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AnswerRe: Visual Studio 17.8 now available! Pin
Eddy Vluggen14-Nov-23 10:45
professionalEddy Vluggen14-Nov-23 10:45 
NewsDeepMind says its new AI system is the world’s most accurate 10-day weather forecaster Pin
Kent Sharkey14-Nov-23 7:01
staffKent Sharkey14-Nov-23 7:01 
GeneralRe: DeepMind says its new AI system is the world’s most accurate 10-day weather forecaster Pin
Andre Oosthuizen14-Nov-23 7:45
mveAndre Oosthuizen14-Nov-23 7:45 
GeneralRe: DeepMind says its new AI system is the world’s most accurate 10-day weather forecaster Pin
Eddy Vluggen14-Nov-23 10:20
professionalEddy Vluggen14-Nov-23 10:20 
NewsRust in Linux: Where we are and where we're going next Pin
Kent Sharkey14-Nov-23 6:46
staffKent Sharkey14-Nov-23 6:46 
GeneralRe: Rust in Linux: Where we are and where we're going next Pin
Andre Oosthuizen14-Nov-23 7:47
mveAndre Oosthuizen14-Nov-23 7:47 
NewsThe Linux kernel has been accidentally hardcoded to a maximum of 8 cores for the past 15 years and nobody noticed Pin
Kent Sharkey14-Nov-23 6:46
staffKent Sharkey14-Nov-23 6:46 
GeneralRe: The Linux kernel has been accidentally hardcoded to a maximum of 8 cores for the past 15 years and nobody noticed Pin
Andre Oosthuizen14-Nov-23 7:49
mveAndre Oosthuizen14-Nov-23 7:49 
QuestionRe: The Linux kernel has been accidentally hardcoded to a maximum of 8 cores for the past 15 years and nobody noticed Pin
Eddy Vluggen14-Nov-23 10:22
professionalEddy Vluggen14-Nov-23 10:22 
GeneralRe: The Linux kernel has been accidentally hardcoded to a maximum of 8 cores for the past 15 years and nobody noticed Pin
obermd15-Nov-23 4:07
obermd15-Nov-23 4:07 
NewsMicrosoft launches the new Forms Windows 11 app Pin
Kent Sharkey14-Nov-23 6:46
staffKent Sharkey14-Nov-23 6:46 
NewsC++ 26 committee progresses new features including contracts and ‘desperately needed’ reflection Pin
Kent Sharkey14-Nov-23 6:46
staffKent Sharkey14-Nov-23 6:46 
NewsAnnouncing .NET 8 Pin
Kent Sharkey14-Nov-23 6:16
staffKent Sharkey14-Nov-23 6:16 
GeneralRe: Announcing .NET 8 Pin
Andre Oosthuizen14-Nov-23 7:51
mveAndre Oosthuizen14-Nov-23 7:51 
AnswerRe: Announcing .NET 8 Pin
Eddy Vluggen14-Nov-23 10:23
professionalEddy Vluggen14-Nov-23 10:23 
NewsMicrosoft extends Windows Server 2012 lifeline to help admins transition to Windows Server 2022 Pin
Kent Sharkey13-Nov-23 8:31
staffKent Sharkey13-Nov-23 8:31 
GeneralRe: Microsoft extends Windows Server 2012 lifeline to help admins transition to Windows Server 2022 Pin
Andre Oosthuizen14-Nov-23 7:53
mveAndre Oosthuizen14-Nov-23 7:53 
NewsTipsy tongues tell all: How your sloshed speech could snitch to Siri Pin
Kent Sharkey13-Nov-23 8:01
staffKent Sharkey13-Nov-23 8:01 
GeneralRe: Tipsy tongues tell all: How your sloshed speech could snitch to Siri Pin
Andre Oosthuizen14-Nov-23 7:55
mveAndre Oosthuizen14-Nov-23 7:55 
GeneralRe: Tipsy tongues tell all: How your sloshed speech could snitch to Siri Pin
Eddy Vluggen14-Nov-23 10:28
professionalEddy Vluggen14-Nov-23 10:28 
NewsMonaspace Pin
Kent Sharkey13-Nov-23 8:01
staffKent Sharkey13-Nov-23 8:01 
GeneralRe: Monaspace Pin
Maximilien13-Nov-23 8:35
Maximilien13-Nov-23 8:35 
GeneralRe: Monaspace Pin
MarkTJohnson13-Nov-23 9:15
professionalMarkTJohnson13-Nov-23 9:15 
GeneralRe: Monaspace Pin
Brisingr Aerowing13-Nov-23 9:26
professionalBrisingr Aerowing13-Nov-23 9:26 
GeneralRe: Monaspace Pin
Joe Woodbury13-Nov-23 9:54
professionalJoe Woodbury13-Nov-23 9:54 

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