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Hi All,

Greetings for the day, I have a generic doubt about Integer.Tryparse(), Why this method is taking another parameter out as integer. What is the use of it while function is returning boolean value ? I have done so many experiments on it by assigning it to other values. I have googled it but i have not found specific reason. Please help me out to clarify my doubt.

Thanks in advance.....
Updated 19-Dec-11 1:27am

If possible, the TryParse method populates the specified out variable. Before using the out variable, you need to check the retur n value of TryParse which indicates whether or not the conversion was succsessful. The reason TryParse exists is so that you don't have to rely on exceptions to determine whether or not a given variable can be parsed into the specified intrinsic type.

BTW, your tags are completely screwed up. This is a .Net question, and has nothing to do with a specific language. Further, you do NOT need to specify all of the .net version tags - one will suffice.
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Amir Mahfoozi 19-Dec-11 7:55am    
+5 for "you don't have to rely on exceptions"
Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov 19-Dec-11 19:19pm    
All correct, a 5.
It takes the integer out parameter to fill it with the result of the successfull parsing (if the parsing succeeds). On the other hand, the return value of the method indicates, exactly, if the parsing succeeded. Typical usage is 'exception-free' code:

int i;
if  (  Integer.TryParse(s, i) == false )
  // the string s doesn't represent a valid integer: handle here 'the inconvenience'
  // here you may assume i is a valid integer
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Amir Mahfoozi 19-Dec-11 7:55am    
CPallini 19-Dec-11 8:13am    
Thank you.
Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov 19-Dec-11 19:20pm    
All correct, a 5.
CPallini 20-Dec-11 3:24am    
Thank you.
TryParse is a piece of syntactic sugar that saves the developer from having to use a try/catch block to Parse an item. That's a great statement, but what does it actually mean?

Well, consider the following code sample:
int myInteger = int.MinValue;
string myValue = "A123";
  myInteger = int.Parse(myValue);
catch (FormatException)
  Console.WriteLine("Unable to parse myValue");
if (myInteger != int.MinValue)
  // We can carry on here.
As you are aware, using a catch is an expensive operation, so .NET 2 introduced the ability to TryParse. What this does is parse the value, and if the parse is successful, it puts the value into the out value. The reason that it returns bool is so that you know whether or not the parse was successful - this saves having to use a dummy value to test against (e.g using int.MinValue in the above sample).

OK, so we can accomplish the same as using the try/catch, but why would we choose to do it with TryParse? Well, the clue to this lies in the IL that's generated. If we rewrite the above code like this:
