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C# Gets Pattern Matching, Disjoint Unions, Tuples and Ranges

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8 Mar 2016LGPL314 min read 25.3K   7   7
Well, not literally. Enhanced C# supports pattern matching, ADTs, and tuples, so Plain C# gets all that by transitivity.


This article will teach you how to use some of the "functional" features of the open-source Enhanced C# + LeMP project: pattern matching, algebraic data types, tuples and numeric ranges. To download the Visual Studio extension or learn more about LeMP, visit the LeMP home page

Pattern matching!

There is a code pattern that pops up occasionally: "get an object from somewhere, see if it has type X, and if so, get/query its properties". This can get tedious very quickly:

var obj = connection.DownloadNextObject();
if (obj is StatusReport)
    StatusReport report = (StatusReport)obj;
    if (report.IsValid) {
else if (obj is DataPacket)
    DataPacket packet = (DataPacket)obj;

I bet you've written code like this. Some of you write this style of code a lot. But now LeMP has a shortcut for patterns like these: it's called match. It's like switch, but for "pattern matching". With match, the code above becomes simply

match (connection.DownloadNextObject()) {
    case $report is StatusReport(IsValid: true):
    case $packet is DataPacket:

easy, right? LeMP will translate this to C# code like

do {
    var tmp_1 = connection.DownloadNextObject();
    if (tmp_1 is StatusReport) {
        StatusReport report = (StatusReport) tmp_1;
        if (true.Equals(report.IsValid)) {
    if (tmp_1 is DataPacket) {
        DataPacket packet = (DataPacket) tmp_1;
} while (false);

match allows the case blocks to use break to exit each branch, but unlike switch it does not require the break statements. match wraps its output in do...while(false) in case your case-block includes a break statement (and, well, it adds a break if you don't). Note that the logic here isn't quite the same as the original if-else code: match behaves like a big "if-else" chain, so if the first case doesn't match, it always tries the second one. So if it's a StatusReport but IsValid is false, it'll go on and check whether it's a DataPacket (this may sound like a dumb thing to do, but think about it: it is possible that the object is both a StatusReport and a DataPacket. And if that's impossible, maybe if we're lucky the compiler will optimize it.)

match has more features, which we'll discuss later. But first, a word from its sponsor:

Algebraic Data Types!

Many languages offer data types that consist of a series of alternatives, like this simple representation of a binary search tree in Haskell:

data BinaryTree t = Leaf t
                  | Node t (BinaryTree t) (BinaryTree t)

This says that a value of the BinaryTree type is generic (t is a type parameter, like <T> in C#), a BinaryTree value is either a Leaf (which contains a single value of type t) or a Node (which contains a value of type t and two more values, each of type BinaryTree t). Haskell folks call this an Algebraic Data Type.

Algebraic Data Types (ADTs) may have a dumb name, but they are also known by another name: disjoint unions.

With LeMP you can write ADTs using alt class. You will see that C# ADTs these don't work the same as disjoint unions in other languages; because of their increased flexibility, arguably they shouldn't be called "disjoint unions" at all. But whatever you call them, they are quite useful, especially when productivity and concise code are your top priorities.

Under LeMP, an ADT is called alt class and it looks like this:

public abstract alt class BinaryTree<T> where T: IComparable<T>
    alt Leaf<T>(T Value);
    alt Node(T Value, BinaryTree<T> Left, BinaryTree<T> Right);
    // (you could also have written `Node<T>`)

In fact, this is nothing more or less than a really quick way to produce a class hierarchy of immutable types. The output is fairly massive:

