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Guys ,

I found an very resourceful implementation of online quiz .
Online Quiz[^]

But the problem is i wish to reuse this code and written in C# with code behind form.

I have been trying to convert but end up with ton of error. will be graceful if any one can figure it out.
I be deeply appreciate .

the code behind ,quiz.aspx.cs
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.UI;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
using System.Xml;
using System.Xml.XPath;

public partial class _Default : System.Web.UI.Page
    //Relative file path to XML data

    string strXmlFilePath = Server.MapPath("quiz.xml");
    XPathDocument xDoc = new XPathDocument(strXmlFilePath);
    XPathNavigator xNav = xDoc.CreateNavigator;

    XPathNodeIterator xNodeIterator;
    //Initialize variables
    int intTotalQuestion;
    int intQuestionNo = 1;
    int intScore = 0;

    ArrayList arrAnswerHistory = new ArrayList();

    public void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        //Start a new quiz?

        if (!Page.IsPostBack)
            //Yes! Count total question
            intTotalQuestion = xNav.Select("/quiz/mchoice").Count;

            //Record start time
            ViewState["StartTime"] = DateTime.Now;


    public void btnSubmit_Click(object src, EventArgs e)
        //Retrieve essential variables from state bag
        intTotalQuestion = ViewState["TotalQuestion"];
        intQuestionNo = ViewState["QuestionNo"];
        intScore = ViewState["Score"];
        arrAnswerHistory = ViewState["AnswerHistory"];

        //Correct answer?
        if (rblAnswer.SelectedItem.Value == ViewState["CorrectAnswer"])
            intScore += 1;

        //End of quiz?

        if (intQuestionNo == intTotalQuestion)
            //Yes! Show the result...
            QuizScreen.Visible = false;
            ResultScreen.Visible = true;

            //Render result screen

            //Not yet! Show another question...
            QuizScreen.Visible = true;
            ResultScreen.Visible = false;
            intQuestionNo += 1;

            //Render next question

    public void ShowQuestion(int intQuestionNo)
        string strXPath = null;
        int intLoop = 0;
        TimeSpan objTimeSpent = default(TimeSpan);

        strXPath = "/quiz/mchoice[" + intQuestionNo.ToString() + "]";

        //Extract question
        xNodeIterator = xNav.Select(strXPath + "/question");
        lblQuestion.Text = intQuestionNo.ToString() + ". " + xNodeIterator.Current.Value;

        //Extract answers
        xNodeIterator = xNav.Select(strXPath + "/answer");

        //Clear previous listitems

        intLoop = 0;
        while (xNodeIterator.MoveNext())

            intLoop += 1;

            //Add item to radiobuttonlist
            rblAnswer.Items.Add(new ListItem(xNodeIterator.Current.Value, intLoop));

            //Extract correct answer
            if (xNodeIterator.Current.GetAttribute("correct", "") == "yes")
                ViewState["CorrectAnswer"] = intLoop;


        //Output Total Question
        lblTotalQuestion.Text = intTotalQuestion;

        //Output Time Spent
        objTimeSpent = DateTime.Now.Subtract(ViewState["StartTime"]);
        lblTimeSpent.Text = objTimeSpent.Minutes.ToString() + ":" + objTimeSpent.Seconds.ToString();

        //Store essential data to state bag
        ViewState["TotalQuestion"] = intTotalQuestion;
        ViewState["Score"] = intScore;
        ViewState["QuestionNo"] = intQuestionNo;
        ViewState["AnswerHistory"] = arrAnswerHistory;


    public void ShowResult()
        string strResult = null;
        int intCompetency = 0;
        int intLoop = 0;
        string strXPath = null;
        TimeSpan objTimeSpent = default(TimeSpan);

        objTimeSpent = DateTime.Now.Subtract(ViewState["StartTime"]);

        strResult = "<center>";
        strResult += "<h3>Quiz Result</h3>";
        strResult += "<p>Points: " + intScore.ToString() + " of " + intTotalQuestion.ToString();
        strResult += "<p>Your Competency: " + Conversion.Int(intScore / intTotalQuestion * 100).ToString() + "%";
        strResult += "<p>Time Spent: " + objTimeSpent.Minutes.ToString() + ":" + objTimeSpent.Seconds.ToString();
        strResult += "</center>";