int myInteger;
string myValue = "A123";
bool test = int.TryParse(myValue, out myInteger);
Let's see what the IL looks like:
.maxstack 2
.locals init (
    [0] int32 myInteger,
    [1] string myValue,
    [2] bool test)
L_0000: nop
L_0001: ldstr "A123"
L_0006: stloc.1
L_0007: ldloc.1
L_0008: ldloca.s myInteger
L_000a: call bool [mscorlib]System.Int32::TryParse(string, int32&)
L_000f: stloc.2
L_0010: ret
The key line is L_000a. If we drill through this, we ultimately get to this:
.method private hidebysig static bool ParseNumber(char*& str, valuetype System.Globalization.NumberStyles options, valuetype System.Number/NumberBuffer& number, class System.Text.StringBuilder sb, class System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo numfmt, bool parseDecimal) cil managed
    .custom instance void System.Security.SecurityCriticalAttribute::.ctor()
    .maxstack 4
    .locals init (
        [0] string str2,
        [1] string str3,
        [2] string str4,
        [3] string str5,
        [4] string str6,
        [5] string str7,
        [6] bool flag,
        [7] int32 num,
        [8] bool flag2,
        [9] bool flag3,
        [10] bool flag4,
        [11] int32 num2,
        [12] char* chPtr,
        [13] char ch,
        [14] char* chPtr2,
        [15] int32 num3,
        [16] int32 num4,
        [17] bool flag5,
        [18] char* chPtr3,
        [19] int32 num5)
    L_0000: ldarg.2 
    L_0001: ldc.i4.0 
    L_0002: stfld int32 System.Number/NumberBuffer::scale
    L_0007: ldarg.2 
    L_0008: ldc.i4.0 
    L_0009: stfld bool System.Number/NumberBuffer::sign
    L_000e: ldnull 
    L_000f: stloc.2 
    L_0010: ldnull 
    L_0011: stloc.3 
    L_0012: ldnull 
    L_0013: stloc.s str6
    L_0015: ldnull 
    L_0016: stloc.s str7
    L_0018: ldc.i4.0 
    L_0019: stloc.s flag
    L_001b: ldarg.1 
    L_001c: ldc.i4 0x100
    L_0021: and 
    L_0022: brfalse.s L_0064
    L_0024: ldarg.s numfmt
    L_0026: callvirt instance string System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo::get_CurrencySymbol()
    L_002b: stloc.2 
    L_002c: ldarg.s numfmt
    L_002e: ldfld string System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo::ansiCurrencySymbol
    L_0033: brfalse.s L_003d
    L_0035: ldarg.s numfmt
    L_0037: ldfld string System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo::ansiCurrencySymbol
    L_003c: stloc.3 
    L_003d: ldarg.s numfmt
    L_003f: callvirt instance string System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo::get_NumberDecimalSeparator()
    L_0044: stloc.s str6
    L_0046: ldarg.s numfmt
    L_0048: callvirt instance string System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo::get_NumberGroupSeparator()
    L_004d: stloc.s str7
    L_004f: ldarg.s numfmt
    L_0051: callvirt instance string System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo::get_CurrencyDecimalSeparator()
    L_0056: stloc.0 
    L_0057: ldarg.s numfmt
    L_0059: callvirt instance string System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo::get_CurrencyGroupSeparator()