public abstract class BinaryTree<T> where T: IComparable<T>
    public BinaryTree() { }
class Leaf<T> : BinaryTree<T> where T: IComparable<T>
    public Leaf(T Value)
        this.Value = Value;
    public T Value { get; private set; }
    public Leaf<T> WithValue(T newValue)
        return new Leaf<T>(newValue);
    public T Item1
        get { return Value; }
static partial class Leaf
    public static Leaf<T> New<T>(T Value) where T: IComparable<T>
        return new Leaf<T>(Value);
class Node<T> : BinaryTree<T> where T: IComparable<T>
    public Node(T Value, BinaryTree<T> Left, BinaryTree<T> Right)
        this.Value = Value;
        this.Left = Left;
        this.Right = Right;
    public T Value { get; private set; }
    public BinaryTree<T> Left { get; private set; }
    public BinaryTree<T> Right { get; private set; }
    public Node<T> WithValue(T newValue)
        return new Node<T>(newValue, Left, Right);
    public Node<T> WithLeft(BinaryTree<T> newValue)
        return new Node<T>(Value, newValue, Right);
    public Node<T> WithRight(BinaryTree<T> newValue)
        return new Node<T>(Value, Left, newValue);
    // Additional code hidden to spare your eyes
static partial class Node
    public static Node<T> New<T>(T Value, BinaryTree<T> Left, BinaryTree<T> Right) where T: IComparable<T>
        return new Node<T>(Value, Left, Right);

As you can see, there's a lot of helper code to make these types easy to use.

First of all, you don't just get a Leaf<T> and Node<T> class, you also get Leaf and Node classes with no type parameters. These allow you to create leaves and nodes without mentioning the type T:

void TreeOfThree()
    var tree = Node.New(42, Leaf.New(17), Leaf.New(99));

Note: A New method is created only when an alt uses type parameters.

You can "modify" individual properties of an ADT with the appropriate "With" method, like this:

Node<T> node = Node.New(42, Leaf.New(17), Leaf.New(99));
// Use `WithRight` to change the right child to the leaf `101`:
node = node.WithRight(Leaf.New(101));

And of course, you can use match to learn about your ADT. For example, if the binary tree is sorted, it could be searched like this:

public static bool Contains<T>(BinaryTree<T> tree, T item)
    T value;
    match (tree) {
        case is Leaf<T>($value):
            return Compare(value, item) == 0;
        case is Node<T>($value, $left, $right):
            int cmp = Compare(item, value);
            if (cmp < 0)
                return left != null && Contains(left, item);
            else if (cmp > 0)
                return right != null && Contains(right, item);
                return true;
internal static int Compare<T>(T a, T b) where T:IComparable<T>
{   // It's null's fault that this method exists.
    if (a != null)
        return a.CompareTo(b);
    else if (b != null)
        return -a.CompareTo(a);
        return 0;

Notice that this code says Leaf<T>($value) instead of Leaf<T>(Value: $value), and similarly case is Node<T> does not mention Value, Left or Right. If you leave out the property names, match will read items "by position" from Item1, Item2, etc., and that's why the generated Leaf<T> has a public T Item1 property, which is marked with EditorBrowsableState.Never to hide it from IntelliSense.

But wait, there's more! In fact, alt class can do more than ADTs in other languages that support ADTs, because it "accepts" its identity as a class hierarchy instead of pretending to be a traditional mathematical disjoint union: it has the same capabilities as a normal class hierarchy.

For starters, notice that Leaf and Node both have a Value property. We can move the common property into the base class like this:

public partial abstract alt class BinaryTree<T> where T: IComparable<T>
    alt this(T Value);
    alt Leaf();
    alt Node(BinaryTree<T> Left, BinaryTree<T> Right);

alt this provides a way to add data to the base class. Plus, if you give it a body in { braces }, it becomes the code of the constructor.

Now, since Leaf() contains no additional data beyond what the base class contains, we can go a step further and eliminate it completely, while removing the abstract attribute from BinaryTree<T>:

public alt class BinaryTree<T> where T: IComparable<T>
    alt this(T Value);
    alt Node(BinaryTree<T> Left, BinaryTree<T> Right);

This does have a disadvantage: leaf nodes are created with BinaryTree.New instead of Leaf.New. But it still works.

If we'd like to ensure that Node is not initialized with two null children, we can add validation code. This is done by adding a body to Node, which is treated as a class body, and then adding a "constructor" named alt this:

public alt class BinaryTree<T> where T: IComparable<T>
    alt this(T Value);
    alt Node(BinaryTree<T> Left, BinaryTree<T> Right)
        public alt this() {
            if (Left == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("Left");
            if (Right == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("Right");

Note: admittedly, there is something odd about this: the new this constructor has its own argument list, even though Node already had one. As you saw from the first constructor (alt this(T Value)), constructor arguments in an alt class create new properties. So you are allowed to place new properties in either the Node list or the inner this list; it is recommended not to use both.

