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Comments by S@53K^S (Top 88 by date)

S@53K^S 11-Jun-14 10:10am View    
I think there is a slight difference between ctr.Attributes("data-action") and ctr.Attributes("data-"a"ction") an "a" is missing
S@53K^S 8-Apr-13 16:24pm View    
How are you planning to dump all the binary data into a richtextbox if it is mixed like images and text ? and the trick is to run progress bar in separate thread and do all the file reading and assigning to rich text box on the main thread
S@53K^S 8-Apr-13 16:13pm View    
Did you try creating a global string variable and send the content of the file to that variable?
S@53K^S 8-Jan-13 13:31pm View    
Do you want to compare 2 passwords like password and confirm password or do you want to authenticate a user
S@53K^S 3-Dec-12 11:35am View    
is there any problem in creating it ? if so please post that here. What do you want to know abt creating a webservice from remote machine