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Comments by ssh89 (Top 4 by date)

ssh89 9-Nov-10 12:34pm View    
Thanks Mr Dave Kreskowiak
I must confess, this is not logical to delete Sql Express directory when we haven't created it [ so we aren't aware of its content ]; But this was the best solution I found in search for the solution of a problem in a lot of web pages. The problem is that some times that we install our app in a system ,with sql express installed, its execution is broke down by an exception that is message is like "the program couldn't create an instance of sql server". I must add our app. Installs Sql Express by its default instance( SQLEXPRESS ) in lack of Sql Express in client system. The best solution for mentioned problem, I found in Internet was delete Sql Express directory and then restarting the system. Can anyone please, show me a better way to overcome this problem?!. Also according to app. Usage of an accompanying for data storage, does I 'm going to being struck by any danger when I follow above solution ( deleting Sql Express directory ); if I 'm, please aware me of this danger(s). But about using another solution than a batch file; I think every other programming language need to communicate OS to change its file system, Just what also a batch file can do. But also about learning InstallSheild Express; does it let me to distribute .NET Framework 3.5, Sql Express 2005 and Crystal Reports 2008 5 to my clients' OS? If it does, please say me which version?
I must add that our reason for selecting VS 2008 setup and deployment projects type was time shortage for learning other maybe better technologies.

Thanks again, excuse my verbose post
ssh89 9-Nov-10 12:08pm View    
Thanks Mr Dave Kreskowiak
I must confess, this is not logical to delete Sql Express directory when we haven't created it [ so we aren't aware of its content ]; But this was the best solution I found in search for the solution of a problem in a lot of web pages. The problem is that some times that we install our app in a system ,with sql express installed, its execution is broke down by an exception that is message is like "the program couldn't create an instance of sql server". I must add our app. Installs Sql Express by its default instance( SQLEXPRESS ) in lack of Sql Express in client system. The best solution for mentioned problem, I found in Internet was delete Sql Express directory and then restarting the system. Can anyone please, show me a better way to overcome this problem?!. Also according to app. Usage of an accompanying for data storage, does I 'm going to being struck by any danger when I follow above solution ( deleting Sql Express directory ); if I 'm, please aware me of this danger(s). But about using another solution than a batch file; I think every other programming language need to communicate OS to change its file system, Just what also a batch file can do. But also about learning InstallSheild Express; does it let me to distribute .NET Framework 3.5, Sql Express 2005 and Crystal Reports 2008 5 to my clients' OS? If it does, please say me which version?
I must add that our reason for selecting VS 2008 setup and deployment projects type was time shortage for learning other maybe better technologies.

Thanks again, excuse my verbose post
ssh89 7-Nov-10 14:14pm View    
thanks aidin
we can check conditions sanctification even by our batch file but we can't force the system to go to our desired conditions while necessity. for example if we uninstall our App. and then , without restarting the system , try to delete Sql Express directory "C:\Doument and Settings\UserName\Local Settings\Application\Sql Server\Sql Express" [ becase is needed for our App. to work properly ], the operation fails by a message such as 'windows couldn't delete the folder because one of its files is being used by other program'. also we could'nt execute command 'shutdown -r' from our batch file because we have not sufficient permissions to do that as our XP OS says. maybe finally we learn how to grant this permission on Our OS but what about our low knowledge customers which expect all this tasks to be done automatically? we must add that while installing the program we can do any silent operation with our customers' systems, of course by our own responsibility.
ssh89 6-Nov-10 10:27am View    
thanks a lot to my dear friends Keith Barrow and Dylan Morley:
Dear friends at first accept my excuse because of my latency in interaction. that was because of every time I saw my account in CodeProject number of my question 's answers were marked by zero!. to be short I accidentally found your responses.
Dear friends reason of our app. not-execution was an unhandled Sql Express 2005 exception that its message was similar to "unable to create an instance of Sql Server". and its solution as is mentioned in a lot of sites, was to delete the Sql Express directory and then restarting the computer.
thanks, again for your answers