."
But all of them worked more or less flawlessly and were at most only 1/2 as frustrating as the phone systems where you have to repeatedly press buttons or keep saying agent, person, real person, live agent, etc to get a warm body.
YouTube is introducing a new experimental feature that will allow viewers to add “Notes” to provide more context and information under videos, the company told TechCrunch exclusively. That's a cat. That's also a cat.
Until people use them to mimic the downvote button....
A long-term trend is happening across large and small companies, and that is the convergence of developers, those who code apps, and DevOps, those who maintain the systems on which apps run and developers code. Becoming DevDevOps?
Maybe someone brighter than I can explain his point to me - I thought DevOps was already the merger of developers and operations. It's kind of right there in the name.
Skimmed it pretty good... Yeah I think you're right and they're "ATM machining" it.
I think one of my coworkers put it best with a Lion King meme. Anymore, the responsibility of developers is "everything the light touches".
Personally I think the reason for that is you need a developer to understand everything that is going on and even at that you need one that somewhat approximates a hybrid network engineer. The shops where the infrastructure side of the house understands the ins/outs of the applications/APIs exist, but I'm thinking they are very likely the exception.
PyCon 2024 showcased a number of ways to speed the pokey Python programming language including sub-interpreters, immortal objects, just-in-time compilation and more. By design
How can one sentence make me laugh so hard? "Typed code can be much, much faster"
So we can rename C "Black Mamba"?
I’ve given up trying to be calm. However, I am open to feeling slightly less agitated.
I’m begging you for the benefit of everyone, don’t be STUPID.
Apple supplier says new tech has 100 times the capacity of its current batteries. How are they for explosions and fires?
And can they be manufactured in bulk?
The US Surgeon General, Vivek Murthy, says that social media should come with warning labels about its potential health impacts much like warnings on cigarettes and other tobacco products. CAUTION: Contains nuts
Because warnings on cigarettes and other tobacco products work so well to prevent their use.
There are no solutions, only trade-offs. - Thomas Sowell
A day can really slip by when you're deliberately avoiding what you're supposed to do. - Calvin (Bill Watterson, Calvin & Hobbes)
I was happy to see it though. You're right it will not have the same impact as plastering pictures of organs on the packs like AUS does.
I think what I really want to see is to tax them all so hard that such things necessarily become the domain of non-profits and government entities.
But then, I'd have no problem with a slew of them just disappearing overnight and definitely think the world would be far better for it.
Every year, the C# language's architects Mads Torgersen and Dustin Campbell give us a quick tour of upcoming features for the next version of C#. Lucky us
"So know your tools, and you'll be alright. Trust me."
*eye twitching*
B-but... you're the one what keeps pulling rugs and laying new ones!
Only the last one actually bugs me - I abhor the 'spillover' of web dev duct tape. I totally use it all the time, but var was still a transgression against the better natures of humankind.
Exactly how old is that SQL Server on which your business depends? SELECT vulnerability FROM sys_servers WHERE version <= 2012
As long as they're not connected to the internet, you _should_ be fine-ish.
Of course, this scan was exposed SQL Servers. Hopefully we don't have another Slammer.
The Justice Department alleges that Adobe hid early cancellation fees and trapped consumers in pricey subscriptions. Did you want a subscription to Adobe Acrobat with that lawsuit?
The trick is to use a pre-paid card or a gift card or a card set to expire before the subscription term ends.
That lets the issue sort itself out, explicitly breaks auto-renewals so you can't lose track of all the things you're paying for, and it seems to work everywhere.
I'm noticing an interesting leadership theme here. Adobe doing this is a deliberate management decision.
This is why when I do subscriptions, I always use a burnable CC #. My go to card allows me to create virtual numbers that I can delete when people won't cancel things for me. Like the other poster suggests.
Charlie Gilley
“They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.” BF, 1759
Has never been more appropriate.
The value falls but the rocket man still gets his gas money Something to keep in mind for your next salary negotiation
And of course, "But if you ask for a rise, it's no surprise that they're giving none away"
"I make a dime, boss makes a billion dollars, that's why I ___ on company time."
While this is a large number, this pay plan was actually very simple:
Elon Musk would receive a small salary - as in comparable to what a middle manager at most fortune 100 companies would receive. The huge numbers only applied if Tesla's market capitalization hit certain thresholds, and then they were in the form of stock and not cash.
The common wisdom in 2018 was that Tesla would never reach any of these market capitalization thresholds. Therefore, the risk was entirely on Musk's side and none of the side of the shareholders.
I like my integrated development environment. But sometimes my IDE does things for me, and I have no idea how it’s doing them. That's a problem. No. Next question.
Does Betteridge's Law of Headlines always apply?
Lazy maybe
Well, they definitely made at least one person stupid.