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GeneralRe: GameScent proves that people will always try to reinvent Smell-O-Vision Pin
Daniel Pfeffer11-Mar-24 6:03
professionalDaniel Pfeffer11-Mar-24 6:03 
NewsInductive programming meets the real world Pin
Kent Sharkey10-Mar-24 11:01
staffKent Sharkey10-Mar-24 11:01 
GeneralRe: Inductive programming meets the real world Pin
Nelek10-Mar-24 23:20
protectorNelek10-Mar-24 23:20 
GeneralRe: Inductive programming meets the real world Pin
Gary Wheeler11-Mar-24 6:52
Gary Wheeler11-Mar-24 6:52 
GeneralRe: Inductive programming meets the real world Pin
jeron111-Mar-24 7:17
jeron111-Mar-24 7:17 
GeneralRe: Inductive programming meets the real world Pin
jochance12-Mar-24 3:11
jochance12-Mar-24 3:11 
GeneralRe: Inductive programming meets the real world Pin
Marc Clifton12-Mar-24 9:37
mvaMarc Clifton12-Mar-24 9:37 
NewsMicrosoft says Russian hackers breached its systems, accessed source code Pin
Kent Sharkey10-Mar-24 11:01
staffKent Sharkey10-Mar-24 11:01 
Microsoft says the Russian 'Midnight Blizzard' hacking group recently accessed some of its internal systems and source code repositories using authentication secrets stolen during a January cyberattack.
Will they be providing an apology? (to the Russian hackers)
GeneralRe: Microsoft says Russian hackers breached its systems, accessed source code Pin
Nelek10-Mar-24 23:19
protectorNelek10-Mar-24 23:19 
GeneralRe: Microsoft says Russian hackers breached its systems, accessed source code Pin
obermd11-Mar-24 4:01
obermd11-Mar-24 4:01 
GeneralRe: Microsoft says Russian hackers breached its systems, accessed source code Pin
TNCaver11-Mar-24 10:48
TNCaver11-Mar-24 10:48 
NewsLLMs can predict the future as well as—and sometimes better than—humans Pin
Kent Sharkey10-Mar-24 11:01
staffKent Sharkey10-Mar-24 11:01 
GeneralRe: LLMs can predict the future as well as—and sometimes better than—humans Pin
den2k8810-Mar-24 22:42
professionalden2k8810-Mar-24 22:42 
GeneralRe: LLMs can predict the future as well as—and sometimes better than—humans Pin
Gary Wheeler11-Mar-24 6:53
Gary Wheeler11-Mar-24 6:53 
GeneralRe: LLMs can predict the future as well as—and sometimes better than—humans Pin
Nelek10-Mar-24 23:16
protectorNelek10-Mar-24 23:16 
NewsEvolving Microsoft Security Development Lifecycle (SDL): How continuous SDL can help you build more secure software Pin
Kent Sharkey10-Mar-24 11:01
staffKent Sharkey10-Mar-24 11:01 
GeneralRe: Evolving Microsoft Security Development Lifecycle (SDL): How continuous SDL can help you build more secure software Pin
Nelek10-Mar-24 23:14
protectorNelek10-Mar-24 23:14 
NewsPlummer talks to us about spending Microsoft's money on a red Corvette Pin
Kent Sharkey10-Mar-24 10:46
staffKent Sharkey10-Mar-24 10:46 
GeneralRe: Plummer talks to us about spending Microsoft's money on a red Corvette Pin
Nelek10-Mar-24 23:09
protectorNelek10-Mar-24 23:09 
GeneralRe: Plummer talks to us about spending Microsoft's money on a red Corvette Pin
obermd11-Mar-24 3:59
obermd11-Mar-24 3:59 
NewsAnthropic’s Claude 3 causes stir by seeming to realize when it was being tested Pin
Kent Sharkey10-Mar-24 10:46
staffKent Sharkey10-Mar-24 10:46 
GeneralRe: Anthropic’s Claude 3 causes stir by seeming to realize when it was being tested Pin
Nelek10-Mar-24 23:08
protectorNelek10-Mar-24 23:08 
NewsAttack wrangles thousands of web users into a password-cracking botnet Pin
Kent Sharkey10-Mar-24 10:46
staffKent Sharkey10-Mar-24 10:46 
GeneralRe: Attack wrangles thousands of web users into a password-cracking botnet Pin
Nelek10-Mar-24 23:07
protectorNelek10-Mar-24 23:07 
NewsMicrosoft .NET Framework & Visual Studio flaw let attackers write or delete files Pin
Kent Sharkey10-Mar-24 10:46
staffKent Sharkey10-Mar-24 10:46 

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