    L_005e: stloc.1 
    L_005f: ldc.i4.1 
    L_0060: stloc.s flag
    L_0062: br.s L_0074
    L_0064: ldarg.s numfmt
    L_0066: callvirt instance string System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo::get_NumberDecimalSeparator()
    L_006b: stloc.0 
    L_006c: ldarg.s numfmt
    L_006e: callvirt instance string System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo::get_NumberGroupSeparator()
    L_0073: stloc.1 
    L_0074: ldc.i4.0 
    L_0075: stloc.s num
    L_0077: ldc.i4.0 
    L_0078: stloc.s flag2
    L_007a: ldarg.3 
    L_007b: ldnull 
    L_007c: ceq 
    L_007e: ldc.i4.0 
    L_007f: ceq 
    L_0081: stloc.s flag3
    L_0083: ldloc.s flag3
    L_0085: brfalse.s L_0096
    L_0087: ldarg.1 
    L_0088: ldc.i4 0x200
    L_008d: and 
    L_008e: ldc.i4.0 
    L_008f: ceq 
    L_0091: ldc.i4.0 
    L_0092: ceq 
    L_0094: br.s L_0097
    L_0096: ldc.i4.0 
    L_0097: stloc.s flag4
    L_0099: ldloc.s flag3
    L_009b: brtrue.s L_00a1
    L_009d: ldc.i4.s 50
    L_009f: br.s L_00a6
    L_00a1: ldc.i4 0x7fffffff
    L_00a6: stloc.s num2
    L_00a8: ldarg.0 
    L_00a9: ldind.i 
    L_00aa: stloc.s chPtr
    L_00ac: ldloc.s chPtr
    L_00ae: ldind.u2 
    L_00af: stloc.s ch
    L_00b1: ldloc.s ch
    L_00b3: call bool System.Number::IsWhite(char)
    L_00b8: brfalse.s L_00e5
    L_00ba: ldarg.1 
    L_00bb: ldc.i4.1 
    L_00bc: and 
    L_00bd: brfalse.s L_00e5
    L_00bf: ldloc.s num
    L_00c1: ldc.i4.1 
    L_00c2: and 
    L_00c3: brfalse L_01a6
    L_00c8: ldloc.s num
    L_00ca: ldc.i4.1 
    L_00cb: and 
    L_00cc: brfalse.s L_00e5
    L_00ce: ldloc.s num
    L_00d0: ldc.i4.s 0x20
    L_00d2: and 
    L_00d3: brtrue L_01a6
    L_00d8: ldarg.s numfmt
    L_00da: ldfld int32 System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo::numberNegativePattern
    L_00df: ldc.i4.2 
    L_00e0: beq L_01a6
    L_00e5: ldarg.1 
    L_00e6: ldc.i4.4 
    L_00e7: and 
    L_00e8: brfalse.s L_00f3
    L_00ea: ldloc.s num
    L_00ec: ldc.i4.1 
    L_00ed: and 
    L_00ee: ldc.i4.0 
    L_00ef: ceq 
    L_00f1: br.s L_00f4
    L_00f3: ldc.i4.0 
    L_00f4: dup 
    L_00f5: stloc.s flag2
    L_00f7: brfalse.s L_0120
    L_00f9: ldloc.s chPtr
    L_00fb: ldarg.s numfmt
    L_00fd: ldfld string System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo::positiveSign
    L_0102: call char* System.Number::MatchChars(char*, string)
    L_0107: dup 
    L_0108: stloc.s chPtr2
    L_010a: ldc.i4.0 
    L_010b: conv.u 
    L_010c: beq.s L_0120
    L_010e: ldloc.s num
    L_0110: ldc.i4.1 
    L_0111: or 
    L_0112: stloc.s num
    L_0114: ldloc.s chPtr2
    L_0116: ldc.i4.2 
    L_0117: conv.i 
    L_0118: sub 
    L_0119: stloc.s chPtr
    L_011b: br L_01a6
    L_0120: ldloc.s flag2
    L_0122: brfalse.s L_014f
    L_0124: ldloc.s chPtr
    L_0126: ldarg.s numfmt
    L_0128: ldfld string System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo::negativeSign
    L_012d: call char* System.Number::MatchChars(char*, string)