Also, instead of using match, you could implement the Contains method as a virtual method.

public alt class BinaryTree<T> where T: IComparable<T>
    alt this(T Value);
    alt Node(BinaryTree<T> Left, BinaryTree<T> Right)
        public alt this() {
            if (Left == null && Right == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("Both children");
        public override bool Contains(T item)
            int cmp = Compare(item, Value);
            if (cmp < 0)
                return Left != null && Left.Contains(item);
            else if (cmp > 0)
                return Right != null && Right.Contains(item);
                return true;
    public virtual bool Contains(T item)
        return Compare(Value, item) == 0;
    internal static int Compare(T a, T b)
    {   // It's null's fault that this method exists.
        if (a != null)
            return a.CompareTo(b);
        else if (b != null)
            return -a.CompareTo(a);
            return 0;

You can also define a multi-level class hierarchy. In the following example, MyTuple<T1,T2> is derived from MyTuple<T1> and MyTuple<T1,T2,T3> is derived from MyTuple<T1,T2>:

public alt class MyTuple<T1> {
    public alt this(T1 Item1);
    public alt MyTuple<T1,T2>(T2 Item2) {
        public alt MyTuple<T1,T2,T3>(T3 Item3) { }

A more complex example would be a tree of GUI widget information:

public abstract alt class Widget {
    alt this(Rectangle Location) {
        if (Location == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("Location");
    alt Button(string Text) { }
    alt TextBox(string Text) { }
    abstract alt StringListWidget(string[] subItems) {
        alt ComboBox();
        alt ListBox();
    public abstract alt Container() {
        alt TabControl(TabPage[] Children);
        alt Panel(Widget[] Children) {
            alt TabPage(string Title);

Just remember that the nested alts are not nested classes; in the output, each new class is brought out to the "top level". This means, for example, that you should write new ComboBox(location, subItems) and not new Widget.StringListWidget.ComboBox(location, subItems).

Finally, you can use alt class to produce immutable classes with only one "case", like this:

public abstract alt class Rectangle {
    alt this(int X, int Y, int Width, int Height);

Note: as of this writing, alt class does not support non-public constructors.

Okay, I think we covered everything! I hope you enjoy.


Enhanced C# supports tuples, e.g.

var pair = (12, "twelve");

This comes out as

var pair = Tuple.Create(12, "twelve");

Note: Tuple is a standard class of the .NET framework.

You can also deconstruct tuples, like this:

(var num, var str) = pair; 


var num = pair.Item1;
var str = pair.Item2;

Since ADTs have properties named Item1, Item2, etc., you can deconstruct them the same way:

(var x, var y, var w, var h) = new Rectangle(10, 10, 600, 400);


var tmp_0 = new Rectangle(10, 10, 600, 400);
var x = tmp_0.Item1;
var y = tmp_0.Item2;
var w = tmp_0.Item3;
var h = tmp_0.Item4;

However, EC# does not help you write tuple types. For example, to return (5,"five") from a function, the return type is Tuple<int, string> - there is no shortcut.

More Pattern Matching

Image 1

With tuples

match, too, supports tuples and other things that have Item1, Item2, etc.:

match (rect) {
case ($x, $y, $w, $h):

But this is no different from the tuple deconstruction shown above. It bypasses type checking entirely; the code is simply

do {
    var x = rect.Item1;
    var y = rect.Item2;
    var w = rect.Item3;
    var h = rect.Item4;
    Console.WriteLine("(" + x + "," + y + "," + w + "," + h + ")");
} while(false);

This means if rect itself has the wrong type (e.g. it's a tuple of 3 rather than 4) you'll get an error from the C# compiler. Remember, you have to use is to check the data type:

match (rect) {
case is Rectangle($x, $y, $w, $h):

Often, though, it's useful to use tuple syntax once you know what the type is. For example, after using is Button, we know we have a Button widget, we know the first component is a Rectangle so we can deconstruct it with tuple syntax, like this:

void DrawIfButton(Graphics g, Widget widget) {
    match(widget) {
        case is Button(($x, $y, $width, $height), $text):
            // TODO: draw the button