        strResult += "<h3>Quiz Breakdown:</h3>";
        for (intLoop = 1; intLoop <= intTotalQuestion; intLoop++)
            strXPath = "/quiz/mchoice[" + intLoop.ToString() + "]";
            xNodeIterator = xNav.Select(strXPath + "/question");
            strResult += "<b>" + intLoop.ToString() + ". " + xNodeIterator.Current.Value + "</b><br>";
            if (arrAnswerHistory[intLoop - 1] == 0)
                strResult += "<font color=\"green\"><b>Correct</b></font><br><br>";
                xNodeIterator = xNav.Select(strXPath + "/answer[" + arrAnswerHistory[intLoop - 1].ToString() + "]");
                strResult += "<b>You answered:</b> " + xNodeIterator.Current.Value + "<br>";
                strResult += "<font color=\"red\"><b>Incorrect</b></font><br><br>";

        lblResult.Text = strResult;


the quiz.aspx.
<html xmlns="">
<head runat="server">
<title>Australian Geography Quiz</title>
body {
  font-size: 10pt;
  font-family: verdana,helvetica,arial,sans-serif;
tr.heading {
.button {
    border: 1px solid #000000;
    background-color: #ffffff;
<span id="QuizScreen" runat="server">
<form id="Form2" runat="server">
<table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
  <tr class="heading">
    <td width="50%"><font color="white"><b>Australian Geography Quiz</b></font></td>
    <td width="50%" align="right"><font color="white"><b></b></font></td>
    <td colspan="2">
      <b><asp:label id="lblQuestion" runat="server" /></b><br>
         runat="server" /><br>
      <asp:requiredfieldvalidator ID="Requiredfieldvalidator1"
         ErrorMessage="Please pick an answer!"
         runat="server" /><br>
      <asp:button id="btnSubmit" class="button" text="  Next  " onClick="btnSubmit_Click" runat="server" />
  <tr class="heading">
    <td width="50%"><font color="white"><b>Total <asp:label id="lblTotalQuestion" runat="server" /> questions</b></font></td>
    <td width="50%" align="right"><font color="white"><b>Time spent <asp:label id="lblTimeSpent" runat="server" /></b></font></td>
<span id="ResultScreen" runat="server">
<asp:label id="lblResult" runat="server" />

the quiz.xml originated from Online Quiz[^]

<<pre lang="xml">?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!-- 10 question quiz about Australian Geography -->
<quiz xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="quiz.xsd">
        <question>What is the capital city of Australia?</question>
        <answer correct="yes">Canberra</answer>
        <answer>Gold Coast</answer>
        <question>Launceston is the second largest city in which Australian state?</question>
        <answer>New South Wales</answer>
        <answer correct="yes">Tasmania</answer>
        <answer>Western Australia</answer>
        <question>Which state has the famous 'Twelve Apostles' ?</question>
        <answer correct="yes">Victoria</answer>
        <answer>South Australia</answer>
        <answer>New South Wales</answer>
        <answer>Western Australia</answer>
        <question>Which is a popular ski resort in NSW?</question>
        <answer correct="yes">Perisher Blue</answer>
        <answer>Mt. Buller</answer>
        <answer>Mt. Baw-Baw</answer>
        <answer>Lake Mountain</answer>
        <question><![CDATA[Which of the following is <u>NOT</u> Australian native animals?]]></question>
        <answer correct="yes">Penguin</answer>
        <question>Which city has an extensive tram network?</question>
        <answer correct="yes">Melbourne</answer>
        <question>What is known as 'The Silver City' in Australia?</question>
        <answer>Alice Springs</answer>
        <answer correct="yes">Broken Hill</answer>
        <question>In which location the war movie 'Thin Red Line' was taken?</question>
        <answer>Apollo Bay</answer>
        <answer>Margaret River</answer>
        <answer>Monkey Mia</answer>
        <answer correct="yes">Townsville</answer>
        <question><![CDATA[Which is <u>NOT</u> true about Uluru ?]]></question>
        <answer>It is the world biggest monolith located in the centre of Australian continent</answer>
        <answer>It was named 'Ayers Rock' by European explorer William Gosse in 1873</answer>
        <answer correct="yes">Aboriginal people encourage tourists to climb Uluru</answer>
        <answer>The area contains carvings and paintings by Aboriginal people</answer>
        <question>What is so special about Longreach?</question>
        <answer>The place where a blacksmith named Thomas Hiscock found the first gold that triggerred gold rush</answer>
        <answer>The town has an expansive, well-preserved penal colony of Australia's early history</answer>
        <answer correct="yes">The first commercial flight by Qantas took from this town in 1921</answer>
        <answer>None of these answers are correct</answer>
Updated 30-Sep-18 9:31am

you may edit your lines:

string x = ViewState["CorrectAnswer"].ToString();
//Correct answer?
if (rblAnswer.SelectedItem.Value.Equals( x))
intScore += 1;
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public partial class OnlineTest : System.Web.UI.Page
string strXmlFilePath = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("quiz11.xml");
System.Xml.XPath.XPathDocument xDoc;
XPathNavigator xNav;