    L_0132: dup 
    L_0133: stloc.s chPtr2
    L_0135: ldc.i4.0 
    L_0136: conv.u 
    L_0137: beq.s L_014f
    L_0139: ldloc.s num
    L_013b: ldc.i4.1 
    L_013c: or 
    L_013d: stloc.s num
    L_013f: ldarg.2 
    L_0140: ldc.i4.1 
    L_0141: stfld bool System.Number/NumberBuffer::sign
    L_0146: ldloc.s chPtr2
    L_0148: ldc.i4.2 
    L_0149: conv.i 
    L_014a: sub 
    L_014b: stloc.s chPtr
    L_014d: br.s L_01a6
    L_014f: ldloc.s ch
    L_0151: ldc.i4.s 40
    L_0153: bne.un.s L_0170
    L_0155: ldarg.1 
    L_0156: ldc.i4.s 0x10
    L_0158: and 
    L_0159: brfalse.s L_0170
    L_015b: ldloc.s num
    L_015d: ldc.i4.1 
    L_015e: and 
    L_015f: brtrue.s L_0170
    L_0161: ldloc.s num
    L_0163: ldc.i4.3 
    L_0164: or 
    L_0165: stloc.s num
    L_0167: ldarg.2 
    L_0168: ldc.i4.1 
    L_0169: stfld bool System.Number/NumberBuffer::sign
    L_016e: br.s L_01a6
    L_0170: ldloc.2 
    L_0171: brfalse.s L_0182
    L_0173: ldloc.s chPtr
    L_0175: ldloc.2 
    L_0176: call char* System.Number::MatchChars(char*, string)
    L_017b: dup 
    L_017c: stloc.s chPtr2
    L_017e: ldc.i4.0 
    L_017f: conv.u 
    L_0180: bne.un.s L_0194
    L_0182: ldloc.3 
    L_0183: brfalse.s L_01b6
    L_0185: ldloc.s chPtr
    L_0187: ldloc.3 
    L_0188: call char* System.Number::MatchChars(char*, string)
    L_018d: dup 
    L_018e: stloc.s chPtr2
    L_0190: ldc.i4.0 
    L_0191: conv.u 
    L_0192: beq.s L_01b6
    L_0194: ldloc.s num
    L_0196: ldc.i4.s 0x20
    L_0198: or 
    L_0199: stloc.s num
    L_019b: ldnull 
    L_019c: stloc.2 
    L_019d: ldnull 
    L_019e: stloc.3 
    L_019f: ldloc.s chPtr2
    L_01a1: ldc.i4.2 
    L_01a2: conv.i 
    L_01a3: sub 
    L_01a4: stloc.s chPtr
    L_01a6: ldloc.s chPtr
    L_01a8: ldc.i4.2 
    L_01a9: conv.i 
    L_01aa: add 
    L_01ab: dup 
    L_01ac: stloc.s chPtr
    L_01ae: ldind.u2 
    L_01af: stloc.s ch
    L_01b1: br L_00b1
    L_01b6: ldc.i4.0 
    L_01b7: stloc.s num3
    L_01b9: ldc.i4.0 
    L_01ba: stloc.s num4
    L_01bc: ldloc.s ch
    L_01be: ldc.i4.s 0x30
    L_01c0: blt.s L_01c8
    L_01c2: ldloc.s ch
    L_01c4: ldc.i4.s 0x39
    L_01c6: ble.s L_01f2
    L_01c8: ldarg.1 
    L_01c9: ldc.i4 0x200
    L_01ce: and 
    L_01cf: brfalse L_027c
    L_01d4: ldloc.s ch
    L_01d6: ldc.i4.s 0x61
    L_01d8: blt.s L_01e0
    L_01da: ldloc.s ch
    L_01dc: ldc.i4.s 0x66
    L_01de: ble.s L_01f2
    L_01e0: ldloc.s ch
    L_01e2: ldc.i4.s 0x41
    L_01e4: blt L_027c
    L_01e9: ldloc.s ch
    L_01eb: ldc.i4.s 70
    L_01ed: bgt L_027c
    L_01f2: ldloc.s num
    L_01f4: ldc.i4.4 
    L_01f5: or 
    L_01f6: stloc.s num
    L_01f8: ldloc.s ch
    L_01fa: ldc.i4.s 0x30
    L_01fc: bne.un.s L_0208
    L_01fe: ldloc.s num
    L_0200: ldc.i4.8 
    L_0201: and 
    L_0202: brtrue.s L_0208
    L_0204: ldloc.s flag4
    L_0206: brfalse.s L_025f
    L_0208: ldloc.s num3
    L_020a: ldloc.s num2
    L_020c: bge.s L_023f
    L_020e: ldloc.s flag3
    L_0210: brfalse.s L_021d
    L_0212: ldarg.3 
    L_0213: ldloc.s ch
