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CodeProject 10 Million Members Celebration

13 Nov 2013CPOL18 min read 44.6K   9   14
In the summer of 2013, CodeProject celebrated hitting 10 million members and invited various CodeProject members to host get-togethers around the world. Here are some of the goings-on at those celebrations.

We'd like to thank all our organizers who agreed to participate (yes, even whose events did not work out. A great deal of effort was still made) in hosting and attending our 10 Million Members celebrations. Each organizer found attendees, picked a central location, an itinerary, and corralled everyone as the date approached. We cannot thank you enough.

As an online community we barely ever see each others faces and for our 10 million celebration we wanted to do something a little more personal. It's a proud moment for our company, our staff, and these celebrations are a testament to the kind of members and readers we're honoured and privileged to have. You all make CodeProject what it is and we thank you.

Brazil, São Paulo - Hosted by Marcelo Ricardo de Oliveira

We were very proud to host the CodeProject 10 Million Member celebrations here in Brazil. The event took place at the Ludus Luderia, Bar e Café at July 21st, 2013. Although the day began rainy and cold, around the lunch time when the event started the sun was slowly showing up and then the winter day became quite hot.

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Luderia is a gaming bar located at the same street that holds one of the most traditional Italian festivals of São Paulo: Festa de Nossa Senhora da Achiropita. As the name suggests, the place is a bar where you can drink and savor your meals and along with the food menu you also ask for a "games" menu, so that you and your friends can decide which games you want to play. Interestingly, only board-like games, no videogames included. The waiters then bring your food, drinks and games, and if you want to try a new game you don’t know yet, waiters are at your command to explain how it works.

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Despite being a nerdy event for nerdy people in a nerdy place, we also invited families to attend, and although no alcohol was served, the gaming activities made it a lot easier for people to blend in and get to know each other.

At the end the event was lots of fun and quite successful. And we know that not only from people who attended, but also from people who had to spend the beautiful Sunday somewhere else and regretted not being there with other CodeProject fans and their families.

Between gaming, foods and drinks, we managed to do some short interviews with our friends there. Ricardo Drizin is an IT Manager at the insurance company Terra Brasis Resseguros, and co-founder of TV Map Guia de TV, and has been a CodeProject reader since 2002, when he hadn't played with the .NET Framework yet. He describes CodeProject as "together with Stack Overflow, the best reference for developers to learn, share code and get questions answered." (I share the same opinion, and while Stack Overflow seems to have taken the mind share for Q & A, CodeProject is second to none when it comes to cutting edge technology, original articles and full working source code). Ricardo is a big fan of reverse engineering, and recalls reading a CP article about API Hooking, some 10 years ago. He would like to see articles analyzing the anatomy of code of mainstream open source libraries, so that people could understand the internals of jQuery, or Entity Framework, for example. He believes that, since CodeProject is a place where many programming and technology enthusiasts get together, the website could introduce a place where enterpreneurs could find technical co-founders for their startup companies, and vice-versa.

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Artur Bath lives in Dois Vizinhos, Paraná. Artur is Microsoft Student Partner and works as programmer at Precisa Fábrica de Software. He has followed CodeProject since 2011, and thinks the website is an invaluable source of tech knowledge, especially for students. Speaking of students, he is constantly attending IT lectures, diving into cutting edge Microsoft technology such as Windows 8.1, Windows Azure and XBox & Kinect capabilities: Artur has just finished this term paper on facial recognition and skeleton recognition using Kinect, so he would be very pleased to see more CodeProject articles featuring these technologies (Artur has just posted an article on Kinect, and I hope some day we’ll see his work in CodeProject too).

Jessé Lemos, Senior Systems Analyst at Grupo LTM, and knows quite a bit about search engine optimization and web services. He is a CodeProject reader since 5 years ago, and considers its articles "life savers", the last one being about details of SoapHeaders mechanism in WCF. In his wish list, Jessé would put on top: CP could provide more successful case studies about solutions that helped leverage businesses in real companies.

João Talles, who is web and mobile developer and since long a technology enthusiast (ALM, web servers, cloud, mobile, science stuff, music ... actually it’s easier to say an area where he is not an enthusiast!), is also an editor of the InfoQ website (I so want him to write CP articles too!). João is a CodeProject Newsletter subscriber for 4 years now, and has been helped by a number of articles. For example, one about scalability of web applications and another one on how to backup Office files. He would love to see more architecture-centered articles, though.

