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GeneralRe: Microsoft blocks Windows 11 workaround that enabled local accounts Pin
charlieg5-Jun-24 11:29
charlieg5-Jun-24 11:29 
NewsWhy you (and everyone else) could soon be wearing this 'third thumb' Pin
Kent Sharkey4-Jun-24 7:46
staffKent Sharkey4-Jun-24 7:46 
GeneralRe: Why you (and everyone else) could soon be wearing this 'third thumb' Pin
Nelek4-Jun-24 8:34
protectorNelek4-Jun-24 8:34 
GeneralRe: Why you (and everyone else) could soon be wearing this 'third thumb' Pin
MarkTJohnson4-Jun-24 9:52
professionalMarkTJohnson4-Jun-24 9:52 
GeneralRe: Why you (and everyone else) could soon be wearing this 'third thumb' Pin
den2k884-Jun-24 22:30
professionalden2k884-Jun-24 22:30 
GeneralRe: Why you (and everyone else) could soon be wearing this 'third thumb' Pin
obermd5-Jun-24 2:27
obermd5-Jun-24 2:27 
NewsCEOs made nearly 200 times what their workers got paid last year Pin
Kent Sharkey4-Jun-24 7:46
staffKent Sharkey4-Jun-24 7:46 
GeneralRe: CEOs made nearly 200 times what their workers got paid last year Pin
MarkTJohnson4-Jun-24 9:51
professionalMarkTJohnson4-Jun-24 9:51 
Great ideas like RTO and laying off 8000 people because the company just had their best quarter ever.

Place (I used to work for as of 05/31/24)

(My actual job wasn't awful, just the fact of becoming an "effected employee")
I’ve given up trying to be calm. However, I am open to feeling slightly less agitated.
I’m begging you for the benefit of everyone, don’t be STUPID.

GeneralRe: CEOs made nearly 200 times what their workers got paid last year Pin
jochance4-Jun-24 11:34
jochance4-Jun-24 11:34 
GeneralRe: CEOs made nearly 200 times what their workers got paid last year Pin
den2k884-Jun-24 22:32
professionalden2k884-Jun-24 22:32 
GeneralRe: CEOs made nearly 200 times what their workers got paid last year Pin
obermd5-Jun-24 2:31
obermd5-Jun-24 2:31 
NewsEven the Raspberry Pi is getting in on AI Pin
Kent Sharkey4-Jun-24 7:46
staffKent Sharkey4-Jun-24 7:46 
GeneralRe: Even the Raspberry Pi is getting in on AI Pin
Nelek4-Jun-24 8:27
protectorNelek4-Jun-24 8:27 
NewsRefactor your code using alias any type Pin
Kent Sharkey4-Jun-24 7:46
staffKent Sharkey4-Jun-24 7:46 
GeneralRe: Refactor your code using alias any type Pin
Nelek4-Jun-24 8:26
protectorNelek4-Jun-24 8:26 
NewsTop 10 C# recent improvements Pin
Kent Sharkey3-Jun-24 8:31
staffKent Sharkey3-Jun-24 8:31 
GeneralRe: Top 10 C# recent improvements Pin
Nelek3-Jun-24 8:49
protectorNelek3-Jun-24 8:49 
GeneralRe: Top 10 C# recent improvements Pin
TNCaver3-Jun-24 11:15
TNCaver3-Jun-24 11:15 
GeneralRe: Top 10 C# recent improvements Pin
Greg Utas3-Jun-24 14:35
professionalGreg Utas3-Jun-24 14:35 
NewsHow and why you should build a strong professional network Pin
Kent Sharkey3-Jun-24 8:31
staffKent Sharkey3-Jun-24 8:31 
GeneralRe: How and why you should build a strong professional network Pin
Nelek3-Jun-24 8:48
protectorNelek3-Jun-24 8:48 
GeneralRe: How and why you should build a strong professional network Pin
Kent Sharkey3-Jun-24 8:50
staffKent Sharkey3-Jun-24 8:50 
NewsLord Kelvin and his analog computer Pin
Kent Sharkey3-Jun-24 8:16
staffKent Sharkey3-Jun-24 8:16 
JokeRe: Lord Kelvin and his analog computer Pin
Daniel Pfeffer3-Jun-24 20:34
professionalDaniel Pfeffer3-Jun-24 20:34 
GeneralRe: Lord Kelvin and his analog computer Pin
Dave Kreskowiak4-Jun-24 3:10
mveDave Kreskowiak4-Jun-24 3:10 

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