Simple matching

What else can you do with pattern matching? For one thing, you can do equality testing and range testing, like this:

static void FavoriteNumberGame()
    Console.Write("What's your favorite number? ");
    match(int.Parse(Console.ReadLine())) {
        case 7, 777:  Console.WriteLine("You lucky bastard!");
        case 5, 10:   Console.WriteLine("I have that many fingers too!");
        case 0, 1:    Console.WriteLine("What? Nobody picks that!");
        case 2, 3:    Console.WriteLine("Yeah, I guess you deal with those a lot.");
        case 12:      Console.WriteLine("I prefer a baker's dozen.");
        case 666, 13: Console.WriteLine("Isn't that bad luck though?");
        case 1..<10:  Console.WriteLine("Kind of boring, don't you think?");
        case 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29: Console.WriteLine("A prime choice.");
        case 10...99: Console.WriteLine("I have to admit... it has two digits.");
        case _...-1:  Console.WriteLine("Oh, don't be so negative.");
        default:      Console.WriteLine("What are you, high? Like that number?");

This example illustrates several things.

Single evaluation: as you would expect, match makes a temporary variable so that Console.ReadLine() is only called once.

Priority order: Earlier cases are tested before lower cases, so 5 matches case 5, 10 and not case 1..<10.

Equality testing: You can use not just literals like case 5 but expressions like case (x + y):. In the output, case 5 becomes if (5.Equals(matchExpr)). Why is this particular equality test used? Consider the alternatives:

  • if (matchExpr == 5) works in fewer cases. Specifically, consider match((object)5) {case 5:}. 5.Equals((object)5) returns true, but (object)5 == 5 is a compile-time error. Thus Equals is more flexible.
  • if (object.Equals(matchExpr, 5)) would involve boxing and dynamic downcasting.
  • if (matchExpr.Equals(5)) would cause NullReferenceException in case matchExpr is null.

The form only changes if you write case null; this becomes if (matchExpr == null). Note: other than the literal null, which is allowed, it is your responsibility to ensure that the cases themselves do not evaluate to null. For reasons of performance and epistemology, when you use non-literal expressions like case X, match does not check whether X itself is null (in fact, it cannot tell whether X has a nullable type).

Default: Like switch, match can have a default:, but it must come last. It's equivalent to case _:.

Multiple patterns per case: Enhanced C# allows case to have multiple separate cases separated by commas, such as 1..10, 20, 30. Unfortunately, when translating your code to plain C#, it is often impossible for two separate patterns to lead into the same handler, and therefore the output will duplicate the handler. For example, the first case above is translated as

if (7.Equals(tmp_0)) {
    Console.WriteLine("You lucky bastard!");
if (777.Equals(tmp_0)) {
    Console.WriteLine("You lucky bastard!");

In this particular example it is possible to avoid duplicating the Console.WriteLine statement, but in most nontrivial patterns it is not (at least not without analysis capabilities LeMP doesn't have), so match doesn't even try. Therefore, if possible, avoid writing large code blocks inside a case with multiple patterns.

Range operators: Enhanced C# defines binary and unary operators named ..< and ..., as well as a binary in operator that is intended to test whether a value is contained in a collection. - ..< is the exclusive range operator: it means you want the number on the right side to be excluded from the range. case 1..<10 is translated to something like if (tmp_0.IsInRangeExcludeHi(1, 10)). IsInRangeExcludeHi should be an extension method, either one you define yourself or one of the extension methods in Loyc.Essentials.dll. This operator has two names, in fact: you can write 1..10, as used in Rust, or 1..<10, as used in Swift. The lexer treats them as the same operator (named ..). - ... is the inclusive range operator: it means you want the number on the right side to be included in the range. For example, case 10...99 is translated to something like if (tmp_0.IsInRange(10, 99)). (This operator's name is also three dots in Rust and Swift.)

You can use underscores to express an open-ended range, e.g. case _..-1. ..< and ... also exist as unary operators, so you can write ...-1 instead. However, there is no corresponding suffix operator: you must write 100..._, not 100.... All of these are translated to the appropriate binary operator (e.g. _...9 becomes matchExpr <= 9).