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Thiago Prestes is solution architect at ILang Educação and started using CodeProject as his IT architecture and programming source since 4 years ago. Thiago is an experienced analyst with deep knowledge in learning management system (LMS). he’d like to see articles featuring Elastic Search, which is what he’s working with now. Thiago somehow dislikes the new CP´s "Metro" webdesign, but as he points out, maybe it´s just a question of opinion.

Marcos Guimarães also works at ILang Educação as web developer, and has followed CodeProject for two years now. There is an article he recalls well: "HTML to Image in C#", which helped him create a base class for document printing that is now part of the company’s framework. He would love to see articles about Single Page Applications. Marcos believes CP could have more complete cases in some articles.

Alex Martins is analyst developer at CI Systems and founder of 3Code Solutions and has known of CodeProject for 8 years. He loves the fact that CP articles have full working projects (instead of just code snippets) and are completely free. Among the several CP articles that saved his life he mentioned one about SMTP. He also would like to see articles about namespaces in webservices, WinForms animation, skin creation, web site creation from .psd file and stored procedure version control. He thinks CP would do better if it had features such as removal of non-working projects, Facebook comments and more social interaction.

César Roberto de Souza is a long time Code Project fellow. He is a software development specialist at Daitan Labs S/A and CP member since 2005, with 7 articles published and 3 times winner of best article of the month. He regards CodeProject as a knowledge hub, promoting not only technology learning worldwide, but also a tool that anyone can use to write an article about interesting stuff and make his/her work visible around the world. When asked about what CP article has helped him more, he emphatically points out to Andrew Kirillov’s outstanding work about AForge.Net open source. Kirillov’s article definitely guided César through his entire academic life, inspiring him into experimenting with artificial intelligence from the very beginning of his college years. As time went by, the simplicity of components and interfaces created by Andrew helped César to create his own tools and more complex ideas. As a result, César´s Accord.Net is a direct child of Andrew´s article published in CodeProject years ago. Back to the interview: he would like to see more articles on aritificial intelligence and machine learning using .NET framework.

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United States of America, Columbus, Ohio - Hosted by Nish Sivakumar

After weeks of planning, and an initial commitment from 8 people, the Central Ohio Codeproject meetup eventually took place on August 25th Sunday at BJ’s brew house in the Polaris area. Unfortunately, half the group had to pull out at the last minute due to unexpected issues. The ones that turned up were Gary Wheeler, Smitha Vijayan, Rohan Nishant, and yours truly (Nish). Now this might suspiciously sound like a family get-together with Gary, but no - it was a proper CPian get-together. Smitha and I wore our CP t-shirts, and I gave Gary his t-shirt that Sean had sent me.

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We tried a couple of different draught beers that BJ’s brew themselves, and also had some great food to go along with that. Thanks to Sean and CodeProject for funding the lunch/drinks. We talked about the old days when the active CPians were small enough that everyone knew each other personally (offline/online), how CP has grown into a major voice in the IT media world, about other CPians, about Microsoft, .NET, C++, and Windows tablets and phones.

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Overall, I enjoyed it thoroughly, and based on their comments afterwards, so did Gary and Smitha. Rohan was more focused on his unhealthy kid’s meal, although he did frown occasionally at geeky jokes, and pretended to be interested in variadic templates at one point. We’ll probably do this again, and maybe next time, more people will turn up. Once again, cheers to the CodeProject team!

Israel, Bnei Brak - Hosted by Shai Raiten

Editor's Note: Shai Raiten was kind enough to host this event for us in Israel. And as you can see from the pictures, it turned out great! Thank you kindly Shai - Sean

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India, Madhya Pradesh - Hosted by Kunal Chowdhury

First of all, as part of CodeProject (India) members, Congratulations to CodeProject for reaching a high milestone of 10 million members. Also our sincere thanks to Sean, Chris and the entire CodeProject team for arranging a regional meet-ups of members.

Like the other regional groups, we also had the opportunity to arrange a local meet-up with the developers, designers and testers who are directly or indirectly connected with CodeProject. We planned the same for a month or two, then decided the venue and date. It was Saturday, 17th August, just after the Independence Day in India when we celebrated CodeProject 10 million members’ meet-up event.

