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Windows 7 Libraries C# Quick Reference

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16 Mar 2010Ms-PL 36.7K   16   5
Following are some listings to be used as a quick reference to common Windows 7 Libraries features using Windows API Code Pack.

Following are some listings to be used as a quick reference to common Windows 7 Libraries features using Windows API Code Pack.

The code in this post is based on previous work by Alon and other Sela team members. Great work all.


Just to clarify the terminology used: Every Windows 7 library is represented as an XML file with the .library-ms extension. The common libraries files are commonly stored in: C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Libraries\

So if, for example, we work now with the Pictures library, than in the following sections:

libraryName = Pictures 
locationPath = C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Libraries\

Note: you can create library files wherever you want, not necessarily in the mentioned folder.


Creating a new library

ShellLibrary shellLibrary = 
    new ShellLibrary(libraryName, locationPath, overwriteExisting);

Add folder to an existing library

using (ShellLibrary shellLibrary =
    ShellLibrary.Load(libraryName, folderPath, isReadOnly))

Remove folder from a library

using (ShellLibrary shellLibrary =
    ShellLibrary.Load(libraryName, folderPath, isReadOnly))

Enumerate library folders

using (ShellLibrary shellLibrary = 
    ShellLibrary.Load(libraryName, folderPath, isReadOnly))
    foreach (ShellFileSystemFolder folder in shellLibrary)

Change default save location

using (ShellLibrary shellLibrary = 
    ShellLibrary.Load(libraryName, folderPath, isReadOnly))
    shellLibrary.DefaultSaveFolder = newSaveLocation;

Change library icon

using (ShellLibrary shellLibrary = 
    ShellLibrary.Load(libraryName, folderPath, isReadOnly))
    shellLibrary.IconResourceId = new IconReference(moduleName, resourceId);

Pin library to explorer navigation pane

using (ShellLibrary shellLibrary = 
    ShellLibrary.Load(libraryName, folderPath, isReadOnly))
    shellLibrary.IsPinnedToNavigationPane = true;

Setting library type

using (ShellLibrary shellLibrary = 
    ShellLibrary.Load(libraryName, folderPath, isReadOnly))
    shellLibrary.LibraryType = libraryType;
    // libraryType can be:
    //  LibraryFolderType.Generic
    //  LibraryFolderType.Documents
    //  LibraryFolderType.Music
    //  LibraryFolderType.Pictures
    //  LibraryFolderType.Videos

Open library manage UI

    libraryName, folderPath, hOwnerWnd, title, instruction, allowNonIndexableLocations);

Delete library

string FileExtension = ".library-ms";

File.Delete(Path.Combine(folderPath,libraryName + FileExtension));

Get library change notification

string FileExtension = ".library-ms";

FileSystemWatcher libraryWatcher = new FileSystemWatcher(folderPath);
libraryWatcher.NotifyFilter = NotifyFilters.LastWrite;
libraryWatcher.Filter = libraryName + FileExtension;
libraryWatcher.IncludeSubdirectories = false;

libraryWatcher.Changed += (s, e) =>
    //cross thread call
    this.Dispatcher.Invoke(new Action(() =>
            using (ShellLibrary shellLibrary = 
                ShellLibrary.Load(libraryName, folderPath, isReadOnly))
                // get changed information
libraryWatcher.EnableRaisingEvents = true;

That’s it for now, Arik Poznanski.

This article was originally posted at


This article, along with any associated source code and files, is licensed under The Microsoft Public License (Ms-PL)

Written By
Software Developer (Senior) Verint
Israel Israel
Arik Poznanski is a senior software developer at Verint. He completed two B.Sc. degrees in Mathematics & Computer Science, summa cum laude, from the Technion in Israel.

Arik has extensive knowledge and experience in many Microsoft technologies, including .NET with C#, WPF, Silverlight, WinForms, Interop, COM/ATL programming, C++ Win32 programming and reverse engineering (assembly, IL).

Comments and Discussions

NewsShellLibrary.Dispose() Pin
Focuscar15-Mar-11 16:02
Focuscar15-Mar-11 16:02 
QuestionGet Library Change notification - questions Pin
freestone_girl28-Feb-11 23:22
freestone_girl28-Feb-11 23:22 
GeneralNice article. Pin
ybkishore30-Dec-10 17:12
ybkishore30-Dec-10 17:12 
GeneralRe: Nice article. Pin
Arik Poznanski1-Jan-11 13:17
Arik Poznanski1-Jan-11 13:17 
Generalmy 5 Pin
Southmountain25-Nov-10 11:28
Southmountain25-Nov-10 11:28 

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