    L_0215: callvirt instance class System.Text.StringBuilder System.Text.StringBuilder::Append(char)
    L_021a: pop 
    L_021b: br.s L_0231
    L_021d: ldarg.2 
    L_021e: ldfld char* System.Number/NumberBuffer::digits
    L_0223: ldloc.s num3
    L_0225: dup 
    L_0226: ldc.i4.1 
    L_0227: add 
    L_0228: stloc.s num3
    L_022a: conv.i 
    L_022b: ldc.i4.2 
    L_022c: mul 
    L_022d: add 
    L_022e: ldloc.s ch
    L_0230: stind.i2 
    L_0231: ldloc.s ch
    L_0233: ldc.i4.s 0x30
    L_0235: bne.un.s L_023b
    L_0237: ldarg.s parseDecimal
    L_0239: brfalse.s L_023f
    L_023b: ldloc.s num3
    L_023d: stloc.s num4
    L_023f: ldloc.s num
    L_0241: ldc.i4.s 0x10
    L_0243: and 
    L_0244: brtrue.s L_0254
    L_0246: ldarg.2 
    L_0247: dup 
    L_0248: ldfld int32 System.Number/NumberBuffer::scale
    L_024d: ldc.i4.1 
    L_024e: add 
    L_024f: stfld int32 System.Number/NumberBuffer::scale
    L_0254: ldloc.s num
    L_0256: ldc.i4.8 
    L_0257: or 
    L_0258: stloc.s num
    L_025a: br L_0307
    L_025f: ldloc.s num
    L_0261: ldc.i4.s 0x10
    L_0263: and 
    L_0264: brfalse L_0307
    L_0269: ldarg.2 
    L_026a: dup 
    L_026b: ldfld int32 System.Number/NumberBuffer::scale
    L_0270: ldc.i4.1 
    L_0271: sub 
    L_0272: stfld int32 System.Number/NumberBuffer::scale
    L_0277: br L_0307
    L_027c: ldarg.1 
    L_027d: ldc.i4.s 0x20
    L_027f: and 
    L_0280: brfalse.s L_02c3
    L_0282: ldloc.s num
    L_0284: ldc.i4.s 0x10
    L_0286: and 
    L_0287: brtrue.s L_02c3
    L_0289: ldloc.s chPtr
    L_028b: ldloc.0 
    L_028c: call char* System.Number::MatchChars(char*, string)
    L_0291: dup 
    L_0292: stloc.s chPtr2
    L_0294: ldc.i4.0 
    L_0295: conv.u 
    L_0296: bne.un.s L_02b3
    L_0298: ldloc.s flag
    L_029a: brfalse.s L_02c3
    L_029c: ldloc.s num
    L_029e: ldc.i4.s 0x20
    L_02a0: and 
    L_02a1: brtrue.s L_02c3
    L_02a3: ldloc.s chPtr
    L_02a5: ldloc.s str6
    L_02a7: call char* System.Number::MatchChars(char*, string)
    L_02ac: dup 
    L_02ad: stloc.s chPtr2
    L_02af: ldc.i4.0 
    L_02b0: conv.u 
    L_02b1: beq.s L_02c3
    L_02b3: ldloc.s num
    L_02b5: ldc.i4.s 0x10
    L_02b7: or 
    L_02b8: stloc.s num
    L_02ba: ldloc.s chPtr2
    L_02bc: ldc.i4.2 
    L_02bd: conv.i 
    L_02be: sub 
    L_02bf: stloc.s chPtr
    L_02c1: br.s L_0307
    L_02c3: ldarg.1 
    L_02c4: ldc.i4.s 0x40
    L_02c6: and 
    L_02c7: brfalse.s L_0317
    L_02c9: ldloc.s num
    L_02cb: ldc.i4.4 
    L_02cc: and 
    L_02cd: brfalse.s L_0317
    L_02cf: ldloc.s num
    L_02d1: ldc.i4.s 0x10
    L_02d3: and 
    L_02d4: brtrue.s L_0317
    L_02d6: ldloc.s chPtr
    L_02d8: ldloc.1 
    L_02d9: call char* System.Number::MatchChars(char*, string)
    L_02de: dup 
    L_02df: stloc.s chPtr2
    L_02e1: ldc.i4.0 
    L_02e2: conv.u 
    L_02e3: bne.un.s L_0300
    L_02e5: ldloc.s flag
    L_02e7: brfalse.s L_0317
    L_02e9: ldloc.s num
    L_02eb: ldc.i4.s 0x20
    L_02ed: and 
    L_02ee: brtrue.s L_0317
    L_02f0: ldloc.s chPtr
