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Comments by eran11 (Top 6 by date)

eran11 5-Jan-14 5:16am View    
Rechousa, Thank you- it is working and I am learning a lot trough that(I have tried to accomplish that for hours with no luck) *didn't you forget in the sendEmail()- to add e.preventDefault();
Can you please describe the benefits between handler and web services?
when it is better to use one over the other?
eran11 4-Jan-14 18:09pm View    
if i put a break point in the code behind it doesn't hit, in google chrome console i get the message "http://localhost/DIL/WS/EmailService.asmx/SendEmail 500 (Internal Server Error)" - error 500.. advise me what to do so it will help you to understand the problem.
eran11 4-Jan-14 7:36am View    
Rechousa, Thanks- but it didn't work for me. I updated my question above with the code from your answer, maybe you can take a look? remember that this is the first time i am using webservices..
eran11 4-Apr-12 11:19am View    
Thanks ill try and update
eran11 4-Apr-12 11:05am View    
<pre lang="vb">
For Each cont As String In Me.TranslatedItems.Keys -->(page keys)
Dim ctl As Control = Parser.FindControl(cont)
Case "Button"
DirectCast(ctl, Button).Text = GetControlValue(ctl.ID)

and i want to add case "Title"
is it possible?