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I Have 9 browse buttons on dlg1 (9 files) which i have to pass to dlg2 click button event.

// MyTabControl.cpp

	m_DialogID[0] =IDD_DIALOG1;
	m_DialogID[1] =IDD_DIALOG2;

	m_Dialog[0] = new MyDlg1();
	m_Dialog[1] = new MyDlg2();

    m_nPageCount = 2;



void MyTabCtrl::InitDialogs()


// MyDlg.cpp

MyDlg1::MyDlg1(CWnd* pParent /*=NULL*/)
	: CDialog(MyDlg1::IDD, pParent)
	// NOTE: the ClassWizard will add member initialization here
	//  m_NumberOfEvents = 0;
	m_SetUp = 0;
	m_EdpCode = _T("");

void MyDlg1::DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX)
	DDX_CBString(pDX, IDC_EDP_CODE, m_EdpCode);
	DDV_MaxChars(pDX, m_EdpCode, 40);
	DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_LIST1, m_Events);
	DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_RADIO1, m_Radio1);

        DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_RUN, m_Combo1);
	DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_EDIT2, m_Edit2);
	DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_EDIT1, m_Edit1);

	DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_BROWSE7, m_Browse1);

	ON_BN_CLICKED(IDOK, &MyDlg1::OnBnClickedOk)
	ON_CBN_SELCHANGE(IDC_COMBO2, &MyDlg1::OnCbnSelchangeCombo2)
	ON_CBN_SELCHANGE(IDC_COMBO1, &MyDlg1::OnCbnSelchangeCombo1)
	ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_RADIO9, &MyDlg1::OnBnClickedRadio9)

	ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_BUTTON1, &MyDlg1::OnBnClickedButton1)
	ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_BUTTON10, &MyDlg1::OnBnClickedButton10)

// MyDlg1 message handlers

void MyDlg1::OnOK() 
	// TODO: Add extra validation here
	MessageBox("Tab 1");

void MyDlg1::OnBnClickedButton6() // browse for file 
	// TODO: Add your control notification handler code here

    char strFilter[] = { "BCR Files (*.bcr)|*.bcr|All Files (*.*)|*.*||" };

    CFileDialog FileDlg(TRUE, ".bcr", NULL, 0, strFilter);
	if(FileDlg.DoModal() == IDOK)
		 CString  m_PathName1 = FileDlg.GetPathName();
		 m_Edit4.SetWindowText( m_PathName1);

// MyDlg2.cpp

MyDlg2::MyDlg2(CWnd* pParent /*=NULL*/)
	: CDialog(MyDlg2::IDD, pParent)
		// NOTE: the ClassWizard will add member initialization here

void MyDlg2::DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX)
	// NOTE: the ClassWizard will add DDX and DDV calls here

	DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_LIST2, m_List2);
	DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_BUTTON3, m_SaveDlg1);
	//  DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_BUTTON1, m_Calculate1);

	ON_CBN_SELCHANGE(IDC_CHOPPING, &MyDlg2::OnCbnSelchangeChopping)

	ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_BUTTON3, &MyDlg2::OnBnClickedButton3)
	ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_BUTTON4, &MyDlg2::OnBnClickedButton4)
	ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_BUTTON5, &MyDlg2::OnBnClickedButton5)
	ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_BUTTON2, &MyDlg2::OnBnClickedButton2)
	ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_BUTTON1, &MyDlg2::OnBnClickedButton1)

// MyDlg2 message handlers

void MyDlg2::OnOK() 
	// TODO: Add extra validation here
	MessageBox("Tab 2");

void MyDlg2::OnBnClickedButton2()
	// TODO: Add your control notification handler code here
ShellExecute(NULL, ("open"), ("C:\\ABC.exe"),here I have to Pass path from dlg1 ,NULL,SW_SHOWNORMAL);

Updated 18-Mar-13 11:51am

What is the relation between the 2 dialogs ?

Do you create Dlg2 from Dlg1 ?

for example, one way of doing it (if Dlg2 is created from within Dlg1)

void CDlg2::SetFileName( const CString& filename )
  m_FileName = filename;

CString CDlg1::GetFileName( )
  return m_FileName;

void CDlg1::CreateDlg2 ()
   CDlg2 dlg2;
   dlg2.SetFileName( GetFileName() );

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peoria123 14-Mar-13 14:57pm    
Thanks for the reply ..dlg2 is not created from dlg1..those are tabs..tab1 and tab2 in tab1 I have used FileOpenDialog to access the filename. I want to give selected filename to ShellExecute() which is on second tab..(buttonclickedevent)
Provide a GetFilename() accessor in the 'from' dialog and call it from the 'to' dialog:

// Get Filename
CString CDlg1::GetFileName( )
    return m_FileName;

... or if you want to do it the other way, add a SetFilename() accessor in the 'to' dialog and call it from the 'from' dialog. In the accessor, do the ShellExecute() call. This also means that you will have to get the 2 dialogs to be able to identify themselves to each other (well actually in one direction only, the direction depending on which solution you choose)...
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When I understand your question correctly, your two dialogs do not know of each other, but are both pages of tab control. So, your question would actually be: How can I get a pointer to Dlg1 while being in a member function of Dlg2?