    L_02f2: ldloc.s str7
    L_02f4: call char* System.Number::MatchChars(char*, string)
    L_02f9: dup 
    L_02fa: stloc.s chPtr2
    L_02fc: ldc.i4.0 
    L_02fd: conv.u 
    L_02fe: beq.s L_0317
    L_0300: ldloc.s chPtr2
    L_0302: ldc.i4.2 
    L_0303: conv.i 
    L_0304: sub 
    L_0305: stloc.s chPtr
    L_0307: ldloc.s chPtr
    L_0309: ldc.i4.2 
    L_030a: conv.i 
    L_030b: add 
    L_030c: dup 
    L_030d: stloc.s chPtr
    L_030f: ldind.u2 
    L_0310: stloc.s ch
    L_0312: br L_01bc
    L_0317: ldc.i4.0 
    L_0318: stloc.s flag5
    L_031a: ldarg.2 
    L_031b: ldloc.s num4
    L_031d: stfld int32 System.Number/NumberBuffer::precision
    L_0322: ldloc.s flag3
    L_0324: brfalse.s L_0330
    L_0326: ldarg.3 
    L_0327: ldc.i4.0 
    L_0328: callvirt instance class System.Text.StringBuilder System.Text.StringBuilder::Append(char)
    L_032d: pop 
    L_032e: br.s L_033e
    L_0330: ldarg.2 
    L_0331: ldfld char* System.Number/NumberBuffer::digits
    L_0336: ldloc.s num4
    L_0338: conv.i 
    L_0339: ldc.i4.2 
    L_033a: mul 
    L_033b: add 
    L_033c: ldc.i4.0 
    L_033d: stind.i2 
    L_033e: ldloc.s num
    L_0340: ldc.i4.4 
    L_0341: and 
    L_0342: brfalse L_0526
    L_0347: ldloc.s ch
    L_0349: ldc.i4.s 0x45
    L_034b: beq.s L_0356
    L_034d: ldloc.s ch
    L_034f: ldc.i4.s 0x65
    L_0351: bne.un L_042f
    L_0356: ldarg.1 
    L_0357: ldc.i4 0x80
    L_035c: and 
    L_035d: brfalse L_042f
    L_0362: ldloc.s chPtr
    L_0364: stloc.s chPtr3
    L_0366: ldloc.s chPtr
    L_0368: ldc.i4.2 
    L_0369: conv.i 
    L_036a: add 
    L_036b: dup 
    L_036c: stloc.s chPtr
    L_036e: ldind.u2 
    L_036f: stloc.s ch
    L_0371: ldloc.s chPtr
    L_0373: ldarg.s numfmt
    L_0375: ldfld string System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo::positiveSign
    L_037a: call char* System.Number::MatchChars(char*, string)
    L_037f: dup 
    L_0380: stloc.s chPtr2
    L_0382: ldc.i4.0 
    L_0383: conv.u 
    L_0384: beq.s L_0390
    L_0386: ldloc.s chPtr2
    L_0388: dup 
    L_0389: stloc.s chPtr
    L_038b: ldind.u2 
    L_038c: stloc.s ch
    L_038e: br.s L_03b0
    L_0390: ldloc.s chPtr
    L_0392: ldarg.s numfmt
    L_0394: ldfld string System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo::negativeSign
    L_0399: call char* System.Number::MatchChars(char*, string)
    L_039e: dup 
    L_039f: stloc.s chPtr2
    L_03a1: ldc.i4.0 
    L_03a2: conv.u 
    L_03a3: beq.s L_03b0
    L_03a5: ldloc.s chPtr2
    L_03a7: dup 
    L_03a8: stloc.s chPtr
    L_03aa: ldind.u2 
    L_03ab: stloc.s ch
    L_03ad: ldc.i4.1 
    L_03ae: stloc.s flag5
    L_03b0: ldloc.s ch
    L_03b2: ldc.i4.s 0x30
    L_03b4: blt.s L_0426
    L_03b6: ldloc.s ch
    L_03b8: ldc.i4.s 0x39
    L_03ba: bgt.s L_0426
    L_03bc: ldc.i4.0 
    L_03bd: stloc.s num5
    L_03bf: ldloc.s num5
    L_03c1: ldc.i4.s 10
    L_03c3: mul 
    L_03c4: ldloc.s ch
    L_03c6: ldc.i4.s 0x30
    L_03c8: sub 
    L_03c9: add 
    L_03ca: stloc.s num5
    L_03cc: ldloc.s chPtr