We were 10 people from different parts of the town, gathered in a place Saturday afternoon. We all were already fed up of the daily crowd of the city and decided to go somewhere outside it, roam around some places under the clean sky, gossip in greenery, have dinner and then return to our own house at night. Let’s first introduce all the members (from left): Atul Koshta, Amit Sijaria, Me (Kunal Chowdhury), Supreet Tare, Vivek Vishwakarma, Sharad Rathore, Mohit Parihar, Atul Vishwakarma, Yogendra Kanojia and Neelesh Vishwakarma (the hidden man with the camera):

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It was nice, clean weather when we started our journey but there were a few clouds as it was a rainy season. So, we had the fear about heavy shower but still we did not care and started our journey by bike to have some fun, get to know each other very well, discuss about community activities and more.

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Finally after traveling approx. 15km by bike, we reached a village and it was our first shot in camera. I didn’t notice that anyone was tired as everyone was just enjoying the ride. We told lots of jokes and had lots of activities in that place and then started the journey again to enjoy the beautiful river and glistening rocks.

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In the meantime we visited many other places like river ghat, temples, and whatever was on our way to Bhedadeep. We enjoyed every moment of the beautiful scenery and the places.

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Finally, we reached the place called Bhedadeep surrounding by small and big rocks. People started giving various poses to capture the beautiful moment inside the camera. The rocks were very slippery due to rain as you can see in the picture, but everyone started climbing together like a great team.

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Then we found one monk in the place wearing jeans & a shirt. He was in a deep austerities but was smiling when he realized that we were taking some snaps of him.

OK ... so he is not a monk but one of the member (Neelesh) of the group who came with us and participated in this meet-up. We got couple of his very good poses.

After roaming for an hour here and there, we sat into a place and started getting to knowing each other, had a very good discussion of the current technology front, our usergroup meets and many other online/offline activities. A few of them also came to know more about CodeProject and how they can be benefited from the site in terms of their career growth.

It was a complete journey all together and we really enjoyed the open discussion, river, rocks and other side screens. After seeing a beautiful sunset from the top of the rocks, we decided to leave the place immediately as it would be dangerous to get down from there in the dark.

There was a nice wind blowing on but we had no other choice rather than leaving the place. We took the bikes and started for a good restaurant nearby that place to have the dinner. Like the journey we also enjoyed the food over there.

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Around 10 PM, it was the time to leave for our home. We were feeling bad as we have to leave at that moment. This small time with each other made a good friendship among us. It reminded me the previous CodeProject meet-up that we had unofficially in 2010.

Again, thanks to the entire CodeProject team for supporting us to do a get-together with the local developer community folks. I will never forget this day like the one we had earlier. Also, my sincere thanks to everyone who participated and shared their time to make this journey all together.

Bangladesh, Dhaka - Hosted by Monjurul Habib

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CodeProject, congratulations on your 10 Million Members celebration! We are pleased that you have chosen our area for the event. The members of Bangladesh have observed your success and hope that we will become active members of your organization. We are happy to host the CodeProject 10 Million Member celebrations here in Dhaka, Bangladesh. The CP local members have enjoyed their first meet up.

Warm up

Here are our valuable member’s words from the event:

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Shuvro Paul: Thanks for giving me the chance to say something at this memorable event. First I would like to give thanks to one man for his excellent effort behind this event, Monjurul Habib, without whom we possibly could not have gathered here today! I would also like to thank all .Netter volunteers who did such a great job organizing the event.

In July, 2013 a Facebook post from CP drew my attention. I made a post on the CP Facebook page about my interest to arrange such a meet-up event in our country, and made another post on the CP Lounge.

For discussing with members we opened a Facebook page for the event, since then my senior fellow Monjurul Habib continued the discussion with CodeProject and shared everything with us regarding the event. Thanks to everyone for their own contribution behind the event and I am looking forward for such meet-up event in near future.

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Monjurul Habib: Hello and welcome. I was excited about making it a jam-packed session. But as this is the first meet-up, we we will simply be introducing ourselves and sharing experiences with each other. I hope we all already know that CodeProject is a very good place for not only learning about technology worldwide, but also a tool that anyone can use to write an article about interesting stuff and make his/her work visible around the world.

So, we are here to discuss how to create a networking for CP members in a pleasant, comfortable environment. We should be able to raise more CP awareness among professionals, leaders, students and IT professionals.

