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GeneralRe: Whistleblower tells Congress the US is concealing ‘multi-decade’ program that captures UFOs Pin
Nelek27-Jul-23 9:05
protectorNelek27-Jul-23 9:05 
GeneralRe: Whistleblower tells Congress the US is concealing ‘multi-decade’ program that captures UFOs Pin
Daniel Pfeffer27-Jul-23 8:32
professionalDaniel Pfeffer27-Jul-23 8:32 
NewsMicrosoft, Meta, and Amazon launch a new open source map dataset to compete with Google Pin
Kent Sharkey26-Jul-23 7:46
staffKent Sharkey26-Jul-23 7:46 
GeneralRe: Microsoft, Meta, and Amazon launch a new open source map dataset to compete with Google Pin
Nelek26-Jul-23 19:42
protectorNelek26-Jul-23 19:42 
NewsFCC chair: Speed standard of 25Mbps down, 3Mbps up isn’t good enough anymore Pin
Kent Sharkey26-Jul-23 7:46
staffKent Sharkey26-Jul-23 7:46 
GeneralRe: FCC chair: Speed standard of 25Mbps down, 3Mbps up isn’t good enough anymore Pin
Greg Utas26-Jul-23 14:15
professionalGreg Utas26-Jul-23 14:15 
GeneralRe: FCC chair: Speed standard of 25Mbps down, 3Mbps up isn’t good enough anymore Pin
Richard Andrew x6427-Jul-23 10:48
professionalRichard Andrew x6427-Jul-23 10:48 
GeneralRe: FCC chair: Speed standard of 25Mbps down, 3Mbps up isn’t good enough anymore Pin
Nelek26-Jul-23 19:38
protectorNelek26-Jul-23 19:38 
GeneralRe: FCC chair: Speed standard of 25Mbps down, 3Mbps up isn’t good enough anymore Pin
Kaladin27-Jul-23 2:18
Kaladin27-Jul-23 2:18 
GeneralRe: FCC chair: Speed standard of 25Mbps down, 3Mbps up isn’t good enough anymore Pin
obermd27-Jul-23 3:43
obermd27-Jul-23 3:43 
NewsMVUX or MVVM? Choosing the right pattern for your .NET projects Pin
Kent Sharkey26-Jul-23 7:46
staffKent Sharkey26-Jul-23 7:46 
GeneralRe: MVUX or MVVM? Choosing the right pattern for your .NET projects Pin
Nelek26-Jul-23 19:37
protectorNelek26-Jul-23 19:37 
NewsBoeing has now lost $1.1 billion on Starliner, with no crew flight in sight Pin
Kent Sharkey26-Jul-23 7:16
staffKent Sharkey26-Jul-23 7:16 
GeneralRe: Boeing has now lost $1.1 billion on Starliner, with no crew flight in sight Pin
obermd27-Jul-23 3:44
obermd27-Jul-23 3:44 
NewsAn error isn't (always) an exception Pin
Kent Sharkey26-Jul-23 6:31
staffKent Sharkey26-Jul-23 6:31 
GeneralRe: An error isn't (always) an exception Pin
Nelek26-Jul-23 7:01
protectorNelek26-Jul-23 7:01 
NewsCompanies that trialed a 4-day workweek continue to reduce time on the clock Pin
Kent Sharkey26-Jul-23 6:16
staffKent Sharkey26-Jul-23 6:16 
GeneralRe: Companies that trialed a 4-day workweek continue to reduce time on the clock Pin
Nelek26-Jul-23 6:58
protectorNelek26-Jul-23 6:58 
NewsAnthropic, Google, Microsoft and OpenAI form an AI safety group Pin
Kent Sharkey26-Jul-23 6:16
staffKent Sharkey26-Jul-23 6:16 
GeneralRe: Anthropic, Google, Microsoft and OpenAI form an AI safety group Pin
Nelek26-Jul-23 6:56
protectorNelek26-Jul-23 6:56 
GeneralRe: Anthropic, Google, Microsoft and OpenAI form an AI safety group Pin
Kent Sharkey26-Jul-23 7:02
staffKent Sharkey26-Jul-23 7:02 
GeneralRe: Anthropic, Google, Microsoft and OpenAI form an AI safety group Pin
Nelek26-Jul-23 7:13
protectorNelek26-Jul-23 7:13 
GeneralRe: Anthropic, Google, Microsoft and OpenAI form an AI safety group Pin
David O'Neil26-Jul-23 19:02
professionalDavid O'Neil26-Jul-23 19:02 
NewsFirst room-temperature ambient-pressure superconductor achieved, claim scientists Pin
Kent Sharkey26-Jul-23 6:16
staffKent Sharkey26-Jul-23 6:16 
GeneralRe: First room-temperature ambient-pressure superconductor achieved, claim scientists Pin
Nelek26-Jul-23 6:55
protectorNelek26-Jul-23 6:55 

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