    L_03ce: ldc.i4.2 
    L_03cf: conv.i 
    L_03d0: add 
    L_03d1: dup 
    L_03d2: stloc.s chPtr
    L_03d4: ldind.u2 
    L_03d5: stloc.s ch
    L_03d7: ldloc.s num5
    L_03d9: ldc.i4 0x3e8
    L_03de: ble.s L_0400
    L_03e0: ldc.i4 0x270f
    L_03e5: stloc.s num5
    L_03e7: br.s L_03f4
    L_03e9: ldloc.s chPtr
    L_03eb: ldc.i4.2 
    L_03ec: conv.i 
    L_03ed: add 
    L_03ee: dup 
    L_03ef: stloc.s chPtr
    L_03f1: ldind.u2 
    L_03f2: stloc.s ch
    L_03f4: ldloc.s ch
    L_03f6: ldc.i4.s 0x30
    L_03f8: blt.s L_0400
    L_03fa: ldloc.s ch
    L_03fc: ldc.i4.s 0x39
    L_03fe: ble.s L_03e9
    L_0400: ldloc.s ch
    L_0402: ldc.i4.s 0x30
    L_0404: blt.s L_040c
    L_0406: ldloc.s ch
    L_0408: ldc.i4.s 0x39
    L_040a: ble.s L_03bf
    L_040c: ldloc.s flag5
    L_040e: brfalse.s L_0415
    L_0410: ldloc.s num5
    L_0412: neg 
    L_0413: stloc.s num5
    L_0415: ldarg.2 
    L_0416: dup 
    L_0417: ldfld int32 System.Number/NumberBuffer::scale
    L_041c: ldloc.s num5
    L_041e: add 
    L_041f: stfld int32 System.Number/NumberBuffer::scale
    L_0424: br.s L_042f
    L_0426: ldloc.s chPtr3
    L_0428: stloc.s chPtr
    L_042a: ldloc.s chPtr
    L_042c: ldind.u2 
    L_042d: stloc.s ch
    L_042f: ldloc.s ch
    L_0431: call bool System.Number::IsWhite(char)
    L_0436: brfalse.s L_0440
    L_0438: ldarg.1 
    L_0439: ldc.i4.2 
    L_043a: and 
    L_043b: brtrue L_04eb
    L_0440: ldarg.1 
    L_0441: ldc.i4.8 
    L_0442: and 
    L_0443: brfalse.s L_044e
    L_0445: ldloc.s num
    L_0447: ldc.i4.1 
    L_0448: and 
    L_0449: ldc.i4.0 
    L_044a: ceq 
    L_044c: br.s L_044f
    L_044e: ldc.i4.0 
    L_044f: dup 
    L_0450: stloc.s flag2
    L_0452: brfalse.s L_0478
    L_0454: ldloc.s chPtr
    L_0456: ldarg.s numfmt
    L_0458: ldfld string System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo::positiveSign
    L_045d: call char* System.Number::MatchChars(char*, string)
    L_0462: dup 
    L_0463: stloc.s chPtr2
    L_0465: ldc.i4.0 
    L_0466: conv.u 
    L_0467: beq.s L_0478
    L_0469: ldloc.s num
    L_046b: ldc.i4.1 
    L_046c: or 
    L_046d: stloc.s num
    L_046f: ldloc.s chPtr2
    L_0471: ldc.i4.2 
    L_0472: conv.i 
    L_0473: sub 
    L_0474: stloc.s chPtr
    L_0476: br.s L_04eb
    L_0478: ldloc.s flag2
    L_047a: brfalse.s L_04a7
    L_047c: ldloc.s chPtr
    L_047e: ldarg.s numfmt
    L_0480: ldfld string System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo::negativeSign
    L_0485: call char* System.Number::MatchChars(char*, string)
    L_048a: dup 
    L_048b: stloc.s chPtr2
    L_048d: ldc.i4.0 
    L_048e: conv.u 
    L_048f: beq.s L_04a7
    L_0491: ldloc.s num
    L_0493: ldc.i4.1 
    L_0494: or 
    L_0495: stloc.s num
    L_0497: ldarg.2 
    L_0498: ldc.i4.1 
    L_0499: stfld bool System.Number/NumberBuffer::sign
    L_049e: ldloc.s chPtr2
    L_04a0: ldc.i4.2 
    L_04a1: conv.i 
    L_04a2: sub 
    L_04a3: stloc.s chPtr
    L_04a5: br.s L_04eb
    L_04a7: ldloc.s ch
    L_04a9: ldc.i4.s 0x29