We’ll probably do this kind of event again and maybe next time more people will turn up. Once again, cheers to the CodeProject team and special thanks to Sean for the sponsorship and awesome communication. Also thanks to all .Netter volunteers for making this day! Have a good time. Thanks!

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Ahsan Habib: Is a Technical Lead in a well reputed company. He is currently working on Microsoft .NET Technology. He has more than 10 years of experience. He is an active CP member with 8 articles, 6 tips/tricks and also has nice contributions to the Quick Answers section. He talked about the benefits of participation on CodeProject. The summary of his speech is that "Writing articles and contributing to CodeProject improve your own skills and validate your thoughts with other experts all over the world."

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Shahriar Iqbal Chowdhury: A Software Architect working on Microsoft .NET Technology with almost 8 years of industry experience. He is an active CP member with 10 articles, 14 tech blogs, 4 tips/tricks and also has nice contributions to the Quick Answers section. He is also an award winner for the "Best Web Dev. article of July 2013." He also talked about the benefits of participation on CodeProject and the benefits of open source contribution. As this evening is all about community contributions, it's a good platform for motivating all professionals to contribute more. He talked about the firsts steps of starting contributions and the challenges professionals faces when they start to contribute. Then he broke out some tips which could help developers overcome these challenges. He followed up with an interesting talk about how CP could improve individuals to be better developers in their careers.Image 23

Wahid Bin Ahsan: Chief UX Architect at desme BD / Founder at UX Saturday with Wahid. Every member enjoyed his excellent presentation from the beginning to end.

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Though the total number of participants is less than expected we had very good discussions on how to improve the engagement in the future. We discussed Q/A sections, writing articles with good and informative contents, technical blog entries and tip/tricks. We also discussed how to engage and encourage other people like students, and other industry professionals to contribute to CP. Next, we presented a gift to the initial initiator (Shuvro Paul). And finally, we took feedback from the participants.

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The following is the feedback from the participants:

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Hasibul Haque: It was a great event. I am so pleased I got the chance to attend. Special thanks go to Shuvro Pal, DotNetters & the Code Project. I hope in future there will be more events like this.

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Palash Debnath: I was really happy to participate in the CodeProject 10M members meet-up in Bangladesh. It was a fantastic evening. Lots of skilled developers from reputed software companies were present there. We had a good conversation about CodeProject and how we can enlarge the community through our participation. Also, some of senior members of the community described the culture and purpose of CodeProject. As a part of the organizing members I would like to thank CodeProject for helping us arrange such an event for the first time in our country. I hope they will continue their contributions in the near future. Thanks!

Shuvro Pal: It was a great experience to meet with senior CodeProject members and top professionals from our country. It was also great to be inspired by them to contribute to CodeProject in the future, which is just what I had dreamt about recently. I would like to say the event was more fabulous than what I had imagined! I am looking forward to such meet-up events in the near future. Thanks to all for their own contribution behind the event.

Pritom Nandy: It was a great event to attend. I believe this meet-up will inspire CodeProject members of Bangladesh to contribute more. We talked about different aspects of CodeProject and also shared our thoughts on how to enrich the community. We spent a very good evening with skilled software professionals and I hope to see you all again. Thank you very much.

Sudipta K Paik: I was really happy to attend the 'Code Project Ten Million Members Meet-up- Bangladesh.' I got chance to meet with top level Bangladesh Developers and learn many things from them. I am grateful to DotNetters and the CodeProject Team, as well as the volunteers who arranged this nice event at Dhaka.

Wahid Bin Ahsan: It was nice to be with the bright and brilliant CodeProject contributors and software professionals from reputed companies. I definitely look forward to attending more effective gatherings such as this in the future. Thank you!

Munir Hassan: It was a great pleasure to attend the CodeProject 10 Million Members Meet-up in Bangladesh. I have been waiting for a long time for this type of event, where we .NET professionals can meet each other and share our knowledge. It makes our bonds stronger and helps each other improve one anothers skills. Thanks to the event organizer and CodeProject. 

Sobuzj Alam: It was a grand experience to attend the CodeProject "10M Meet up in Bangladesh." Thank You!

Nilim Ahsan: It was a really great initiative and nice meeting with potential BD Code Projects members. Thank you!

The following .Netters volunteers helped to organize the event, so a big thank goes to them for their hard work. Thank you guys!