A fancy example

Here's a much more complicated example that shows most of the features of match:

match (obj) {
    case is Shape(ShapeType.Circle, $size, Location: $p is Point<int>($x, $y) && x > y):
        Circle(size, x, y);

When I wrote this article I tried explaining what this does, but the explanation was so long I decided it would be better just to show the output code:

if (obj is Shape) {
    Shape tmp_0 = (Shape) obj;
    if (ShapeType.Circle.Equals(tmp_0.Item1)) {
        var size = tmp_0.Item2;
        var tmp_1 = tmp_0.Location;
        if (tmp_1 is Point<int>) {
            Point<int> p = (Point<int>) tmp_1;
            var x = p.Item1;
            var y = p.Item2;
            if (x > y) {
                Circle(size, x, y);

You can see several more features in action here:

Unary and binary "is" operators: is Type is a new operator added to Enhanced C# for the specific purpose of supporting pattern matching. It means "check if the match_expression is Type and if so, downcast to Type and make a temporary variable to hold the result". The binary version of is allows a few different things on the left-hand side:

  • $newVar is Type creates a new variable Type newVar to hold the downcasted value
  • ref var is Type sets an existing variable called var to the downcasted value
  • low..hi is Type holds the downcasted the value in a temporary variable, then checks if it's in the specified range
  • otherExpr is Type (where otherExpr matches none of the other patterns above) holds the downcasted the value in a temporary variable, then checks if otherExpr is equal to it.

Subpatterns in parentheses: After the is part of the pattern, you can write "inner patterns" or "subpatterns" in parentheses. For example, in case A(B(C), D), A has subpatterns B(C) and D, and D is a subpattern of B. Each subpattern is treated the same way as the outermost pattern, except that subpatterns can specify a property name (e.g. Location:) and the outer pattern cannot.

Positional and named properties: In this example, the first two components of Shape are treated as "positional" properties while the third component is a "named" property (its name is Location). A named property consists of an identifier followed by colon (:) such as Location:. If you don't provide a name, match uses a numbered property instead (Item1, Item2, etc.). So in this example the Shape.Item1 property is matched against the subpattern ShapeType.Circle, and Shape.Item2 is matched against $size.

Please note that you can only name simple properties, not nested properties, methods or indexer properties. For example, you might be tempted to write case is Foo(Bar(): 777) to find out if the Foo.Bar() method returns 777, but this is not allowed because it is a syntax error. However, you can write case $foo is Foo && foo.Bar() == 777 instead.

Variable binding: Use the $ operator to create a new variable and assign it to the value of part of an object. In this case the new size variable is assigned to the Shape.Item2 property of obj, the new p variable is assigned to Shape.Location, and so forth.

Extra conditions: You can use the && operator on the main pattern or subpatterns to add extra conditions to a pattern, e.g. given

case is Size(Width: $w, Height: $h && h > 100) && w > h:
    DoSomethingWith(w, h);

The output is something like

if (obj is Size) {
    Size tmp_2 = (Size) obj;
    var w = tmp_2.Width;
    var h = tmp_2.Height;
    if (h > 100 && w > h) {
        DoSomethingWith(w, h);

Rough left-to-right evaluation: Patterns are evaluated roughly left-to-right, except that if you're using a binary is condition such as $x is Type, the type test on the right-hand side (obviously) runs before the test or binding on the left-hand side.

Cases using the "in" operator

Earlier you saw that you could write case lo..hi to find out if a value is within a range. If you want to combine a range test with a variable binding, an equality test, or subpattern matching, you can use the in operator. Here are some examples:

match(value) {
    // Is value a double between 0 and 1 ?
    case $newVar is double in 0.0...1.0:
    // This one is tricky! It requires that `coefficient.Equals(value) && value in 0...1`
    case coefficient in 0.0...1.0:
    // Due to the precedence rules of EC#, if you combine `in` with 
    // subpatterns, the subpatterns must come before `in`.
    case _ is Point(X: $x, Y: $y) in polygon:
        CollisionDetected(x, y);
    // However, when you add conditions with `&&`, they still come last.
    case is Size(Width: $w, Height: $h) in acceptableSizes && w > h:
        SizeIsOK(w, h);

Assigning to an existing variable with "ref"

You can use ref variable instead of $variable to assign a value to an existing variable rather than creating a new variable. For consistency with the matchCode macro introduced in the previous article, $(ref variable) is also accepted.