    L_04ab: bne.un.s L_04bc
    L_04ad: ldloc.s num
    L_04af: ldc.i4.2 
    L_04b0: and 
    L_04b1: brfalse.s L_04bc
    L_04b3: ldloc.s num
    L_04b5: ldc.i4.s -3
    L_04b7: and 
    L_04b8: stloc.s num
    L_04ba: br.s L_04eb
    L_04bc: ldloc.2 
    L_04bd: brfalse.s L_04ce
    L_04bf: ldloc.s chPtr
    L_04c1: ldloc.2 
    L_04c2: call char* System.Number::MatchChars(char*, string)
    L_04c7: dup 
    L_04c8: stloc.s chPtr2
    L_04ca: ldc.i4.0 
    L_04cb: conv.u 
    L_04cc: bne.un.s L_04e0
    L_04ce: ldloc.3 
    L_04cf: brfalse.s L_04fb
    L_04d1: ldloc.s chPtr
    L_04d3: ldloc.3 
    L_04d4: call char* System.Number::MatchChars(char*, string)
    L_04d9: dup 
    L_04da: stloc.s chPtr2
    L_04dc: ldc.i4.0 
    L_04dd: conv.u 
    L_04de: beq.s L_04fb
    L_04e0: ldnull 
    L_04e1: stloc.2 
    L_04e2: ldnull 
    L_04e3: stloc.3 
    L_04e4: ldloc.s chPtr2
    L_04e6: ldc.i4.2 
    L_04e7: conv.i 
    L_04e8: sub 
    L_04e9: stloc.s chPtr
    L_04eb: ldloc.s chPtr
    L_04ed: ldc.i4.2 
    L_04ee: conv.i 
    L_04ef: add 
    L_04f0: dup 
    L_04f1: stloc.s chPtr
    L_04f3: ldind.u2 
    L_04f4: stloc.s ch
    L_04f6: br L_042f
    L_04fb: ldloc.s num
    L_04fd: ldc.i4.2 
    L_04fe: and 
    L_04ff: brtrue.s L_0526
    L_0501: ldloc.s num
    L_0503: ldc.i4.8 
    L_0504: and 
    L_0505: brtrue.s L_0520
    L_0507: ldarg.s parseDecimal
    L_0509: brtrue.s L_0512
    L_050b: ldarg.2 
    L_050c: ldc.i4.0 
    L_050d: stfld int32 System.Number/NumberBuffer::scale
    L_0512: ldloc.s num
    L_0514: ldc.i4.s 0x10
    L_0516: and 
    L_0517: brtrue.s L_0520
    L_0519: ldarg.2 
    L_051a: ldc.i4.0 
    L_051b: stfld bool System.Number/NumberBuffer::sign
    L_0520: ldarg.0 
    L_0521: ldloc.s chPtr
    L_0523: stind.i 
    L_0524: ldc.i4.1 
    L_0525: ret 
    L_0526: ldarg.0 
    L_0527: ldloc.s chPtr
    L_0529: stind.i 
    L_052a: ldc.i4.0 
    L_052b: ret 
This code is the piece that actually parses the number. The key thing here, though, is that the chain of code that gets to this does not use exception handling anywhere. This means that we aren't using an expensive way to handle invalid cases.
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CPallini 19-Dec-11 8:16am    
Pete, did it need to be so high?
My 5.
Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov 19-Dec-11 19:26pm    
Why not? I find this answer to be most interesting, commented below.
CPallini 20-Dec-11 3:27am    
It was (mainly) a sligthly twisted Pink Floyd quote. Anyway, Pete made it apparent but we were very confident it wasn't an exeception wrapper.
Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov 19-Dec-11 19:25pm    
My 5. It was very interesting to learn that this is not just a wrapper around Parse with exception caught.
However, I wonder, do SomeNumericType.Parse and SomeNumericType.TryParse share call the same method like ParseNumber (which seems to be most reasonable) or not?
Thank you for this answer.

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