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This article, along with any associated source code and files, is licensed under The Code Project Open License (CPOL)

Written By
United States United States
Nish Nishant is a technology enthusiast from Columbus, Ohio. He has over 20 years of software industry experience in various roles including Chief Technology Officer, Senior Solution Architect, Lead Software Architect, Principal Software Engineer, and Engineering/Architecture Team Leader. Nish is a 14-time recipient of the Microsoft Visual C++ MVP Award.

Nish authored C++/CLI in Action for Manning Publications in 2005, and co-authored Extending MFC Applications with the .NET Framework for Addison Wesley in 2003. In addition, he has over 140 published technology articles on and another 250+ blog articles on his WordPress blog. Nish is experienced in technology leadership, solution architecture, software architecture, cloud development (AWS and Azure), REST services, software engineering best practices, CI/CD, mentoring, and directing all stages of software development.

Nish's Technology Blog :

Written By
Instructor / Trainer Alura Cursos Online
Brazil Brazil

Written By
Technical Lead
India India

Kunal Chowdhury is a former Microsoft "Windows Platform Development" MVP (Most Valuable Professional, 2010 - 2018), a Codeproject Mentor, Speaker in various Microsoft events, Author, passionate Blogger and a Senior Technical Lead by profession.

He is currently working in an MNC located in India. He has a very good skill over XAML, C#, Silverlight, Windows Phone, WPF and Windows app development. He posts his findings, articles, tutorials in his technical blog ( and CodeProject.

Books authored:

Connect with Kunal on:

Written By
Software Developer (Senior)
Singapore Singapore
A life-long-learner, maker and soft music fan. Likes building things to solve problems. Years of successful records serving mid and large scale .NET applications in domestic and international client environment. Expertise in different areas of software development life cycles and Software Architecture.

Always looks for new technology and loves to get hands dirty Smile | :)

Written By
Architect Sela
Israel Israel
Shai Raiten is VS ALM MVP, currently working for Sela Group as a ALM senior consultant and trainer specializes in Microsoft technologies especially Team System and .NET technology. He is currently consulting in various enterprises in Israel, planning and analysis Load and performance problems using Team System, building Team System customizations and adjusts ALM processes for enterprises. Shai is known as one of the top Team System experts in Israel. He conducts lectures and workshops for developers\QA and enterprises who want to specialize in Team System.

My Blog:

Comments and Discussions

GeneralMy vote of 5 Pin
Alexandra Christina16-Jul-14 11:31
Alexandra Christina16-Jul-14 11:31 
GeneralMy vote of 5 Pin
mehedi195014-Jul-14 14:05
mehedi195014-Jul-14 14:05 
GeneralMy vote of 5 Pin
Polinia23-Apr-14 8:53
Polinia23-Apr-14 8:53 
GeneralMy vote of 5 Pin
S. M. Ahasan Habib13-Nov-13 23:41
professionalS. M. Ahasan Habib13-Nov-13 23:41 
GeneralRe: My vote of 5 Pin
Monjurul Habib14-Nov-13 1:10
professionalMonjurul Habib14-Nov-13 1:10 
GeneralMy vote of 5 Pin
JayantaChatterjee13-Nov-13 21:45
professionalJayantaChatterjee13-Nov-13 21:45 
GeneralRe: My vote of 5 Pin
Monjurul Habib13-Nov-13 22:09
professionalMonjurul Habib13-Nov-13 22:09 
GeneralMy vote of 5 Pin
Monjurul Habib11-Nov-13 4:46
professionalMonjurul Habib11-Nov-13 4:46 
QuestionWell done Pin
_AK_29-Oct-13 10:02
_AK_29-Oct-13 10:02 
GeneralGreat meet-ups! Pin
thatraja29-Oct-13 8:31
professionalthatraja29-Oct-13 8:31 
QuestionLooks like a lot of fun Pin
Sacha Barber21-Oct-13 23:32
Sacha Barber21-Oct-13 23:32 
AnswerRe: Looks like a lot of fun Pin
Nish Nishant25-Oct-13 2:19
sitebuilderNish Nishant25-Oct-13 2:19 
QuestionMissed it Pin
Marius Bancila21-Oct-13 0:46
professionalMarius Bancila21-Oct-13 0:46 
AnswerRe: Missed it Pin
Nish Nishant25-Oct-13 2:19
sitebuilderNish Nishant25-Oct-13 2:19 
There were a few announcements in the forums, but perhaps a couple of entries in newsletters may have given this more visibility.

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