Here we’ll add Universal Sentence Encoder (USE), which is a pre-trained transformer-based language processing model. This is what we’ll use to determine the matching trivia question for the chatbot. We’ll also add two utility functions, to help us determine sentence similarity.
TensorFlow + JavaScript. The most popular, cutting-edge AI framework now supports the most widely used programming language on the planet. So let’s make text and NLP (Natural Language Processing) chatbot magic happen through Deep Learning right in our web browser, GPU-accelerated via WebGL using TensorFlow.js!
You are welcome to download the project code.

Version 1 of our trivia expert chatbot, built with a Recurrent Neural Network (RNN), had some shortcomings and limitations, which made it too often fail at predicting the matching trivia question to provide answers, unless the question was asked word for word as it appeared in the database. RNNs learn to predict from sequences, but they don’t necessarily know which parts of the sequences are the most significant.
This is where transformers can come in handy. We’ve discussed transformers in the previous article. There, we showed how they helped improve our emotion detector. Now let’s see what they can do for the trivia chatbot.
Setting Up TensorFlow.js Code with Universal Sentence Encoder
This project is very similar to the first trivia expert code, so let’s use the initial codebase as our starting point, with the word embeddings, model, and prediction parts removed. We’ll add one important and incredibly powerful library here, Universal Sentence Encoder (USE), which is a pre-trained transformer-based language processing model. This is what we’ll use to determine the matching trivia question for the chatbot. We’ll also add two utility functions, dotProduct
and zipWith
, from the USE readme example to help us determine sentence similarity.
<title>Trivia Know-It-All: Chatbots in the Browser with TensorFlow.js</title>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<h1 id="status">Trivia Know-It-All Bot</h1>
<label>Ask a trivia question:</label>
<input id="question" type="text" />
<button id="submit">Submit</button>
<p id="bot-question"></p>
<p id="bot-answer"></p>
function setText( text ) {
document.getElementById( "status" ).innerText = text;
const dotProduct = (xs, ys) => {
const sum = xs => xs ? xs.reduce((a, b) => a + b, 0) : undefined;
return xs.length === ys.length ?
sum(zipWith((a, b) => a * b, xs, ys))
: undefined;
const zipWith =
(f, xs, ys) => {
const ny = ys.length;
return (xs.length <= ny ? xs : xs.slice(0, ny))
.map((x, i) => f(x, ys[i]));
(async () => {
let triviaData = await fetch( "web/verified-wikipedia-dev.json" ).then( r => r.json() );
let data = triviaData.Data;
let questions = qa => qa.Question );
setText( "Loading USE..." );
let encoder = await use.load();
setText( "Loaded!" );
const model = await use.loadQnA();
document.getElementById( "question" ).addEventListener( "keyup", function( event ) {
if( event.keyCode === 13 ) {
document.getElementById( "submit" ).click();
document.getElementById( "submit" ).addEventListener( "click", async function( event ) {
let text = document.getElementById( "question" ).value;
document.getElementById( "question" ).value = "";
const input = {
queries: [ text ],
responses: questions
let embeddings = await model.embed( input );
tf.tidy( () => {
const embed_query = embeddings[ "queryEmbedding" ].arraySync();
const embed_responses = embeddings[ "responseEmbedding" ].arraySync();
let scores = [];
embed_responses.forEach( response => {
scores.push( dotProduct( embed_query[ 0 ], response ) );
let id = scores.indexOf( Math.max( ...scores ) );
document.getElementById( "bot-question" ).innerText = questions[ id ];
document.getElementById( "bot-answer" ).innerText = data[ id ].Answer.Value;
TriviaQA Dataset
The data we’ll use for our improved trivia expert chatbot is the same as before, the TriviaQA dataset made available by the University of Washington. It includes 95 thousand trivia question-answer pairs but, to keep it simpler and train faster, we’ll use a smaller subset, verified-wikipedia-dev.json
, which is included in this project’s sample code.