There are several ways to do that, some more elegant than others:

1. You can deposite a pointer to Dlg1 in a global pointer variable and access that from Dlg2. For example:
// In Dlg1.cpp:
Dlg1* ptrToDlg1 = 0;

Dlg1::Dlg1 (...)
   ptrToDlg1 = this;

//in Dlg2.cpp
#include "Dlg1.h"

extern Dlg1* ptrToDlg1;


Dlg2::OnOk ()
    CString fileName = ptrToDlg1->GetFileName();

Normally we try to avoid global pointers whenever possible. So here's a more elegant way:

b) At some place you create your two dialogs; probably in some code of your tab control. That is the write place to tell Dlg2 about where Dlg1 is:
Dlg1* ptrDlg1 = new Dlg1 (...);
Dlg2* ptrDlg2 = new Dlg2 (...);

// tell Dlg2 about Dlg1
ptrDlg2->SetPtrToDlg1 (ptrDlg1);

Now Dlg2 has a pointer to Dlg1 and can ask it at the right moment for the filename. ...

This is pretty much a long and detailed version of what Maximilien posted in Solution 1. I just thought, this might be the missing link and help you on your way.

[EDIT after OP amended his source code]
Here is a very detailed description of the changes you need to make.

In your Dlg2 class, add a function Dlg2::SetDlg1ptr (Dlg1* pDlg1) with code:
void Dlg2::SetDlg1Ptr (Dlg1* pDlg1)
    m_ptrToDlg1 = pDlg1;

and add in the header file of Dlg2:
// in Dlg2.h

class Dlg1; // advance declaration

class Dlg2
    void SetDlg1Ptr (Dlg1* pDlg1);

    Dlg1* m_ptrToDlg1;

You call this function in the constructor of MyTabCtrl:
m_Dialog[0] = new MyDlg1();
m_Dialog[1] = new MyDlg2();
m_Dialog[1]->SetDlg1Ptr (m_Dialog[0]);

From this moment on Dlg2 can call member functions of Dlg1 via this pointer.

Next, change your OnBnClickedButton6 function in Dlg1:
void MyDlg1::OnBnClickedButton6() // browse for file 
    if (FileDlg.DoModal() == IDOK)
	m_pathName = FileDlg.GetPathName();
            // DO NOT DECLARE m_pathName as a local string!
	m_Edit4.SetWindowText (m_pathName);

and add the member variable m_pathName in Dlg2.h.
class Dlg1
    PCTSTR GetPathName () const;
    CString m_pathName;

Then add an accessor function to m_pathName
PCTSTR Dlg1::GetPathName () const
    return m_pathName;

And finally, you can access the path name in OnBnClickedButton2:
ShellExecute (NULL, ....  , m_ptrDlg1->GetPathName(), ...);
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peoria123 15-Mar-13 11:35am    
void MyDlg1::OnBnClickedButton6()
// TODO: Add your control notification handler code here

char strFilter[] = { "BCR Files (*.bcr)|*.bcr|All Files (*.*)|*.*||" };

CFileDialog FileDlg(TRUE, ".bcr", NULL, 0, strFilter);

if(FileDlg.DoModal() == IDOK)
CString PathName1 = FileDlg.GetPathName();


CString MyDlg1::GetPathName()
return PathName1; //error undeclared variable

Thank you for the reply .how I can store PathName1 value to pass to dlg2 ?
nv3 15-Mar-13 11:55am    
Instead of PathName1 declare a member variable in your MyDlg1 with name m_pathName and assign to that. The value will be kept in their as long as the MyDlg1 object lives.
peoria123 15-Mar-13 15:46pm    
// Dialog1
void MyDlg1::OnBnClickedButton6()
// TODO: Add your control notification handler code here

char strFilter[] = { "BCR Files (*.bcr)|*.bcr|All Files (*.*)|*.*||" };

CFileDialog FileDlg(TRUE, ".bcr", NULL, 0, strFilter);

if(FileDlg.DoModal() == IDOK)
CString PathName1 = FileDlg.GetPathName();
m_Edit4.SetWindowText( PathName1 );

void MyDlg1::SetPathName(CString PathName1 )
m_PathName1=PathName1; // assign member variable to store pathname1

CString MyDlg1::GetPathName()
return m_PathName1;

// Dialog2
void MyDlg2::OnBnClickedButton2()
// TODO: Add your control notification handler code here
MyDlg1 Dlg1;
ShellExecute(NULL, ("open"), ("C:\\ABC.exe"),Dlg1.m_PathName1,NULL,SW_SHOWNORMAL);

dlg1.m_PathName1 value is not getting to shellexecute()
nv3 15-Mar-13 16:26pm    
1) In MyDlg1::OnBnClickedButton6 you should have called SetSpathName or simply set m_PathName1 directly. You can discard the PathName1 variable.

2) In MyDlg2::OnBnClickedButton you must not create a temporary Dlg1! That of course will not have the m_pathName1 variable set. Use a pointer to your original Dlg1 instead, as I have shown you in my solution.
peoria123 18-Mar-13 12:40pm    
Thanks for your solutions.. but no luck with assigning ponter to dlg1.I am getting error for 1st solution : ambiguous call to overloaded function Dlg1::Dlg1 (...)
ptrToDlg1 = this;
and for second solution
ptrDlg2->SetPtrToDlg1 (ptrDlg1); SetPtrToDlg1 is not member of Dlg1.

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