That reminds me: why do you think the syntax for creating a new variable in case is $x instead of, say, var x? Partially it's because var x would, in general, not be permitted by the parser, but it's also because the matchCode macro also uses the $x syntax, and var x usually isn't even possible in the context of matchCode.

It's also fair to ask why you have to write case $x is Foo instead of simply case x is Foo. In fact, initially I did support the latter syntax (because Rust works similarly), but soon afterward I decided to drop support. There are three reasons:

  1. $x is easier to spot, so people reading the code can more easily see the point where x is created.
  2. $x is consistent with the syntax of matchCode.
  3. If you write 777 is Foo or Foo.Bar is Foo, the left-hand side is interpreted as an equality test. Thus x is Foo would have been a special case, and it would arguably be surprising if x is Foo and x.y is Foo did fundamentally different things.

Standalone ranges and "in" operator

The ..<, ..., and in operators are not limited to match. You can use them in ordinary expressions, like this:

if (!(index in 0..list.Count))
    throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("index");

As before, the x in lo..<hi pattern translates to x.IsInRangeExcludeHi(lo, hi) while the x in lo...hi pattern translates to x.IsInRange(lo, hi). You can also use in by itself, or use the range operators by themselves:

var range = 0..list.Count;
if (!(index in range))
    throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("index");

This is translated to

var range = Range.ExcludeHi(0, list.Count);
if (!range.Contains(index))
    throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("index");

Loyc.Essentials.dll contains all of the methods shown here; IsInRangeExcludeHi is an extension method in class Loyc.Range. While Range.ExcludeHi is in the Loyc namespace, it returns a variable of type Loyc.Collections.NumRange<Num,Math> where Num is a numeric type such as int, and Math is a helper type that allows NumRange to perform arithmetic on that numeric type (it is needed since .NET does not define math interfaces for built-in types.) It is worth noting that NumRange implements IReadOnlyList<Num>, so you can use it in foreach loops and LINQ expressions.

Since the expression x in range just calls range.Contains(x), it is compatible with standard collection types.

Wrapping up

I think that's everything. I hope these features make you more productive. Enjoy!

To learn more or download LeMP, visit the LeMP home page.

This article was originally posted at


This article, along with any associated source code and files, is licensed under The GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPLv3)

Written By
Software Developer None
Canada Canada
Since I started programming when I was 11, I wrote the SNES emulator "SNEqr", the FastNav mapping component, the Enhanced C# programming language (in progress), the parser generator LLLPG, and LES, a syntax to help you start building programming languages, DSLs or build systems.

My overall focus is on the Language of your choice (Loyc) initiative, which is about investigating ways to improve interoperability between programming languages and putting more power in the hands of developers. I'm also seeking employment.

Comments and Discussions

GeneralMy vote of 5 Pin
BillWoodruff9-Mar-16 21:23
professionalBillWoodruff9-Mar-16 21:23 
GeneralRe: My vote of 5 Pin
Qwertie9-Mar-16 23:08
Qwertie9-Mar-16 23:08 
GeneralRe: My vote of 5 Pin
Galatei10-Mar-16 5:39
Galatei10-Mar-16 5:39 
GeneralRe: My vote of 5 Pin
Qwertie10-Mar-16 13:06
Qwertie10-Mar-16 13:06 
GeneralRe: My vote of 5 Pin
jtmueller10-Mar-16 9:33
jtmueller10-Mar-16 9:33 
GeneralRe: My vote of 5 Pin
Qwertie10-Mar-16 12:51
Qwertie10-Mar-16 12:51 
LeMP uses a Single-File Generator and is not part of the MSBuild; therefore you should check in both the .ecs and .cs files into source control (although if you preferred, you could make it part of your build process by invoking LeMP.exe, and not include the .cs file in source control). The single-file generator has the advantage that your solution will build on machines that do not have LeMP.

The word `var` is repeated because you can also assign to existing vars (`(x, var y) = tuple;`) or specify a data type (`(int x, double y) = tuple;`).

What about the fact that you can't mix F# and C# in the same project?
GeneralRe: My vote of 5 Pin
jtmueller24-Mar-16 9:49
jtmueller24-Mar-16 9:49 

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