Universal Sentence Encoder
The Universal Sentence Encoder (USE) is "a [pre-trained] model that encodes text into 512-dimensional embeddings." See the previous article for a complete description of the USE and its architecture.
The USE is easy and straightforward to work with. Let’s load it up in our code before we define our network model and use its QnA dual encoder, which will give us full-sentence embeddings across all queries and all answers.
setText( "Loading USE..." );
let encoder = await use.load();
setText( "Loaded!" );
const model = await use.loadQnA();
Trivia Chatbot In Action
Because the sentence embeddings already encode similarity into its vectors, we don’t need to train another model. All we need to do is figure out which of the trivia questions is most similar to the user’s submitted question. Let’s do it by making use of the QnA encoder and finding the best question.
document.getElementById( "submit" ).addEventListener( "click", async function( event ) {
let text = document.getElementById( "question" ).value;
document.getElementById( "question" ).value = "";
const input = {
queries: [ text ],
responses: questions
let embeddings = await model.embed( input );
tf.tidy( () => {
const embed_query = embeddings[ "queryEmbedding" ].arraySync();
const embed_responses = embeddings[ "responseEmbedding" ].arraySync();
let scores = [];
embed_responses.forEach( response => {
scores.push( dotProduct( embed_query[ 0 ], response ) );
let id = scores.indexOf( Math.max( ...scores ) );
document.getElementById( "bot-question" ).innerText = questions[ id ];
document.getElementById( "bot-answer" ).innerText = data[ id ].Answer.Value;
If everything went well, you’ll notice that now we have a very well-performing chatbot that can pull up the proper trivia question-answer pair with just a keyword or two.

Finish Line
To wrap up this project up, here is the complete code:
<title>Trivia Know-It-All: Chatbots in the Browser with TensorFlow.js</title>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<h1 id="status">Trivia Know-It-All Bot</h1>
<label>Ask a trivia question:</label>
<input id="question" type="text" />
<button id="submit">Submit</button>
<p id="bot-question"></p>
<p id="bot-answer"></p>
function setText( text ) {
document.getElementById( "status" ).innerText = text;
const dotProduct = (xs, ys) => {
const sum = xs => xs ? xs.reduce((a, b) => a + b, 0) : undefined;
return xs.length === ys.length ?
sum(zipWith((a, b) => a * b, xs, ys))
: undefined;
const zipWith =
(f, xs, ys) => {
const ny = ys.length;
return (xs.length <= ny ? xs : xs.slice(0, ny))
.map((x, i) => f(x, ys[i]));
(async () => {
let triviaData = await fetch( "web/verified-wikipedia-dev.json" ).then( r => r.json() );
let data = triviaData.Data;
let questions = qa => qa.Question );
setText( "Loading USE..." );
let encoder = await use.load();
setText( "Loaded!" );
const model = await use.loadQnA();
document.getElementById( "question" ).addEventListener( "keyup", function( event ) {
if( event.keyCode === 13 ) {
document.getElementById( "submit" ).click();
document.getElementById( "submit" ).addEventListener( "click", async function( event ) {
let text = document.getElementById( "question" ).value;
document.getElementById( "question" ).value = "";
const input = {
queries: [ text ],
responses: questions
let embeddings = await model.embed( input );
tf.tidy( () => {
const embed_query = embeddings[ "queryEmbedding" ].arraySync();
const embed_responses = embeddings[ "responseEmbedding" ].arraySync();
let scores = [];
embed_responses.forEach( response => {
scores.push( dotProduct( embed_query[ 0 ], response ) );
let id = scores.indexOf( Math.max( ...scores ) );
document.getElementById( "bot-question" ).innerText = questions[ id ];
document.getElementById( "bot-answer" ).innerText = data[ id ].Answer.Value;
What’s Next?
Now that we’ve learned to create a knowledge chatbot, how about something with a bit more lights, camera, and action? Let’s create a chatbot we can have a dialogue with.
Build with me, in the next article in this series, Movie Dialogue Chatbot in the Browser with TensorFlow.js.