XPathNodeIterator xNodeIterator;
//Initialize variables
int intTotalQuestion;
int intQuestionNo = 1;
int intScore = 0;

ArrayList arrAnswerHistory = new ArrayList();

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)

xDoc = new System.Xml.XPath.XPathDocument(strXmlFilePath);
xNav = xDoc.CreateNavigator();
//Start a new quiz?

if (!Page.IsPostBack)
//Yes! Count total question
intTotalQuestion = xNav.Select("/quiz/mchoice").Count;

//Record start time
ViewState["StartTime"] = DateTime.Now;


protected void btnSubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

//Retrieve essential variables from state bag
intTotalQuestion =Convert.ToInt32(ViewState["TotalQuestion"]);
intQuestionNo = Convert.ToInt32(ViewState["QuestionNo"]);
intScore = Convert.ToInt32(ViewState["Score"]);
arrAnswerHistory =(ArrayList) ViewState["AnswerHistory"];
string x = ViewState["CorrectAnswer"].ToString();
//Correct answer?
if (rblAnswer.SelectedItem.Value.Equals( x))
intScore += 1;

//End of quiz?

if (intQuestionNo == intTotalQuestion)
//Yes! Show the result...
QuizScreen.Visible = false;
ResultScreen.Visible = true;

//Render result screen

//Not yet! Show another question...
QuizScreen.Visible = true;
ResultScreen.Visible = false;
intQuestionNo += 1;

//Render next question
public void ShowQuestion(int intQuestionNo)

string strXPath = null;
int intLoop = 0;
TimeSpan objTimeSpent = default(TimeSpan);

strXPath = "/quiz/mchoice[" + intQuestionNo.ToString() + "]";

//Extract question
xNodeIterator = xNav.Select(strXPath + "/question");
lblQuestion.Text = intQuestionNo.ToString() + ". " + xNodeIterator.Current.Value;

//Extract answers
xNodeIterator = xNav.Select(strXPath + "/answer");

//Clear previous listitems

intLoop = 0;
while (xNodeIterator.MoveNext())

intLoop += 1;

//Add item to radiobuttonlist
rblAnswer.Items.Add(new ListItem(xNodeIterator.Current.Value, intLoop.ToString()));

//Extract correct answer
string ans = xNodeIterator.Current.GetAttribute("correct", "");
if (xNodeIterator.Current.GetAttribute("correct", "") == "yes")
ViewState["CorrectAnswer"] = intLoop;


//Output Total Question
lblTotalQuestion.Text = intTotalQuestion.ToString();

//Output Time Spent
objTimeSpent = DateTime.Now.Subtract((DateTime)ViewState["StartTime"]);
lblTimeSpent.Text = objTimeSpent.Minutes.ToString() + ":" + objTimeSpent.Seconds.ToString();

//Store essential data to state bag
ViewState["TotalQuestion"] = intTotalQuestion;
ViewState["Score"] = intScore;
ViewState["QuestionNo"] = intQuestionNo;
ViewState["AnswerHistory"] = arrAnswerHistory;


public void ShowResult()
string strResult = null;
int intCompetency = 0;
int intLoop = 0;
string strXPath = null;
TimeSpan objTimeSpent = default(TimeSpan);

objTimeSpent = DateTime.Now.Subtract((DateTime)ViewState["StartTime"]);

strResult = "";
strResult += "Quiz Result";
strResult += "Points: " + intScore.ToString() + " of " + intTotalQuestion.ToString();
strResult += "Your Competency: " + Convert.ToInt32(intScore / intTotalQuestion * 100).ToString() + "%";
strResult += "Time Spent: " + objTimeSpent.Minutes.ToString() + ":" + objTimeSpent.Seconds.ToString();
strResult += "";

strResult += "Quiz Breakdown:";
for (intLoop = 1; intLoop " + intLoop.ToString() + ". " + xNodeIterator.Current.Value + "";
int ae=Convert.ToInt32(arrAnswerHistory[intLoop - 1]);
if (ae == 0)
strResult += "Correct";
xNodeIterator = xNav.Select(strXPath + "/answer[" + arrAnswerHistory[intLoop - 1].ToString() + "]");
strResult += "You answered: " + xNodeIterator.Current.Value + "";
strResult += "Incorrect";

lblResult.Text = strResult;

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